Beanz's Redemption Grow 2011

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Congratualations Beanz for a beautiful havest! You have a wonderful positive spirit . Sorry to hear of all the troubles you have had recently. I admire your courage and ability to rise above the hardships that you have experienced. I was late to your journal here but i am looking foward to following your next one with the delicious super silver haze!
Did you ever end up drowing some of your girls and if so have you noticed a nice cure and flavor to them? Take Care. Doc Trichs.


New Member
So I figure I better officially end this thread since I've already started a new one.

Wow. What a ride.

When I began my first indoor grow in the middle of February, I sure as hell never imagined things would end the way they did. I didn't think I would have to grow strain I could give two shits about. I didn't expect to mess up mixing my soil, and I didn't expect to lose my job and run out of money half-way through the grow. And I sure as hell didn't expect one of my best-friends would betray me and break into my house and jack my plants. In the span of 7 months I've been hyped and humbled. I thought I knew enough to grow the best weed in the world and found out that maybe I need some more practice lol.
As for the plants well, I would reccomend Sugar Black Rose so far. I can see how grown better, it would be a really nice, high yeilding strain, cause even grown by me it's pretty damn good. It tastes like hashberries and makes some fine keif. I'm not gonna lie though, I need to throw some keif on the bowl to get me where I want to be. But the bud is really crystally so it doesn't take a lot to get a few nice hits. I pretty much have to use a 1:1 ratio of bud in the bowl to bud used for keif everytime I smoke. But I'm a really heavy smoker too and I have a high tolerance.

Northern Light Blue has to be cured. It tastes like coffee if you don't. Weird taste but really stoney and full of crystals. A lot of it turned a nice purple. I haven't cured dried and cured it properly yet, so my last real post will probably be a smoke report of the wwxbb and Northern Light Blue.

White Widow x Bug Bud was a dissapointment, but mostly because of the way I grew it, but I haven't smoked it yet so who knows. It's very airy tho and smells like grass. What'r you gonna do?

Here's the pics of the last four plants I harvested. 2 wwbb and 2 NLB. I put them in little bunches so they don't dry out as fast.
Northern Light Blue

White Widow x Big Bud

So that's it. My personal redemption.
Yoyu might say, "beans. redemption for what?"
For me mostly. To prove to myself that even though all the signs kind said I should give it up, that I can grow weed from practically nothing and some damn decent weed at that. I wanted to show the people that wanna see me fail that I'm not going anywhere. I needed to prove to myself that I can do this, and I think I accomplished. Despite all the trouble, it was totally worth it. Even though I haven't made any money yet, if I never have to buy a sack again, I would consider that a victory.
to those who supported me I want to say I appreciate it. It's not always easy being an asshole's friend, cause you know that eventually you're gonna have to sand next to them when the shit goes down. I appreciate you. Thanks.
All the haters can kick rocks. Take a walk son, find someone else to bother cause it ain't me.

You can follow my next grow of MNS Super Silver Haze in my new thread -------------->
Thanks you,
man i wish that when i went to the bathroom i had shit like that come out
awesome bro repped if i can