Bleu's 2009 Hydro Garden


Well-Known Member
I did another flush, i think there was some salt buildups in the pot. And playing with the nutes again. Doing a lucas type formula. I had read in a chilie forum that a guy was successful with cutting out the FloraGrow. So I am trying (per gallon) 5ml micro and 10ml bloom. Hoping to slow down the vegetative growth and prevent bud drop by lowering the N. I'll see how it goes. I really should get a ppm/ec meter.

Thanks for the comments. This plant really is a strong one, the stem is almost 1" thick. I bet it would be a beast if i stopped cutting it and put it outside.


Well-Known Member
I got a bit lazy the past week and didnt pay much attention to my plant. The res is almost dry and I need to change it today, I am going to drop the nute dose again. Still going to go with the lucas-type formula, seems like it did alright with that.

Still though im not sure what to do with this thing, its just keeps growing...


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tom, I'll probably order one of those. Its cheap enough not to.

Time for a bit of an update. I haven't been paying attention to my plant as much as ide like to. but it doesnt seem too bad off. A few of the leaves are getting a bit crispy, possibly from not rotating daily. I am trying to keep it well trimmed this time around, only allowing it to grow about 2 nodes worth of buds, You'll see what I mean in the photo.


Well-Known Member
Wow talk about neglect. I have not been taking care of my plant, been 4 weeks since i did a res change. I opened it up and there was like an inch of water left in the bucket. Lots of bud drop, I cut off everything that completely dropped its buds and i trimmed the roots back a bit too. It does look like I might have 1 pepper though! heres the pics. Also a picture of my rooting pineapple crown.

I actually cut off that center branch after taking the photo, cause i accidentally knocked off its only bud while messing with it.

Heres the piece of the dense root mass that I trimmed off. It was starting to grow itself around the air stone. I think this AquaShield stuff really helps make nice roots.



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah bleu I can see that baby pepper starting :-P
I'm digging the rooted pineapple man, I rooted one a couple weeks back but my roots weren't thick like yours. A bunch of little thin roots, I guess it must be the strain. I planted mine in I think mg cactus soil as I heard that would work well for the pineapple. What are you planning on doing with yours? I saw a badass pineapple plant at my hydro store that was in a one plant ebb and flow with hydroton. It was pretty big and had a pineapple the size of a soda can coming out the top it was sweet
Keep up the nice work man, that pepper still looks great without your full attention


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks. Yeah I plan on moving it into some cactus soil as well. I dont even expect fruit from this pineapple i just think it will make a cool house plant, hopefully it will survive with minimal sunlight.


Well-Known Member
I have mine in a small greenhouse that sits in front of a window
It doesn't get a whole lot of sun and has been doing well