Club 600


Well-Known Member
Habs start green then orange.

They were mislabeled or something.
It was a beautiful plant though!
She had literally HUNDREDS of peppers all over...huge wide bush.

The Bhut Jalokia (ghost chili plant will naturally mainline its-self when she starts flowering.

I am wondering though if I grow multiple chili varieties side bu side are they getting cross pollinated, and making different peppers?
I've actually heard of red habaneros. I'm no expert on it that's for sure, but some guy was talking to me about his red habs, and I had to look it up and upon very limited internet research I found red ones... That doesn't mean its true though. I take what I find on the net with a grain of salt unless I research the hell out of it.


Well-Known Member
I bought Habanero plants from Home depot 2 yrs back.
It produced hundreds of red not orange chilis.
I thought well ok thats fine.
They were the nastiest tasting peppers I have ever eaten.

I buy my seeds of the net now and dont look back
Lots of farmers sell on ebay
Sucks I cant really have peppers anymore. I use to love them. I landed in the hospital last June from eating them.


Well-Known Member
well been busy this weekend back down the garden, getting ready to get sum veg in been turning the soil and that over fixed the green house windows that had blew out and filled the paths back up with chippings....

my blueberry dont seem to be growing fast for 3 weeks old i will get a few pics later also the stems are red/purpleish is this because my nutes are getting cold on a night or summit? as my room temps are spot on and only got ph'd water in the res


Well-Known Member
i always think that red stems come more from indica dominant plants.....people seem to think it's a deficiency though.


Well-Known Member
ok il get a few pics up in an hour or so im going to change the res they seem to be doing better with no nutes at the minute aswell leaves look better as i pulled the shit ones off


Well-Known Member
Most of my neighbours are Dutch, but the ones I share my level with are Dutch and Polish (man Dutch, wife Polish). Their little girl speaks Dutch, Polish, and English...

As for fun, it all depends, we go on activity holidays (cycling, walking, but always with some luxury thrown in for good measure). I like to quoff the odd beer or wine and hang out at my friends coffeeshop chiefing it up....among many other things.....i could go on but won't bore you.:)

EDIT, and strealthed everything up and we never even went out onto the roof terrace. I was impressed when they said they could smell my lavander outside our front door!!

GET A LAVANDER PLANT PEOPLE!!!! excellent for stealth.

Aston Martin?

Hey DST - Your neighbors, are they Dutch or Brits or...? What do you do for fun?


Well-Known Member
Most of my neighbours are Dutch, but the ones I share my level with are Dutch and Polish (man Dutch, wife Polish). Their little girl speaks Dutch, Polish, and English...

As for fun, it all depends, we go on activity holidays (cycling, walking, but always with some luxury thrown in for good measure). I like to quoff the odd beer or wine and hang out at my friends coffeeshop chiefing it up....among many other things.....i could go on but won't bore you.:)

EDIT, and strealthed everything up and we never even went out onto the roof terrace. I was impressed when they said they could smell my lavander outside our front door!!

GET A LAVANDER PLANT PEOPLE!!!! excellent for stealth.
There is a lavender farm down the road from my house. Makes me wonder what they are really farming ;) lol

Morning to you DST.

How's things?


Well-Known Member
I hope you get the new house soon :)

I got a housewarming gift i wanna bring you ;)
Me likey housewarming gifts!
Forgot to mention that the title company & real estate broker never closed our file on the yellow house so, if they can get the stuff repaired quickly enough we might actually be closing on the same date (May 17th) and moving in starting May 22nd (contractors are always hungry for these kinds of quick pick-up jobs where they can throw a crew at it and be done in a day or less, especially this early in the construction season).

And will have room for any 600 members who're passing through to get off of I-5 and stop & rest and toke in safety, and get a bite to eat.


Well-Known Member
I got some lavender after I saw a movie about a guy who inherits a vineyard in France from his uncle. The window sills in the house all have lavender on them and when he first moves in he throws it away. The next day he has scorpions in his bedroom and the French housekeeper tells him that the lavender keeps the scorpions away. I planted it hoping that it would provide bug repulsion in my garden. Not too sure that it is working though. Maybe it needs to be dried first.

