B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..


Active Member
Alright so to get started this is a Bagseed grow. It was some pretty dank stuff I could say. As for lighting.. At the moment I am using 2 5000k 27 watt and a 15 watt 6500k Spectrum CFL in a mini cabinet I guess you could say its pretty ghetto but organized --..--. Nothing was made for growing in there except for the Soil.

I am growing this plant for learning reasons and personal use only. Mostly for learning right now cause I got this Blue Cheese and ROCKLOCK waiting to be grown. But first I need to finish this grow.

The plant was germed using the paper towel method. Then was thrown in some Scott's premium potting soil That has a super low NPK. Now the plant has been vegging for 6 days already it came up on the 21. I could say its doing pretty good.

I plan on letting it veg in there for a bit then throwing it in my closet where then ill have a mass setup with home made built Stuff Like a light rack a Screen for some LST.

Other Details: Watering with distilled water. Temps range from 83 to 76. And with my luck ill miss by a mile and this plant will die.


100_0992.jpgThere's that heat stress kicking in to play :weed:


Well-Known Member
If your starting off with a soil with very low NPK, and not adding any special nutes, chances are the yellowing of your leaves are from low nitrogen levels. Curling could be early signs of overwatering.

Even though your just starting out and want to successfully grow seed to harvest, you wont get very far if your plant doesnt get the basic nutes it needs. And right now in the early veg stages, it needs nitrogen!


Active Member
The leafs dont have yellowing all though the edges of the leafs are turning brown in some places. Heres some more pics the leafs curled more and the tips are really taking a dive... Idk what it is.
. It isnt nitrogen at all. Its something else.100_1000.jpg


Active Member

Well its grown a lot more I think in the last couple of days check it out tell me what you think!



Active Member
Its around 6.0 The burnt part was from heat had the lights really close at one point. Or that's what it came to be not quite sure honestly but i moved the lights and it hasn't happen to the new growth.


Active Member
How will you use a rack to do LST? Or are you doing Scrog? I want to do LST as well, so I'll be interested in seeing this.


Active Member

Well Here is a little update for you guys watching this grow. Plant seems to be doing good what you guys think?

And I set up my flowering closet tell me what you think. It isn't fully finished tho But I am working on it.


And the Flowering closet....


Active Member
Man wtf I dont know why it aint working I uploaded them on other sites fine. Its this site