are my plants gonna go way higher then my limit?


ok guys i posted before bout my 4x4 tent problem so i went with a 4x8 to make some room for tie downs.. but still im limit on height due to my basement ceiling .. is only 6'8 and i got a 6'5 tall tent.. 4x8 wide. 4 northern lights Fems nirvana . in 5 gallon bucket with 1000w dimmable using FFOF.

am i gonna encounter a problem with height. here is some pics .. i want to know if i need to do something before its too late. what can i do if so.. if not .. should i super crop? and how? i never done it before.. 20130503_184349.jpg20130503_184356.jpgView attachment 2642494View attachment 2642495View attachment 2642496View attachment 2642497View attachment 2642498View attachment 2642499View attachment 2642500View attachment 2642501View attachment 2642502View attachment 264250320130503_184533.jpgView attachment 2642505View attachment 2642506View attachment 2642507


Well-Known Member
hard for anybody to tell based on them pictures and the little info, best person to tell really, would be you, but I´ll try anyway, as you did`t mention the ages of them and how long they have been on 12/12 I will make a guess based on the pictures, and say your plants is about 2 weeks in to 12/12 now if you did a bit of research on the topic you will fast find out that the time the plants will grow the most is in the stretch (= the fist 1-3 weeks of 12/12) so in other words they should be done with most of the vertical growing


and dont super crop in 12/12 I did it once to fare in to 12/12 and got a few nanners (male flowers) if you have to do sumthing bend em down


hard for anybody to tell based on them pictures and the little info, best person to tell really, would be you, but I´ll try anyway, as you did`t mention the ages of them and how long they have been on 12/12 I will make a guess based on the pictures, and say your plants is about 2 weeks in to 12/12 now if you did a bit of research on the topic you will fast find out that the time the plants will grow the most is in the stretch (= the fist 1-3 weeks of 12/12) so in other words they should be done with most of the vertical growing


and dont super crop in 12/12 I did it once to fare in to 12/12 and got a few nanners (male flowers) if you have to do sumthing bend em down
sorry i forgot to add that part. they are about 8 weeks old.. but ok th anks.. i just dont want to burn em


New Member
without a cooled hooded i guess there is a risk of burning your buds . unless its like a pure indica with no stretch
You want the filter and the fann hung high in ur grow space, inside the tent. Like u mentioned, heat rises. You want the fan sucking hot air from the top and pulling cool air in from a bottom vent.