Chris' New Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow With Weekly Updates & Ton of Pics

Which Strain That I Am Currently Growing Is Your Favorite?

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Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey buddy what's happenin! Aev and I came up with some thing last night for a logo,,,thanks for your hep man!

Hot and humid today and then another day of rain and flooding tomorrow I'm thinking.....nothing like down Psychild and cofs way though.

Have a great weekend :)


Well-Known Member
DST is right on with his delivery on spider mites.
I learned about diatomaceous earth (de) a long time ago, right before I never had a problem with them again ;)
it's basically organic too, just crushed sea shells
wow. never heard of that stuff until now. sounds promising.. its just hard cuz i know alot of the srays arent good to use nearing the end of flowering... which is where the real problem is... vegging plants look fine now. havent seen any mites... but its theh flowering room im worried about... =/

Azamax smoked my mites, not sure if you've tried that yet
is that safe to use late into flowering tho?? as i said above. veggin plants are good.. its just the flowering plants. i used a couple diff sprays b4.. and it just burnt the shit out of the plants... well... more or less the hairs. it fried them.. they all shriveled up and dies on me. =( eventually new hairs came.. but it never looked the same again.

they blow up fast when you flip em
yes they sure do!! =D
can some one just answer a quick question can i leave my botom buds on after i have harvested al;l the big top buds n will they grow any bigger are wont it make a diference at min there quite a few n it seems a waste as when dry there be nothing there can anyone advise me about leaving on the bottom bud n how long i need to leave it i now that this was for the poll but i just went to the last post to get a quick answer


Well-Known Member
can some one just answer a quick question can i leave my botom buds on after i have harvested al;l the big top buds n will they grow any bigger are wont it make a diference at min there quite a few n it seems a waste as when dry there be nothing there can anyone advise me about leaving on the bottom bud n how long i need to leave it i now that this was for the poll but i just went to the last post to get a quick answer
yeaa u can leave the lower buds on the plant. that will be fine. they probably wont get MUCH bigger... but if theyre still not ready... they will still grow a lil bit tho. dont expect them to double or triple in size tho. u have any pics of them?


Well-Known Member
whats new chb? i see your still at war with those mites. man i dread the day i get mites. i know ill get'em too. that type of shit just happens to me lol. but i cut my girl down yesterday so if you get a chance check it out and let me know what you think
yeaa u can leave the lower buds on the plant. that will be fine. they probably wont get MUCH bigger... but if theyre still not ready... they will still grow a lil bit tho. dont expect them to double or triple in size tho. u have any pics of them?
ill take a few now give me a few mins n ill post them do u want a close up 2 the small ones r a pic of what left


Well-Known Member
aiight guys. heres my update. which is long overdueeeee. lol. try not 2 b too harsh... as the plants arent in the best shape obviously... =( i will not be flowering anything until all the mites are gone... going to let all the flowering plants finish up ... and then go in and clean everything out... and make sure theres NOOOO mites in there at all. ill leave a no pest strip in there with no plants for a week or so... just to make sure to kill anything hiding.. and mite do a few 12-12 from seed grows. jsut soo i can get sumthing flowering asap ya kno?? anywayzzz.. heres the pics 4 u guys!!!



heres a couple pics of the plants in the veg box. 2 Lemon Qleaner x CaseyBands and 1 Qrazy Quake. and then a floja ill keep for clones. a Monster Cropped AK-48.. and a BSB x CB clone. =) should be rooted in a few more days. =D


and heres a pic of the new uniform for work. =) white and red. vs. the old black and white.

chris new uniform no face for RIU.jpg


Well-Known Member
mate i carnt move the pics out of my attachments mate how do i do it
not sure wat u mean? do u have the pics saved on ur computer? if so. just go to reply... then click go advanced. then look wherre you can change ur fonts/boldness/ etc.. and click the lil picture of the tree. and it will let u browse ur computer for the pics. and then just click it and click upload. and wallah! pics should be uploaded. and if possible take a closeup pic and a pic of wats left. =)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
What a bunch of nice strains man! Ya got a nice haul coming up,,,,when do they come down : ?). Love the little sea of green too man, that came out out real good.

