Club 600


Well-Known Member
I time my lights on for flower at my daughters nap and veg comes on at her bedtime.
Your lucky my daughter doesn't nap anymore lol she'll be 5 day after Xmas but she's a lot of energy very very smart wants to learn like crazy have to keep her occupied plus Mrs is expecting again so add a new one to the mix next year. The plants usually get their time from me once she goes to bed at 9 and before I leave for work in the am. Other than that its hard lots to do but if I could wake up and growing was my job that would be life lol it could be but I want it legally


Well-Known Member
Your lucky my daughter doesn't nap anymore lol she'll be 5 day after Xmas but she's a lot of energy very very smart wants to learn like crazy have to keep her occupied plus Mrs is expecting again so add a new one to the mix next year. The plants usually get their time from me once she goes to bed at 9 and before I leave for work in the am. Other than that its hard lots to do but if I could wake up and growing was my job that would be life lol it could be but I want it legally
Nice bro!
My girl is 5 next month and boy will be 11 last day of this month. That big gap is cool at times and not at times


Active Member
yea gnats and aphids are very very different things. I have been on this site for years, and am not a newbie by any means. the web is full of miss information, Im just speaking from my experiences fighting root aphids. I did h202 dunks, pytherin dunks, imidchloryid dunks, reset with new clones off the moms, reset with all new plants in the same space, and nothing destroyed them till I have no plants in the house for 3 weeks and bug bombed every 7 days. Even after 2 bug bombs I still saw fliers alive. I certainly don't want someone to unnecessarily chop plants, but I also have been growing long enough to know sometimes nature doesn't care whether or not you want to chop them.

One of the hardest things about Root aphids is they have so many different stages. first ones lay eggs, hatch as larva. The larva then sub adult, then wingless adults. They carry on for a while just raising their numbers and eating away. They make this white sludge to in the soil when they are REALLY enjoying life. They don't start hatching winged root aphids till they are ready to colonize new areas. By that time, they have established themselves quite nicely. I mean, by all means, do the h202 and get some bayer imidchlroyid. I sincerely hope you have better luck then I ever did.
Good sir I wasn't questioning your knowledge base and honstley replied with out looking at the name I thought I was talking to the original poster with said issue after reading your comment and reading my reply it struck me as of I was coming of snooty or offensive which was definitely in no way the case just thought I would clear that up stay Green


Well-Known Member
Yeah the whole thing just makes me sad /:

i've known the dude for like over 10 years, i was helping him with a shitload of stuff, and then he does this to me.

Karma will have its way. He'll end up in jail i'm sure some day, maybe i'll even play a hand in that one. I'm the last person in the world to be a narc of any sort, but somebody assaulting me in my own house and two days later breaking in and robbing me is bullshit.

Unless karma has its way i'll find some way to get revenge. I chose to not fight back even while he was assaulting me; i regret that. I should have stood my ground.

He stole my fucking boob mushrooms
Total Shit.

Those "boobs" were what are also called mutants or just blobs are known
to be extra potent by weight. I hope that he eats them himself. He is asking
for a big bad trip. Karma's a Bitch.

Just be good to yourself, and cut that tumor out.



Well-Known Member
Total Shit.

Those "boobs" were what are also called mutants or just blobs are known
to be extra potent by weight. I hope that he eats them himself. He is asking
for a big bad trip. Karma's a Bitch.

Just be good to yourself, and cut that tumor out.

Yeah i know they were mutans they were just my favorite ones :o

I'ts always noted phallic mushrooms are in general, hence my appreciation for my ones that looked like titties XD

Oh well karma was good to me I got a pretty bitchin 2nd job that pays pretty crazy shortly after it happened


Well-Known Member
the active ingredient of that is imidchloryid....when I had root didnt work. i mean, it would kill shit tons of them, but even after maxing out the number of uses, and then getting the "non edible tree Shrub" version (stays in the plant for a year and has a longer half life) they still kept the soil colonized and still stayed high enough numbers to keep pushing new flyers. Maybe I am just the lucky sob that got the super version of root experience with them was not one of hope lol
It's possible to beat them but definitely harder than gnats. Gnats are like 0 and aphids like 8, but then there is broad mites which are even worse. I think heat treatments work instantly, but can't remember. 120f for 20 minutes. All dead


Well-Known Member
Oh and fwiw, if it comes to culling, just buy an aero cloner and take clones, throw out the big plants. Move the clones to a safe clean place. Clean the grow room and disinfect. It's easy to treat unrooted cuts since aphids need roots and an aerocloner isn't very easy for a aphid to get into or out of. That's what I would do if I get them :)


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just lucky or I haven't been at this on a large enough scale, but the only pest
I've encountered was fungus gnats and that was 1 time. Every harvest I completely
break down the room and clean it with bleach and Murphy's Soap knock on wood
I hope I never have to deal with problems like this.Maybe this is the greatest advantage
of having 1 room and growing from seed.


Well-Known Member
Every bug you spray w 3% h202 will sizzle and foam and die. Lol. Just gotta touch them though. I don't think I've encountered root aphids or at least not a bad infestation. Thrips get bad though and I bed stickies and h202 spraydowns of entire room would knock it back. Did you use spinosad on them during the battle PP?
yea, the spino did well on the flyers, but didnt seem to phase the ones under the soil. imidchloripid was the most effective by far, but everytime I used it I would cringe lol.


Well-Known Member
Good sir I wasn't questioning your knowledge base and honstley replied with out looking at the name I thought I was talking to the original poster with said issue after reading your comment and reading my reply it struck me as of I was coming of snooty or offensive which was definitely in no way the case just thought I would clear that up stay Green
yea man, its all good! Its hard to tell tone on the internet, and I have been told I can be kinda abrasive or blunt, so certainly wasn't wanting to bring any negativity back into the 600. Its awesome having it moving :)

stay free stay high



Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just lucky or I haven't been at this on a large enough scale, but the only pest
I've encountered was fungus gnats and that was 1 time. Every harvest I completely
break down the room and clean it with bleach and Murphy's Soap knock on wood
I hope I never have to deal with problems like this.Maybe this is the greatest advantage
of having 1 room and growing from seed.
that my friend, is the biggest blessing. many times its clones that bring pests in, or can be pets, and hell us to! but ya, from seed and cleaning in between is the ticket.


Well-Known Member
my old thread should have the pics, let me see if I can find the link for ya!

Yea I think the hardest part about them is catching every single last one. If anything would work, it prob would be moving unrooted clones in an aero cloner elsewhere rooting them, and bug bombing grow space.


Well-Known Member
That SC is crazy looking Pap....crazy beautiful. I look forward to seeing her mature.

Thanks for sharing.


thanks! I suspect she will be mostly headstash. She kinda was the runt of the big plants, but she is definitely wide. I love her for pain killing, so suspect Im going to hold dearly onto her. I wasn't able to get cuts rooted of her, so will be starting seeds of Sour cherry again.