Anyone Ever Try Niacin Pills?


Active Member
i have to take a drug test and im going to stop smoking for atleast 3 weeks
and also people told me about niacin pills has anyone took them do they work to flush your body faster
do you think the 3 weeks sober plus niacin pills will work
ive smoke like 3 times a day
but in the last 4 days ive smoked 6 bowls all together
im tall and weight about 150


Well-Known Member
^^^with that attitude youll never pass...but niacin will speed up your metabolism but i doubt it will give you quick, reliable results.


Active Member
How are you with feeling like things are crawling on you? Flushed and ichy is the results of more Niacin than you are usta taking! And sinus congestion pressure headache. You been warned.


bud bootlegger
at your weight and 3 weeks time, your going to be pretty close to being able to piss clean if, and big if, you don't touch anymore bud till you have to piss.. i've heard that niacin don't do much other than make your face really red and get you all itchy and shit, not what i'm looking for, lol.. you could always look into synthetics like quick fix and smoke on the way to the test, that's the way i like to roll myself, lol, but if not, stop smoking and exorcise tons till you get close to the day, drink lots of fluids and stop exorcise a few days before your ua.... oh yah, buy a home kit and test yourself first before you have to take the real ua always..


Well-Known Member
they found traces of thc in my nephews ua after 80 days of not smoking. I'd stop now and look into a detox drink if I were you. Last test I took I quit smoking for 2 weeks and then drank a bottle of triple strength detox, the shits nasty but if you want to pass the test you better take it seriously. Niacin alone won't do if you've been a heavy smoker for any period of time . The detox says to quit smoking 2 days before the test but I took it seriously (I wanted the job) and gave it as long as possible. Its not like pot is physically addictive therefore its not that hard to put down for a short period of time...........if you want the job/freedom.