Brewer7's Chill-OM Perlite Hempy Grow


Active Member
I decided to attempt a grow of Mandala's Chill OM. This is my first attempt to grow anything other than bag seed under CFL. I decided to do a Perlite hempy style grow using Jack's Professional Hydroponics 5-12-26 and Calcium Nitrate for nutes.

I started the grow on January 18[SUP]th [/SUP]when I dropped five Mandala Chill-OM seeds into rock wool cubes. Three of them took three days to pop up and the remaining two popped up in another three or four days. The temperature in the house was around 65 which probably accounts for the slow germination of two of the seeds.

I placed the rock wool cubes into solo cups filled with a ¾ perlite and ¼ Viagrow expanded clay. I had no real reason to add the Viagrow except I had already purchased a giant bag of it to grow DWC but changed my mind at the last minute.

Anyway, 4 out of the five plants didr eally well. One plant had problems almost immediately. The back of the leaves turned purple (temps???) and the tops began canoeing. Then they got got bad rust looking spots on them. This only happened to the one plant. The other four appear to be in excellent health.


Today is day 17 since the seeds were planted. The purple plant's leaves seemed to be dying off. The new growth seems to be doing fine so perhaps it was nutrient lockout due to the cold or something else??? It was one of plants that took seven days to germinate. I thought about culling it, but decided to give it a shot and just cut off the rusty/purple leaves as they were shriveling and dead looking this morning.

Here are some pics of the rest. Hopefully they will all be ladies!!!


Up until now, I've been watering with Elanore's VF-11 which is a very, very mild nute. I use it on most of my house plants and vegetables and they seem to like it. 30 mL gal.VF-11 during week 1 and 45 mL gal VF-11 + 6 mL CaliMagic week 2. Today, I switched to the Jack's Hydroponics + Calcium Nitrate regimen which is ½ tsp gal of each. This is supposed to be an easy and affordable nute combo so I'm crossing my fingers that it will work well. It should be fully adjustable if necessary and others have reported excellent results with it.

Up until this point I've been keeping the plants under 120 watts of 6500K CFL. I'm still putting my grow room together, but have a 600w MH/HPS cool tube setup. However, I don't have an inline fan yet due to some unexpected expenses that left me low on cash, so I have no way to control the heat. Until I get a way to cool the HID, they will stay under the CFLs. They won't be flipped until the 600w HPS is running!
Hopefully this will grow some good meds!!! :weed: :peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah for sure man ,looking good.. don't know whats up with that messed up one either.Nice choice of strain to ,quite interested in mandala myself.. hashberry and point of no return interest me the most..


Active Member
good to hear the twisty purpling went away. Ive recently grown point of no return, and it was very good let me tell ya.
have some hashberry & krystalica in the cupboard also...when to sprout :)

good look with your grow man :D


Active Member
Puffdat, The Mandala strain descriptions have always interested me. The comments on them are generally excellent but there's not a lot of grow journals out there. I haven't been able to find many grow reports on Chill-Om especially. The price on Mandala's beans is awesome though and the description is pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Hopefully the grow turns out well. So far, so good.

Kende, Yeah, the purple problems seem to have gone away for now. Oh man, I'm very interested in Krystalica and Hashberry! When you sprout those beans be sure to put up a grow journal! Cheers! :peace:


Active Member
Other than the minor flake-out you observed off to a good start. I will be taking my first run at Chill OM in about a week or so so I'll be interested in following your progress. Good luck!


Active Member
Other than the minor flake-out you observed off to a good start. I will be taking my first run at Chill OM in about a week or so so I'll be interested in following your progress. Good luck!
Yeah Yankee, all is well. So far the soilless medium seems to be working well. The odd ball seems to be doing great now despite having it's four largest leaves cut off. It may make it after all. I suspect the problem was the cold temps I had in the house early on. I've since purchased a germination mat to help raise temps on the grow shelf. The thermometer shows about 70 to 72 degrees now.

Awesome on the upcoming Chill OM grow. I'll keep an eye out for a journal. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
yeah there isn't many grow journals of mandala out there you are right .Weird considering they have such a good rep.Btw i just want to mention ,if you want to make your pics full size double click them when you load them brings up sizing options.I guess a lot of people dont realise this ,because i didnt ,i only found out a few weeks ago ..and i think it looks a lot neater ..


Active Member
yeah there isn't many grow journals of mandala out there you are right .Weird considering they have such a good rep.Btw i just want to mention ,if you want to make your pics full size double click them when you load them brings up sizing options.I guess a lot of people dont realise this ,because i didnt ,i only found out a few weeks ago ..and i think it looks a lot neater ..
I've got two strains of Mandala (Hashberry & Beyond the Brain) that I am journaling and soon a Chill OM as well. we'll get those stats up!

And thanks for the tip on resizing - feeling my way around the forum. Still having a tough time figuring out the Journal process though. Like brewer7, I started a journal then added an entry by commenting on the first journal post. When I did that I could not upload photos only link to a photo already on the net. Unfortunately, clicking on the photos does not load them in a "slide-show" format. After that I created a new Journal entry, but then there is no continuity between entries other than going to my profile. Is it best to document in a regular forum thread like brewer7 is doing? Sorry for the hijack brew!