Bonus is that it smells good too. Growing the Provence lavender to see if it is better at repelling bugs.

The Mulanje had red stems and it was burned from over-feeding (hot super-soil):



Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the red M1 plant grown from dababydroman's s33ds:
*40 days of 12/12 light, and 30 days of actual flowering

And here's a couple of mega-pics of the same plant:



Well-Known Member
I really was a bit excited this morning. I meant to type JASMINE!!!! lol.....yeh, althugh Lavander stinks, Jasmine reiks out the whole gaff....

Morning Bill, doing great, just got back from the pre-natal clinic for a check up. Wifey is all good, blood tests came back sweet, and she hasn't got syphilis (which is nice).

And we heard our little ones heart beat....DST turns into a big softy:)

There is a lavender farm down the road from my house. Makes me wonder what they are really farming ;) lol

Morning to you DST.

How's things?
We just had a house warming party at our friends house. We gave them a Money Plant (jade plant) as a gift. I like plants as gifts, and for us it's great as I don't have to go out and buy them (I am from Scotland after all, so I am a tight fisted barsteward!).

Me likey housewarming gifts!
Forgot to mention that the title company & real estate broker never closed our file on the yellow house so, if they can get the stuff repaired quickly enough we might actually be closing on the same date (May 17th) and moving in starting May 22nd (contractors are always hungry for these kinds of quick pick-up jobs where they can throw a crew at it and be done in a day or less, especially this early in the construction season).

And will have room for any 600 members who're passing through to get off of I-5 and stop & rest and toke in safety, and get a bite to eat.
Looks like the Sour Cherry......

well heres the blues today 3 weeks they been in now on 18/6 and a week for the p kush
Here's a pic of the red M1 plant grown from dababydroman's s33ds:
*40 days of 12/12 light, and 30 days of actual flowering

And here's a couple of mega-pics of the same plant:



Well-Known Member
starting to get their swerve on now Bud.

well heres the blues today 3 weeks they been in now on 18/6 and a week for the p kush
What was the book called Mo, I read a book a while back about a guy who inherits a vineyard and drinks himself into oblivion, lol...I'll need to try and remember the book now!

I got some lavender after I saw a movie about a guy who inherits a vineyard in France from his uncle. The window sills in the house all have lavender on them and when he first moves in he throws it away. The next day he has scorpions in his bedroom and the French housekeeper tells him that the lavender keeps the scorpions away. I planted it hoping that it would provide bug repulsion in my garden. Not too sure that it is working though. Maybe it needs to be dried first.

Bonus is that it smells good too. Growing the Provence lavender to see if it is better at repelling bugs.

The Mulanje had red stems and it was burned from over-feeding (hot super-soil):



Well-Known Member
yes i think i went a bit fast diving in with nutes, think soon as the roots get out the bigger cubes they will fly.. might giv the bigger cubes a miss next time in the wilma like i have with them p kush....
day 42 tomorow on my soil and the bb sweet n sour is gona be lovely i wish i got sum cuts off her before i flipped


Well-Known Member
Forgot to add the full pic...

What's left of my current grow, and the 11 Extrema seedlings (3cm tall and just over 3 days since they were dry s33ds):

*the plants are a little bigger than they appear, it's just that they're viewed head-on instead of from the side to see the extreme dog leg in them under the screen. But they will be the last of my small plants! Getting back into a house means longer vegs for bigger girls, and it's going to be nice! :-)



Well-Known Member
oh, book I mentioned above is by Paul Torday, and is called The Irresistable Inheritance of Wilberforce....good read, lots of wine caht in there if yer into that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
well few pics on the soil day 41 of 12/12....

1st 6 pics the bb sweet n sour
2nd 5 pics the bag seed purple kush
and last 4 pics the bb smelly cherry

started flushing ready to bring down about the 14th

