CC's Hempy Grow - Top 44


Well-Known Member
You can veg as long as you want but once mine was 10 inches tall i threw them into flowering and you have seen the result! T44 is a very rapid bloomer and Though i used 18/6 for a couple of weeks that was only classed as seedling time really. in reality they got about 5 days veg in which they grew an inch or so and then when i put them in 12/12 i saw about an inch or 2 growth per day for the first 2 weeks!


Well-Known Member
You can veg as long as you want but once mine was 10 inches tall i threw them into flowering and you have seen the result! T44 is a very rapid bloomer and Though i used 18/6 for a couple of weeks that was only classed as seedling time really. in reality they got about 5 days veg in which they grew an inch or so and then when i put them in 12/12 i saw about an inch or 2 growth per day for the first 2 weeks!
I'm hoping to veg until Mid/early April then Flower after that, so that will be a solid 30 days of Vegging since seed. After that itll be about 44 days of flowering I've been reading up on other Top 44 grows and the plant gets HUGE, especially during flowering phase. Height should not be a problem though I have a lot of space. The biggest thing I'm worried about is heat once I flip on my HPS light...

Looking forward to watching this plant grow, looking forward even more to the product :weed:


Well-Known Member
If i was you i would use the HPS all the way through. I cant see any positives in denying your plants it in favour of flouros! Yeah my plants were only really seedlings and then straight into flower at 5 or 6 nodes. I had them for about 30 days from seed before flowering.


Well-Known Member
If i was you i would use the HPS all the way through. I cant see any positives in denying your plants it in favour of flouros! Yeah my plants were only really seedlings and then straight into flower at 5 or 6 nodes. I had them for about 30 days from seed before flowering.
The problem with using HPS all the way through is I wouldn't get any of the blue spectrum which they need for vegging...HPS is around 3200k and the T5 Flouros i have are 6500k. Mind you I also am using 4 flouro's and they put out a shit ton of lumens. I also have two 100w CFL's at 6500k for side lighting

I would consider using an MH conversion bulb in my HPS ballast next time because I know it will put out a shit ton more light, but one of my main problems is heat and using HPS or MH is gonna emit 5x more heat then the flouro's I have.


Well-Known Member
Alright, finally some PICS!

The plants look to be doing good. No signs of any stress or anything. My temps have been averaging 77-85 with the lights on, and 70-74 with the lights off. This is going to be an issue when I switch to flowering but I'm thinking Im going to run some duct from my A/C to the in-fan into my closet...but ill cross that bridge when I get there.

Today I picked up some supplies to create CO2 from yeast. I've been reading that if you have higher temps, the plants can take it easier (and will grow better) if you use CO2. Buying a tank and all that looked to pricey so I found some DIY instructions for using yeast, sugar, and water inside a 2L bottle to create's a link to the site

I've been watering every 2 days now since it looks like theyve hit the res. One plant is MUCH bigger than the other as you can idea whats up with that but I'll let it do it's thing since it seems to be healthy.

Nutes have been around 400ppm, PH is around 5.8-6.5
I'm really hoping their girls...not sure when I'll be able to tell sex...any ideas?



Well-Known Member
How close should I have my lights? My flouros emit virtually no heat, so is it best to have them close? I would like my plants to get taller so I'm not sure if pulling the light higher will force them to grow taller?

Any input?


Well-Known Member
How close should I have my lights? My flouros emit virtually no heat, so is it best to have them close? I would like my plants to get taller so I'm not sure if pulling the light higher will force them to grow taller?

Any input?
Flouros should be within a few inches or so depending on heat. pulling them up higher will just reduce the light penetration. If you want them to stretch put them under the hps for 3/4 days with the light 2' away to start. Get a few inches closer everyday with it. Then... go back to flouro if you want to.


Well-Known Member
Flouros should be within a few inches or so depending on heat. pulling them up higher will just reduce the light penetration. If you want them to stretch put them under the hps for 3/4 days with the light 2' away to start. Get a few inches closer everyday with it. Then... go back to flouro if you want to.
Thanks for the info. Yeah I want them to get tall, not sure if I'll switch to HPS just yet. So what i'm thing is I could put in my HPS at 18/6 a few days before flowering then switch it to 12/12 to get them to flower. That way they will have some veg time under the HPS and can stretch out before I throw eminto flowering.

Thanks again. Fun to experiment with this stuff since its my first grow.


Well-Known Member
they dont look like their ready to be flowered i would wait till there at least 12" tall....i mean its up to u but thats wat i would do that way u want be wasting ur time and get a crappy scrog is my first grow i just did a lot of steps to get where im at...u can keep it simple since its ur first grow.....but i wouldnt rush into flower......

ohh yea and if there from seed u have to wait till there 12" to flower....cause if u dont they wont be mature enough....just wait till u can see some preflowers at least...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was just saying when I get to the point of flowering Ill switch over to my HPS for a few days at 18/6, then switch it to 12/12. I'm not planning to flower until mid april. I really want them to stretch and i have atleast 15 more days of vegging, hope they get big, and I hope theyre female....


