BHO with Roach Weed, Dumb Move??


Well-Known Member
Hi All,
Don't need to much explanation here,
would blowing roach weed with butane leave garbage or stronger oil?
I am sure flavor would suffer but....
while yield could be increased, by the concentration of bud Goodness in the roaches.
maybe, possibly, just guessing, lol

Anyone done this???


Well-Known Member
that sounds like a horrible idea....

yeild would be increased due to more contaminants that would be released from the plant material itself being broken down due to combustion

not goodness.....


New Member
yup. had a buddy save roaches for a long time. had enough to chop and fill a honey bee extractor with. he ran 2 or 3 cans through it, evapped, and there was basically nothing in the dish! maybe 3 or 4 hoots of gross black tar oil! complete waste of 20$ worth of butane and enough roach weed to roll 10 fat joints!! the good ol days...


Well-Known Member
that just sounds gross, i almost puked as a kid because we rolled up a bunch of roach weed....


New Member
seriously? roach weed is fuckin killer in joints!!!! the joint weighs like 1.5 grams and ya get like 600 hoots off it. havnt smoked one of those in a while though, thank god. young and broke and didnt wanna I just put filters in the joint, smoke till shes done and chuck.


Well-Known Member
For some reason I saved up about an 1/8 th worth of roach weed, I will roll it up.
thanks for the Guidance.


Well-Known Member
Anytime you burn cannabis, you produce some free radicals that are carcinogenic, and they are concentrated in a roach, so it is one of the least salubrious way to consume cannabis.

I did a recovery and polish using six months worth of roaches and pipe scrapings, which I soaked in the alcohol that I cleaned pipes with during that period, and then scrubbed with hexane and salt water.

It made a purdy yellow resin, but it still had to be charcoal filtered to get rid of the burned ashtray flavor.

