Brewer7's Chill-OM Perlite Hempy Grow


Active Member
Wine is probably a liberal use of that word. It's pretty putrid stuff. But the bottles can be purchased at Sams Club and I've seen them at liquor stores before too.
LOL. Yeah, the online tutorial said something like "If you enjoy wine, then pour this stuff down the drain!". Thanks, I'll keep an eye out.


Active Member
I'm at 70 days and the trichs don't quite look ready. Mandala said 65-72 days and I'm sitting at 70 right now. I turned off the lights today and watered them with straight tap water. I'll leave them in the dark for 3 days and then trim and dry them. I can't let them go any longer as I have company coming soon and need to get them trimmed and cured and get the stink out of the house... :(


Active Member
The finish line! I'm pretty green with envy as I really liked the way the Chill smelled - till I found out they were dudes! Bring em in man and can't wait for the smoke report!


Active Member
The finish line! I'm pretty green with envy as I really liked the way the Chill smelled - till I found out they were dudes! Bring em in man and can't wait for the smoke report!
I've been really negligent on this grow. I finally started harvesting and trimming yesterday. I did one plant, then the other today. It's gonna be a decent yield for two plants. I didn't do a great job trimming and let a lot of the schwag end up on a drying tray so I can make some cannabutter. The leaves were very sticky and frosty though. Anyway, here are a couple of pics of the hanging buds.


Since it's just for personal use, the trimming is fine for me. I'll have enough for a very long time!

I've been so into other things lately that I haven't even sampled any of the popcorn. After drying/curing I'll be sure to post a good smoke report.

Overall, this is a great strain to grow. It's incredibly forgiving. I mistreated them badly by growing hydroponically and letting it go dry, and being late on the feedings about three times. I saw no evidence of herms though when trimming. I did the Jack's Pro Hydroponic regimen all the way through and still have a bunch left. I probably used about $4 worth of fertilizer the entire grow.

The smaller of my two plants is going to be the bigger yielder and it's trichomes were fatter and in a much higher quantity than the tall one. The clone that I took of the tall one is gonna get pitched. I'm sure it will be good smoke, but it's not worth keeping.


Active Member
Hey brewer good to hear from ya! Glad you were able to bring your girls in and it looks like you are going to be into some good smoke for a while. Congrats on the harvest!


Active Member
Hey brewer good to hear from ya! Glad you were able to bring your girls in and it looks like you are going to be into some good smoke for a while. Congrats on the harvest!

Thanks man! Overall, I probably ended up better off with this batch than I should have. I mistreated the girls badly but they still performed great. Some of the smaller popcorn is mostly dry now so I'll sample a bit tomorrow evening. Cheers!


Active Member
All right, they are now in their jars being burped every few hours. I sampled the first bit this afternoon and, all I can say is Wow! This is a really nice strain! I can't emphasize enough how easy this was to grow, and it thrived despite my neglect during the process. No hermies, just good weed. This is a great strain for beginners, or anyone who just wants an easy to grow plant that makes great weed.

Mandala describes this as:

Chill-OM easily compensates the lack of uniformity in plant height with it's exceptional top-grade marijuana. The buds are dense and have great 'bag appeal'. When crushed in a grinder, an interesting aromatic blend of frankincense and sage arises from the sticky buds. The smoke is smooth and rich, with a minty aftertaste on the exhale that leaves a pleasant freshness on the tongue like peppermint gum. Chill-OM strikes a perfect balance between potency and everyday enjoyability. After a quick cerebral onset it triggers the feel-good physical sensations. The high then reaches an even and motivating stone that is pleasantly relaxing, yet leaves you with enough energy for socialising or doing something creative. This marijuana can be fun for gaming, hanging out with friends. or watching a good movie. It's vibe is sensual and playful, enhancing the pleasure in whatever you are doing. As the name suggests, Chill-OM is perfect for laid-back hours and leaves a state of wellbeing behind. Have fun and chill out!

It's not fully cured and was smoked through my water bong with ice above the pinches. Anyway, my first impression of the smoke was very close to Mandala's description.

- The smoke was smooth, very smooth. I didn't get a lot of lung expansion and it wasn't uncomfortable to take a large hit which surprised me smoking something so young.

- The smell is interesting. It's minty/spicy, hard for me to describe. Mandala says it's like Frankensense and sage, but I don't know what Frankensense smells like so I can't confirm that. I would describe it as a mixture of mint, rosemary, and bay with pepper perhaps. There is a definite minty taste on exhale.

- The bag appeal was mildly disappointing and is the only major difference I can tell from Mandala's description. Not that it's bad, it's just that most of the nugs were not especially dense which could have been due to my mistreatment of them during growth. I don't really care about that since it's just for personal use, but it may limit it's commercial appeal if one is growing for dispensaries or sale. On a scale of 1-10 for bag appeal, the majority of the nugs would be about a 5-6, but the top cola nugs are a solid 9. They are huge and dense and awesome.

- The feeling after the smoke was... relaxed. I was chilling out. It wasn't super giggly weed, but i enjoyed everything I did. I have been a little stressed out lately, but my stress faded away after about 5 minutes. I watched some TV, I played some guitar, and I went out and did some yard work. It was all enjoyable. It didn't couch lock me, nor did I get the munchies. It just made me content. After I was done with the yard work, I sat back down and dozed off into a 30 minute nap. I was content and happy and super relaxed. Mandala did a great job naming this one. Granted, it will need some more time to cure, but overall, this is a very nice strain, even at this point.

Between my two plants, I ended up with about two lightly filled half gallon canning jars, two 32 oz canning jars, and a couple of jars containing the awesome top colas. I also have a bunch of schwag that I saved to make some cannabutter. I don't know how much weight that is, but it will take me forever to smoke that much.

I'll update this thread again in a few weeks to give a more thorough smoke report after the cure. If you're thinking about growing this strain, just do it. You won't regret it.


Active Member
Way to go brewer sounds like your on your way to some top shelf bud. I am a little disappointed that I did not get any females from my Chill freebies but was impressed enough with the growth and the smell of the males to put it on my list of strains to grow. Enjoy!


New Member
Great job Brewer7,

I grew out Chill-OM in 2012, and it was some good smoke. It really does have a unique and unexpected scent when grinding up the buds. For me I thought it was like exotic incense. I noticed a big change in the high after a 6 week cure, more 'full' and longer lasting, but by then I had smoked almost all of my stash :/

Enjoy! :)


Active Member
Great job Brewer7,

I grew out Chill-OM in 2012, and it was some good smoke. It really does have a unique and unexpected scent when grinding up the buds. For me I thought it was like exotic incense. I noticed a big change in the high after a 6 week cure, more 'full' and longer lasting, but by then I had smoked almost all of my stash :/

Enjoy! :)
I still have 5 seeds of these and will grow it again at some point. The ultra low price on these seeds does not match the quality for sure. With the huge quantity I got from two plants, and the large numbers of other seeds C99, Green Crack, Chocolate Rain, and a couple more, it might be a while before I do another run. My next time I will use a larger grow room though so that I can pump out more plants. If I do a multi-strain grow with 6 plants, one session would probably be enough for the whole year and then some with my consumption rate. Anwyay, I'm glad you enjoyed yours Necron. This stuff is really good weed.

Keith Stone

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the report. A guy i know was blown away at the SIZE of these plants. His space was overrun and he was happy to pull 2 males out when they showed (one was the top of the other). He reports very easy to grow(massive) and hard to smell. Next to his other girls (Arjans UH2, A13bx, BD) nearly scentless. A few or several weeks left.