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was just saying when I get to the point of flowering Ill switch over to my HPS for a few days at 18/6, then switch it to 12/12. I'm not planning to flower until mid april. I really want them to stretch and i have atleast 15 more days of vegging, hope they get big, and I hope theyre female....
ohh ok well than you should be fine waiting.....they will grow soo much when you start flowering....if your tryin to yeild quit a bit i would scrog...but if u dont know if there girlys or not than you can scrog them...unless you can make those plants mothers and flower there clones to see what they are...


Well-Known Member
ohh ok well than you should be fine waiting.....they will grow soo much when you start flowering....if your tryin to yeild quit a bit i would scrog...but if u dont know if there girlys or not than you can scrog them...unless you can make those plants mothers and flower there clones to see what they are...
I'll be changing living quarters in a little bit so I just wanted to do a test run with 2 plants to get the feel for it. Once I find a new place I'll do a larger grow.

Eventually I'll have a mother and just use her for clones in a veg room, then have a separate room for flowering, or atleast thats what I'm planning.

Yeah I hope they get big, I can handle the space in this closet with only two of them right now.


Well-Known Member
Plants are doing well. I have been watering them about every two days now. The last watering I did was just straight water with no nutes to try and flush any salts. I've also been slowly upping the PPM, im keeping it around 400-450 right now and seeing how the plants tolerate it.

Even though they are the same strain (or atleast thats what I bought..) they are growing a bit differently. One of them is a lot wider and spreading out, the other is growing more tall but not as bushy, kinda weird. The thinner one has some weird burn/discoloration on it's leaves that happened a while back, still not sure why cause their fed from the same mix...

Otherwise all is well. The straws that you see in the pics are from my CO2 concoction(sugar+yeast+water in a 2L bottle). I'm hoping the CO2 will help with the higher temps in there. Averaging around 80-85 with the lights on...

Enjoy the pr0n.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
So after some deep thought, contemplation, and some self discovery, I've decided I might use the 400w HPS that I have at 18/6 for a while. I was originally planning on only using the HPS for flowering at 12/12. My understanding was that for veg cycle you want 6500k light, and for flower you want 3200k, so I figured you should use the HPS (which is around 3200k) during the veg cycle.

Would anyone be able to give me some feedback on using the HPS for vegging on 18/6?


Well-Known Member
It is fine to veg with the hps and will be quicker than the flouros simply because of the increase in light penetration. You do not HAVE to use 6500k for veg, its just a better spectrum. :) I say DO IT! :)


Well-Known Member
It is fine to veg with the hps and will be quicker than the flouros simply because of the increase in light penetration. You do not HAVE to use 6500k for veg, its just a better spectrum. :) I say DO IT! :)
Alright I'm sold. My buddy basically told me the same thing today. Gonna switch to HPS tonight or tomorrow, just gotta get some more airflow going on there. I was thinking of getting a MH conversion bulb for my HPS ballast but I'll wait till next grow for that. Thanks for the feedback!


Well-Known Member
Hey CC, gettin it all figured out huh? I just got a MH conversion bulb. I've always grown everything under HPS and a little CFL for seedlings. Judging by my current plants so far, the MH is increasing length between nodes and promoting larger leaves. In the end, I guess it doesn't matter, some folks grow entirely with one or the other and everything works out.:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey CC, gettin it all figured out huh? I just got a MH conversion bulb. I've always grown everything under HPS and a little CFL for seedlings. Judging by my current plants so far, the MH is increasing length between nodes and promoting larger leaves. In the end, I guess it doesn't matter, some folks grow entirely with one or the other and everything works out.:leaf::leaf::leaf:
Hey man thanks for stoppin by to take a look. Yeah this first grow is a fun experience. Hempy is realllll easy to take care of too.

Thanks for the feedback on the lights. I really want a MH conversion bulb but will save that purchase for my next grow. From what people have been telling me HPS for vegging should be just fine for the next week or so, gonna pop it in tonight I think!


Well-Known Member
HPS is up and running, shit gets hot in there...90degrees if the door is closed. I have to leave the closet door cracked while this is on for right now until I get some better airflow in there. Its about 80degrees with the door cracked, just hope my cat doesn't go in there and fuck around.

Hopefully the plants love it! Ill have some pics tonight or tomorrow possibly.


Well-Known Member
well u defently dont want the temps to be 90 thats too high and that will cause ur plants to because males or herms.......the hps gets hot soo u need to get an intake and maybe even a fan blowing air on the light.....idk u need to see ur space to really clarify what needs to be done...u want ur temps to be around 73 to low 80s like 82 or so...