Well-Known Member
yeah your better adding a grow journal to the grow journals part of the main forum rather than the the grow journals bit at the top .imo


Active Member
Yankee, no worries. You didn't hijack. Documenting the grow is all part of the growing process. bongsmilie

The grow journal here seems much easier to manage than the one in the profile if one is looking for discussion... which I am. The profile one might be useful if you were to document a grow from start to finish and post the journal all at once. This way seems better.


Active Member
yeah there isn't many grow journals of mandala out there you are right .Weird considering they have such a good rep.Btw i just want to mention ,if you want to make your pics full size double click them when you load them brings up sizing options.I guess a lot of people dont realise this ,because i didnt ,i only found out a few weeks ago ..and i think it looks a lot neater ..
I didn't know about the picture sizing options. Thanks Puff! We'll get the Mandala journals going from here on out. I'm thinking some Satori may be my next grow after the C99... or perhaps at the same time. Summers are pretty hot here and temp control is going to be tough, so I'm thinking that I'll have the seedlings ready to go into the 12/12 grow room immediately after harvesting the Chill-OM. IF all goes well, between the Chill-OM and the next grow, I should have enough herb to last through late this year, although I may have to unload some to a dispensary to cover costs if I end up with more than my max allowed amount under prop 215 rules. But that's being optimistic! :peace:


Active Member
It's been 3 weeks since I dropped the beans into the rockwool. So far everything is going well. The plants look fantastic and are behaving nicely. I've had them on the Jack's Professional hydroponics regimen for a few feedings now and they seem to be loving it.


The one in the middle is absolutely beautiful. It's the largest of them by a little bit, but seems to be a different pheno. The leaves are a bit different shape and it has no smell.

3 of the other ones are very similar and are already starting to smell a bit skunky so I'm going to have to get a carbon filter going soon. I get a slight odor when I get within about 10 feet of them now.

The one at the top right is the one that had the purple dying leaves that were cut off. Essentially, I cut off the first four leaves that grew. It seems to have bounced back nicely and is going to survive.

I'm going to transplant them into their final containers soon. I have a slight scheduling problem though. I have some house guests visiting for four days and I don't want them to know that I'm growing. It's none of their business. Anyway, my primary grow space is one of the bathrooms so I won't be able to move them into their new space for 11 more days. If I transplant them, my cfl setup probably won't give them enough light. However, as soon as I move them into the "grow bathroom," the will be under 600w HPS and flip to 12/12.

I may have to put off transplanting them for a couple of weeks and run them under MH 18/6 for a week or two until their roots reach the reservoir in their new buckets.... Hmm, I'll have to give it some thought. IS there any danger to transplanting to a larger hempy container and flipping to 12/12 immediately, before the roots have a chance to grow into the reservoir, which is another possibility?


Active Member
Nice job brewer!

Looking at the pic before I read your post I was thinking the same thing about the middle plant - definitely appears to have a different leaf shape. They definitely all look healthy at this point - what strength are you applying the nutes?

Sorry but I've only grown in soil/less so I can't help with your hydroponics questions.

Hope mine look that good at 3 weeks!


Active Member
Hey Yankee, it's a very easy nute mix. 1/2 tsp gallon of Jacks Pro Hydro 5-12-26 and 1/2 tsp gallon of Jacks Pro Calcium Nitrate. I've read that some growers use that mixture from start to finish which is what I'm going to try to do unless some problems pop up. The nice thing about these Jacks dry nutes is that the NPK can be easily adjusted as desired. It's my first time using it though, so I'm just going by what other people have written on the various forums. It's an incredibly cheap nute and others have claimed great success with it.

Hopefully you'll have a trouble free grow and make some good herb with these!


Active Member
Hey Yankee, it's a very easy nute mix. 1/2 tsp gallon of Jacks Pro Hydro 5-12-26 and 1/2 tsp gallon of Jacks Pro Calcium Nitrate. I've read that some growers use that mixture from start to finish which is what I'm going to try to do unless some problems pop up. The nice thing about these Jacks dry nutes is that the NPK can be easily adjusted as desired. It's my first time using it though, so I'm just going by what other people have written on the various forums. It's an incredibly cheap nute and others have claimed great success with it.

Hopefully you'll have a trouble free grow and make some good herb with these!

I've been transplanting the babes into a soil-less medium with premixed nutes and let em feed on that for the first few weeks. Around week 3-4 I begin feeding with Earth Juice organics at low strength and only as needed. Your chill look good at 3 weeks - just curious how much you are feeding them.


Active Member
I've been transplanting the babes into a soil-less medium with premixed nutes and let em feed on that for the first few weeks. Around week 3-4 I begin feeding with Earth Juice organics at low strength and only as needed. Your chill look good at 3 weeks - just curious how much you are feeding them.
The first two weeks and a couple days, I used Elanore's VF-11 which is not much more potent than water. It's a .15-.85-.55 nute so there's not much to it. I roughly followed their recommendation for Hydro grows which was 45ml Elanore's/gal 1st week, then 60ml Elanore's/gal 2nd week +6ml CaliMagic. Then I switched to the Jacks regimen which, after a duh moment, I'm currently giving them at half strength. I feed them once a day right now until water starts running out of the hole at the bottom of the Hempy cup. In another week, I'll go up to full strength.

When I transplant into a larger bucket, they will only need to be fed once every two days or so.