B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..


Well-Known Member
Not all fan leaves are going to be perfect, however if a lot of your leaves start growing retarded, then you probably have some sort of deficiency


Active Member
Hey man nice grow you have started, I am a new grower and im wondering whats the best way for my cfls to be hanging in my closet, I cant seem to find a way to lower/raise the lights, i have 6 27w cfls.


Active Member
Hey man nice grow you have started, I am a new grower and im wondering whats the best way for my cfls to be hanging in my closet, I cant seem to find a way to lower/raise the lights, i have 6 27w cfls.

Well you could easily Build something Like I did for a low cost. Mine are hanging from the close Rack With the small chains as you can see. Try to build something in your head go to home depot and build it. Thats what I did.

How big is the closet?


Active Member
Well Ok everyone The closet has a door which I keep closed Temps are usually 70-80 sometimes 83. I plan on training the 2 plants as much as possible. I really wish I had all veg lights right now I currently got 2 5000k and the rest are 2700k the 2 5000k are above the rocklock which is 2 days old now. I wish I had some type of hood of some sort I could put over the lights. My plants arn't bushy enough so they only use 1 side of the light rack which is gay. I was looking for a full bushy plant in my closet using all of the lights I guess it takes time? But I topped the Bagseed in hope of getting a full bushy plant But not quite there yet I guess.

starting to not like the bagseed plant I think it has poor genes just grows funny and slow. Growth in between the nodes is weak.

Thats just a little update of everything That's going on...

Hella pics later of my setup picture by picture and plants...



Well-Known Member
I always say be thankful for what you have. I currently have my seedlings under 2 8 watt cfls. Do they have yard sale's, or swap meets in your area, you can usually pick up cfl's at the swap meet for really cheap.


Active Member
Damit I need a real veg cab. Something that doesn't leak light. Seen A PE grow and in a month the plant was a bush literally In a Nice cab. Hmm I could even flower in a cab. Any suggestions guys/girls?


Active Member
Well See Money doesn't come buy too often That I can spend. I mean Honestly Ive only put 100 bucks in to this grow MY self. And You could say I am pretty resourceful why?