Can a Job fire you?

I was wondering if i have a Medical Marijuana
card and i take a drug test and don't pass can
the job fire me?

Also another question.
I have Cerebral palsy and I am in Pain 60-80%
of the time the only time Im not in pain is when
I use Marijuana reasonably (off the street)
or for I take Pain killers.
But with the Pain Killers I don't eat like i should
or I don't want to do anything,Plus I get mad at Dumb shit when Im on Pain Killers.

So do you guys think I could get a Doctors recommendation for this.


Active Member
I was wondering if i have a Medical Marijuana
card and i take a drug test and don't pass can
the job fire me?

Also another question.
I have Cerebral palsy and I am in Pain 60-80%
of the time the only time Im not in pain is when
I use Marijuana reasonably (off the street)
or for I take Pain killers.
But with the Pain Killers I don't eat like i should
or I don't want to do anything,Plus I get mad at Dumb shit when Im on Pain Killers.

So do you guys think I could get a Doctors recommendation for this.
for the first question yes they can. look up the compassionate care website(ithink). There is a court case in CA right now challenging that. Last i looked was a couple weeks ago but dude got canned and was doing a good job from what i read.

Second yes. I have med use for much less pain(only like once a month IBS).


Well-Known Member
Yes they can unless maybe saved by a union and then it would be if'y. In Michigan the law states you cant be punished for mj use, but that holds no water when it comes to telling a empolyer who he can empoly. They can fire ya for vicodine to for that matter or any thing else they want to fire ya for.It will all depend on your empolyer and if they would let ya have it in yer system when ya took the test. The Govt can not tell them who to hire or fire for that matter.
Become a cargiver and make that your job and tell them to go f them selfs. Should be able to make close to 100k a year growing so what drug test, hehehehehehehe


Well-Known Member
exactly what the guy above me said. if your employer is a cool guy and you show him your papers and explain why you need your meds he might let it go... he might not. legally though he could fire you for just about whatever reason.

private or public business?