Good luck with your garden bro, ya got a great attitude :) hey I would top the Lemon Qleaner x CB if I were you, the lq loves to bush out


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of nice strains man! Ya got a nice haul coming up,,,,when do they come down : ?). Love the little sea of green too man, that came out out real good.

Good luck with your garden bro, ya got a great attitude :) hey I would top the Lemon Qleaner x CB if I were you, the lq loves to bush out
yeaa its a lil crowded... but they seem to be doin ok tho. the NL and Bubblicious will be comin down in about 2 weeks.. 3 weeks for the full moons and ak's.... and about 5 weeks for the rest of the bigger plants. give or take a week or 2. =) sooo basically in 5 weeks the flwoerin room will be completely empty.. i will have nothign flowering!! =O which hasnt happened in years. lmao. but it needs to be done. the BSB cross is lookin nice tho. like the color alot!! adn aiight i will deff top or FIM the LQ xQB. im hoping its a lemon qleaner pheno! =) thats wat im hoping for. but either way ill be happy! =)

like the new logo tho. glad aeiv could help ya out. ive seen him use google sketch up and stuff like that... thats why i said to ask him. hes good with all that shit. =) it would look cool if maybe u could have the circle be brownish... an have it almost look like a rock.... and keep the triangle black... almost like an entrance to a cave... ya know? just throwin any ideas i get ur way. =)


Well-Known Member
Great update bro. Did i tell you i got a NL, bubblicious, floja and AK 48 going? I think i damn near started every strain i had not really. LOL i got some CONvict kush crosses commin up soon too. I havent been able to find any good CONvict kush pictures tho. I didnt see a Bastard bubba clone in the mix. Did you do away with that indica pheno? Do you got any of the seedlings i gave ya goin? Looks like your doing a clone only run.

Come check out all the updates ive done in the last few days.


Well-Known Member
They look great Chris!!! I hope my bsb cross looks that awesome!! and your AK's look extra frosty!! you look all proper in your uniform... not happy, but proper!! haha maybe that is the game face?

they all look great man, I hope ya get all those mites when you clean house. It sucks that it has to come down to that though. a good friend of mine just had to do the same thing with his flower room. I took his infected plants and isolated them in a temporary grow room till they finished out. I think that's where i got my mites a while back. I haven't seen them since i used the NPS. it's a shame that didn't end em for ya. you will be back on track before ya know it!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
what up bro! black and white is the colours of my beloved football team, red and white of the enemy.... hope its working out for you man!

liking the stubby party cup nugs man. those mites are really kicking it to your girls :( maybe try hanging the HS strip on the plants or real close to them and put a bag over them in your dark period give the fumes time to build up?! the strips will have trouble working with extraction going.

BSB casey is really showing some purp eh!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Hey man, hows it goin? You didnt look super impressed with the new uniform lol

Its ol skewl about to fire up an all ol skewl strain grow

Sweet Skunk (aka Skunk #1)
and some Northern Lights

im pretty stoked lol


Well-Known Member
heyy guys. havent had internet in the last few days.. =/ modem shit the bed. but bak on now. gettin ready 2 leave for worlk. took down a NL /. took sum pics will try and get'em up soooon! wont be home till 9 30 pm tho... =/ hate workin these long assss daysss!! and its downpouring... =/

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey man, hows it goin? You didnt look super impressed with the new uniform lol

Its ol skewl about to fire up an all ol skewl strain grow

Sweet Skunk (aka Skunk #1)
and some Northern Lights

im pretty stoked lol
Hey Dizzle how's the shizzle man!

Where did you get the Romulans from? If they are mine let me know how they turn out taste wise...thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Ak48 didnt make it. I decided to take it out of large rockwool and add it to the 3" netpots with hydroton. She wasnt too happy bout that and died. All the others are still goin strong tho!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Hey Dizzle how's the shizzle man!

Where did you get the Romulans from? If they are mine let me know how they turn out taste wise...thanks :)
Yo HC...........Tha shizzle is boom Dizzle!! lol I got em from the man with the new uniform lol

I hope to get a fine ass |Rom male, unlike this current grow were i had 13/13 females FFS! There WILL be breeding this round tho Rom male or not, i scored a super dank male C-99 back from my seed stock a buddy grew out :) But id rather use the Rom to try to recreate "my own" Romberry and Space Queen