★ Atomic Squat ★


Well-Known Member
I got manicured fingers and toes
I got 4 layers of pee-soaked clothes but I’m still condescending
Your as and teeth permanent browned
Your face is permanently frowned and I have everything I want
Your life’s gotta really suck
You gotta hustle all day just to make the bucks
To get high enough just to forget about what you’ve become
You’re the one who lives nowhere
You think you’re life’s more than a game of suits and ladders
When nothing really matters
You’re not just fluous, you’re superfluous
You don’t actually do anything, a human redundancy

40 year old Macallans, 40 Old English ounces
Henry the IV double shot
I just finished a bottle of Old Crow
I just bought a case of Chateau Margaux, not the 95, the 96
Your house is of corrections
Your house is full of collections of crap you bought from selling others out
You’re the one who has nothing
Your life is a game of unstable bladders, when nothing really matters
You woke up today covered in droppings (stock or bird)
When the bottom drops, my life won’t change a bit but yours will turn to shit
You are a superfluous man, I am a superfluous man
You’re quite a superfluous man, I am a superfluous man


Well-Known Member
Did it pay good? What were they called?

No offence but Billy Corgan is kind of a self righteous ass. Stop writing songs about Courtney Love you bald cunt!
I know, everyone hates SP. I can see why, don't know why I like them. Probably because of the memories associated with their music. I don't dig Corgan as a person, but I don't dig a lot of musicians' personalities. Whether or not I like their art is another matter. The pay was shit in those tiny clubs, it was before SP got big. No one had ever really heard of them then, just another Chicago alt band trying to make it. Glad they did...


Well-Known Member
I know, everyone hates SP. I can see why, don't know why I like them. Probably because of the memories associated with their music. I don't dig Corgan as a person, but I don't dig a lot of musicians' personalities. Whether or not I like their art is another matter. The pay was shit in those tiny clubs, it was before SP got big. No one had ever really heard of them then, just another Chicago alt band trying to make it. Glad they did...
If you don't tell anyone I said so, I actually like some of the music. Just not his lyrics. The early stuff when he wasn't all strung out on benzos.