Best Beneficial Bacteria product, to replace Voodoo Juice, in Hydroponic system


Well-Known Member
Im currently running Voodoo Juice in my Recirculating Hydroponic Ebb&Flow bucket system.

Being how expensive it is, im looking for a good product to replace it.

What would you guys suggest as one of the best beneficial bacteria products for hydro?


Well-Known Member
I actually JUST bought some Roots Excelurator yesterday!!
And let me say DAMN that stuff is expensive. Over $100 for 500ml.. wow..
But if its as good as everybody says it is, then its worth it. we'll see..

I also bought some Great White (beneficial bacteria). Hoping its a good one.

Anybody have comments on either of these 2 products? or any other suggestions?


New Member
goddamn... i paid 8$ for a quart (or pint I forget) of Aquashield and my roots are bitchin. Well.. aside from some lovely brown stain-age in parts thanks to gh floranova. It expires in like October so my hydro guy gave me 50% off, but the bottle will be used up by the time it's expired, so not worried.