Club 600


Well-Known Member
Welcome Treemasterskunk, there are really no rules here apart from being nice to folks, the only rule we do insist on is posting pics of your ladies (dem green ones):)

Peace, DST

and feel free to use this as a journal, a lot of folks do.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hell if you want to post pics of your other gals, i'm sure no one would object tho;) welcome!


both the leom and the musky are banging smoke man, you'll not be upset with either


Well-Known Member
Morning Everybody
Heres my Pineapple Express and Sour Cream at day 62

Pineapple Express:

Tric Shots:

Sour Cream:

Tric Shots:


Well-Known Member
Damn hotsause your killing it over there. Just noticed your sig. "Smoke something bitch." Im a fan.

Treemaster be warned... this thread moves fast. Welcome to the crew, and like dst said we like bud pr0n up in here. As demonstrated by HS above.

Hey D why not bump your pics again. Lol just pulling your leg bru.

Speaking of pics do you guys mind if I post a couple from my weekend. None of it involves weed unfortunately. Day 4 of no smoke for me. I think I can feel the force being out of alignment with two amoungst us not smoking. It just don't feel right.


Active Member
Thanks very much for the welcome doobieBrother, DST and jigfresh !!!
, I have put pictures on of the ladies in another thread for newbies....and gonna try and copy them onto here for ya! if I can find them, hold on.....


Well-Known Member
Well I could just bump the whole post with ye olde copy paste, but instead here's a link (and no, it's not to the pic I have already bumped 3X, lol,)

DST makes OG Kush Bubble>>>>>>>>> -
Cross marketing I see, lol. You guys should really check the link. It's a badass little pic display.

So this weekend I said I went to kings canyon and camped at pine flat lake (fresno county, ca). Here's a pic of the spot we had for camping. Was a pretty giant lake, this was just a tiny finger you can see out to.

Kings canyon is pretty

At the gift shop they had giant sequioa seedlings for sale. Made me think of RIU. Talk about growing some big trees, haha.

And for the 4th we just relaxed at home and in the afternoon took the jeep on a local trail. Was really fun, found a nice water hole type place, and almost rolled the jeep only 1 time this trip.



Active Member
There ya go guys, 23 days young, (after10 days growth from being taken) how long dya think i should veg her for??? I have plent of head room, about 6 1/2 - 7 ft.


Active Member
glad to be part of this thread guys , and yes it is an awfully quick one, i posted on another one earlier and noone has checked it, this one is going crazy !! lol ....all good frm my point of view.:)


Well-Known Member
Wow, nice pics Jig, was there a lot of mosquitoes? things attack me like there is no tomorrow.....last time I went down to a Loch in Scotland a bloody Tic climed up my leg and onto my dick the cheeky fukker. Thankfully good old wifey found it, and btw, it's much easier to get a tic of your dick when it's hard, lol.

Treemaster, so you got 2 of them there. I would run a screen across the 3x3 area and start training those puppies so you got colas coming through every square of the screen. Reason I say that is that even with your height, the size of the closet will reduce light penetration below the canopy which will soon fill out. So you'll get some nice top colas, but perhaps could increase the yield by spreading the energy of the plant more effeciently across a canopy of bud, instead of a canopy of just leaves...I hope you undersant what I mean, I have just smoked a doob so I do tend to ramble..



Well-Known Member
Haha... nice poltergeist reference D. What a trippy movie. Big lesson, don't build a subdivision on an ancient burial ground. The camping spot was great... not too many bugs. Plus we had this cool candle that attracts/ kills them, and I covered my exposed body with insect repelent. Warning, do not get insect repelent in your mouth, it's FUNKY as fuck. Eww. Funny shit about the tick, well from here it's funny dunno how funny it'd be on my willy. yikes. freaky little bastard.

Treemaster, I think a screen would be the way to go too... but then again I'm partial to screens. To me it's the absolute best way of maximizing small spaces. And I too picked up fishing just last year, got me a pole and everything, haha. One thing I can't do is put worms on a hook... not that I can't physically do it, it just seems so mean to skewer a living worm on a hook. And my buddy after he 'laces' them on his hook (basically feeding the hood down the center of the worm) he then takes a little air bottle with a tiny nozzle on it, and pumps the damn worm up. I have no problem catching and killing fish, but doing all that to a poor worm seems wrong, lol. Oh... and as far as vegging goes, it really depends on how you want to grow the plant. If you do a screen you want to veg till the screen is about 75-80% full.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have to do something today.
I can either leave the rotten floor covered in carpet in my open topped shed.
I can pull the wood and carpet out try to break out the concrete so that I can have plant pots on the dirt.
Or I can pull out wood and carpet and exposing the cement and just cover it with a layer of bark.

I want a clean and cool grow environment. I think exposed cement is gonna be too hot for them and heat the roots up too.
If anyone has any other cheap alternatives my ears are open.


Well-Known Member
I'd just leave the cement and paint it white. shouldn't get too hot, plus with plants in there and such the light shouldn't be hitting the ground too much. Personally I like the concrete because buds don't live it it, no mold, nothing like that, and unless it's black it shouldn't soak up the heat even if it is in the sun. And while you are painting (if you do) I would paint everything inside the shed white. Flat, not glossy. Tearing out all the concrete sounds like a lot of work. If you do a round and the concrete is too hot you can always tear it out later. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
JIg you are right about the bugs. I walked on my driveway yesterday bare-foot to see how hot it was. After 20 seconds in one spot I had to run into the shade. I tried the same thing in the dirt and it was just warm.
I think the cement might be part of the reason the shed is 10* hotter inside than outside on average, but I never knew it was cement in there. There are 2x2's with plywood on top to raise it covered in carpet.
Maybe I will try the white paint thing. I had already planned to paint the outside and inside walls white. It red with white trim now, and designed and shaped like a barn.

Thats true there is always next season if I dont like it. I am so behind as it is....