cant write in paragraphs


Well-Known Member
Hi, if using IE i cannot write in paragraphs. When i press enter, nothing happens. Is there any way to fix this. In Firefox its working fine, but IE is my Standard brower for everything. So automatically im posting in IE and then if its a longer post im like FKIT and i have to repost/edit in Firefox to make it readable. Is there any way to fix it for IE instead of "Change browser"? Thx would really help a lot. Also: Everytime i write a longer text and i want to fix mistakes later (english is not my main) always that FKING captcha appears, first time on pressing edit and then if i save the fixed text its coming again WTF.


bud bootlegger
It's a problem w ie and v bulletin based forums..

Idk anyone would still be using ie today, no offense of course..


Well-Known Member
hehe i knew that answer would come especially the IE today part ;) but i guess u dont know a fix except "Change browser"


Staff member
you will loose alot of abilities on the forum if you fix it via IE. its just eaiser to change a browser