Another Cannabutter Question


RIU Bulldog
Does making cannabutter with the boiling water and butter in a pot method really work at extracting the THC from the leaf, or does the in butter only double-boiler method make more potent, or extract better, cannabutter?

If the boiling water and butter method works fine, how long do you boil them for?


RIU Bulldog
I'm gonna make some today in a few hours, so if you know the answer plz help a brotha out.
i put my butter and trim in a mason jar and put that in a pot of boiling water. works everytime for me.

and no need to spend $18, thats almost 4 gallons of gas.:wall:


Well-Known Member
boiling for a long time will degrade the goodies. simmering preserves more but you'll still have some degradation. IME 3 hours of simmering is plenty.
good luck


Well-Known Member
you use the crockpot for the temp control.... you put 4 lbs of butter in the crock pot and turn on low...after a couple skim the white film off the top...then you add 4-5 ounces of trim and put lid on...after that you heat/cool 2 times...then strain..very simple and you never degrade the will be the best 18 dollars you ever spend


RIU Bulldog
Well the thing is, I'm working with a micro batch this time around. A half oz of high grade sugar leaves and popcorn buds for one tray of brownies. I really wanted to throw an ounce in teo stick of butter but it's not gonna work out that way this time.
Does making cannabutter with the boiling water and butter in a pot method really work at extracting the THC from the leaf, or does the in butter only double-boiler method make more potent, or extract better, cannabutter?
To my knowledge putting the butter directly in water to let it boil only serves to not burn it. Butter burns very easily. This way you can potentially extract more cannabinoids at a higher temp. You still wont want it too hot though.

If the boiling water and butter method works fine, how long do you boil them for?
I disagree with a lot of ppl when I say this, but I believe the longer the better. I usually start mine at midnight and go till 6 A.M. The best butter I have had took 3 days. Just dont burn it. Double boil is the way to go. With a half oz of good stuff u could use 2 sticks of butter. THC is soluble in fat particles and the more volume to absorb cannabinoids only draws more out. If u use only one stick in a double boil you will lose almost half to the bud itself and the cloth u use to strain it with. I know it's only my third post but I'm worth my weight in cannabutter any day of the week. Good luck. Check out my cookie recipe.


Moderatrix of Journals
the oven is better for even heat distribution, you only have to stir it maybe once an hour if you set on low, and you don't want to go over 200-ish. i'd say minimum 4-6 hours up to all day if you want (i'm a put it in when i wake up, deal with it after dinner kind of gal). squeeze the crap out of the plant matter. you don't need water this way.

alternately, if it gets warm where you are, you can put it in direct sunlight for a full day.

maybe think about getting one of these:
001.jpg (this thing has changed my life, and i don't even know what it's for. i bought it at ikea for $12.)

and don't forget to freeze it once for further glandular breakdown (--> better bioavailability)

happy "ba~king~" bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I've been playing with both recently. I definately like the crock pot method the best. I went to the local box store and purchased a 2 qt crock pot for $8 that I keep in my garage now. It's perfect for a pound or two of butter plus trim/buds. Damn, that's some funky budder! :)

I made a few batches with simmering water and butter. It's a PITA to separate the two for me. Some folks are probably awesome at separating. IT was enough of a PITA to inspire me to get the deadicated :) crockpot for making budder.


Moderatrix of Journals
do you have an ikea in alaska? idk if it's in their online catalogue, but i'm sure if you *called the store... (i'm pretty sure what this is is a "fruit sieve") ... pm me or something if you can't find one, the next time i go there i'll write down the sku # for you. pretty sure if you called an ikea (there's 2 in bc) and said "blah blah blah, i know someone who has one of these and i really want it, this is the sku #, how much to ship one to me?" you'd start getting somewhere.
ikea's wp is


Well-Known Member
If you dont want to buy a double boiler just put water into a big pot and but the butter in a smaller pot. Then just boil the water with the smaller pot halfway submerged in the water and it will prevent from burning. That way is a lot less messy and easier to work with than putting both in one pot. Another suggestion is to use vegtable oil instead of butter because most brownie recipes call for oil anyways and it works just as good if not better.
If you dont want to buy a double boiler just put water into a big pot and but the butter in a smaller pot. Then just boil the water with the smaller pot halfway submerged in the water and it will prevent from burning. That way is a lot less messy and easier to work with than putting both in one pot. Another suggestion is to use vegtable oil instead of butter because most brownie recipes call for oil anyways and it works just as good if not better.
thats called a double boiler


RIU Bulldog
Thanks everyone who gave me advice on cooking the butter.
That's pretty shweet
What do you mean freeze it once? The butter of the shake? Cause I froze the mix to separate the water and butter..

I'm probably gonna get a cheap crock pot for the nest time around cause separating them was a bitch n' a half, even after I froze it because of how fast it defrosted once out of the water and the little bits were hard to wrangle.

Still tho, the brownies were tasty but the weren't very potent. I used auto shake first of all and secondly it was on like 12 g when all was said and done. Surprisingly tho, people who didn't smoke often were wasted!
Slipped one to my mom and the neighbor gave one to his unsuspecting wife. Needless to say, both were pretty ma at us lol.
So it works. Just kind of a PITA.
When I harvest my serious crop I'll make some better edibles with more shake to butter ratio.
(link to my current grow
Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
i put my butter and trim in a mason jar and put that in a pot of boiling water. works everytime for me.

and no need to spend $18, thats almost 4 gallons of gas.:wall:

I do the same thing... today I have a 6 oz jar about 3.5 oz of FRESH green buds + about 1 cup oil... my experiment is... I would like to be able to take 2-4 millileters and have it work... so I added more weed then oil... I litterally just put this stuff in the crockpot outside (wife aint fond of the smell) O have made a good recipe using only green fan leaves yup even the large ones work... have about 6 hours to wait

Fatty R Buckle

Active Member
I take 7ozs of leaves & popcorn buds and 2lbs of butter 8 cups low simmer for 3 or 4 hrs and bam..

P.S. I strain thru cheese cloth so easy..;-)