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Well-Known Member
Heya everyone, I feel like being helpful tonight, so if anyone has any ?'s just fire away and I'll do what I can to help. Ill be checking back often
i am growing 2 plants i my closet
first grow

thats the 6 day old one.
what can i do to produce a good plant?


Well-Known Member
i am growing 2 plants i my closet
first grow

thats the 6 day old one.
what can i do to produce a good plant?
Well there are many things you can do, all take different levels of commitment. A good start would be to tell us what kind of lights you have access to and how much room you have to grow them out.


Well-Known Member
how do u read a co2 gage? A simple one. Sorry,first time user (302)5218833
First what kind of Co2 system are you using, Tank, generator, or a co2 bucket. A co2 tank and generator need a co2 regulator attached to the
All regulators are set to release co2 by the parts per million (ppm)


Well-Known Member
Well there are many things you can do, all take different levels of commitment. A good start would be to tell us what kind of lights you have access to and how much room you have to grow them out.
i have one 27W CFL light, with 5500k
and another flourecent tube, not sure of the wattage though.
i dont know the measurments
how long till harvest you think?


Active Member
i have a co2 cannister plus a regulator. Its a co2 regulator from a quick grow closet that i dont use anymore. I can plug it up seperately
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Active Member
i have 12 plants that i just transplanted to 2 gal pots .They are 3 weeks old. they were fine until 2 days ago.they r about 4 to 5 inches.I gave each plant about a half gal of water plus half strength nutes. My leaves r turning tan and then almost white. THE LOWER leaves r crinkling ,but they dont crumble yet.Growth has somewhat halted and the stems r still green,but very skinny. Ready to QUIT. second year grower. The last grow was similar with very poor yeild. Temps around 81 with lights. Humidity around 42. LOST N SPACE. My soil is wet. It takes about 2 weeks maybe before the soil drys. I usually water once a week anyway. I'm using good soil with grow rocks to help with drainage. DAMM PLANTS WONT GROW
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Well-Known Member
i have 12 plants that i just transplanted to 2 gal pots .They are 3 weeks old. they were fine until 2 days ago.they r about 4 to 5 inches.I gave each plant about a half gal of water plus half strength nutes. My leaves r turning tan and then almost white. THE LOWER leaves r crinkling ,but they dont crumble yet.Growth has somewhat halted and the stems r still green,but very skinny. Ready to QUIT. second year grower. The last grow was similar with very poor yeild. Temps around 81 with lights. Humidity around 42. LOST N SPACE
ok, lets see, how often have you been feeding them nutes??and what kind? I would start at 1/4 strength and work my way up. What kind of lights and soil are you using? I wanna help ya figure this out. Soundds like nute burn to me, but it's hard to tell without seeing it. PH could be a prob too, if your PH is way outta wack it could killem quick.


Well-Known Member
i have one 27W CFL light, with 5500k
and another flourecent tube, not sure of the wattage though.
i dont know the measurments
how long till harvest you think?
The bad new is you have to invest in more CFL's, the good news is not a ton. If you went and got 4 60 watt CFL's and some y connectors and 2 fixtures, under 80 bucks, and a 15$ fan, you are set. You could even buy 1 fixture and 2 bulbs, use that till they are about 1ft then buy the second pair and fixture, and start 12-12, 60 days after that-or so-and its harvest time.


Active Member
I feed them once a week with flora grow (gh).about half strength. Under two 600 watts mh. Ocean forrest fox farm mixed with light warrior for airation.i use a ditgital ph reader


Active Member
i recently planted 2 marijuana seed they both sprouted 2 days ago theres one thats aout an inch biger than the other with four leeves instead of 2 leaves then i searched the web n floavored marijuana it said if i poure pepermint extract in my water and watered the plants once a day then it would be flavored as i was pouring in the minty water a drip got on the smaller sprout and it turned dark and shriveled up and drooped the oher one looks as healthy as it was befor but the other one feel to the ground within 45 minuts is my other one going to end up like that??:peace::peace::peace::peace::joint:


Active Member
i recently planted 2 marijuana seed they both sprouted 2 days ago theres one thats aout an inch biger than the other with four leeves instead of 2 leaves then i searched the web n floavored marijuana it said if i poure pepermint extract in my water and watered the plants once a day then it would be flavored as i was pouring in the minty water a drip got on the smaller sprout and it turned dark and shriveled up and drooped the oher one looks as healthy as it was befor nothing got on the leeves of that one but the other one fell to the ground within 45 minuts is my other one going to end up like that once it gets in the roots its been about 4 hours sence ive done it and i just cheked and it looks fine


Well-Known Member
i recently planted 2 marijuana seed they both sprouted 2 days ago theres one thats aout an inch biger than the other with four leeves instead of 2 leaves then i searched the web n floavored marijuana it said if i poure pepermint extract in my water and watered the plants once a day then it would be flavored as i was pouring in the minty water a drip got on the smaller sprout and it turned dark and shriveled up and drooped the oher one looks as healthy as it was befor but the other one feel to the ground within 45 minuts is my other one going to end up like that??:peace::peace::peace::peace::joint:

Its possible, you should really only flavor your plant the day you take it down by using an extract of some flavor. Just grow out the plant bud it and before you harvest let the soil dry up well and give one last watering with the extract mixed in a gallon of water. You can make it as strong as you like. After a few hours the plant will have sucked up a good portion of the extract, cut manicure and dry. i have done this with orange extract and got good results, adds a nice hint of flavor.Anything else just hurts the plant.