Another Barack Obama thread


New Member
Im not going to argue with you man. Ron Paul is who you want to win? Explain why.

Barack Obama is the face of change. I don't knock anyone running for presidency but I do know who I believe will be the best for the position.. and that is Barack Obama.
Why? He will Lower taxes, End the War in iraq and end the war on drugs..
not only that.. it seems like the other repub. are afraid to listen too him..

YouTube - Ron Paul: A New Hope


New Member
Im not going to argue with you man. Ron Paul is who you want to win? Explain why.

Barack Obama is the face of change. I don't knock anyone running for presidency but I do know who I believe will be the best for the position.. and that is Barack Obama.
So far, no one has stepped forward in this forum and explained exactly WHAT the changes are that Obama wants to make, HOW he will make them and WHAT the results of those changes will be. Will you step up to the plate and explain these things for us Heisman? Thanks ...



Well-Known Member
So far, no one has stepped forward in this forum and explained exactly WHAT the changes are that Obama wants to make, HOW he will make them and WHAT the results of those changes will be. Will you step up to the plate and explain these things for us Heisman? Thanks ...


Yes indeed Vi, I would very much like to see some indication of the specific changes to be achieved with an Obama administration.
One certainty is higher taxes, which to my way of thinking is more of precisely the same old, same old....there is nothing new about this!

Obama is part of the problem; he will simply make things even worse and deprive more citizens of more freedom.


New Member
What's his plans on lowering taxes? How's he going to end the war in Iraq? And YES he may end the war on drugs however that doesn't mean they will be legal and if they are legal that doesn't mean in every state.
What the fuck do you mean? watch his videos.. how you going to ask me his plans on lowering taxes..he said he would and hes probaly the only person running who doesnt lie about it.
Hes going to end the war by pulling the troops out of the war? are you fuckin dumb of something dude? you asked the 3 dumbest questions.


Well-Known Member
So far, no one has stepped forward in this forum and explained exactly WHAT the changes are that Obama wants to make, HOW he will make them and WHAT the results of those changes will be. Will you step up to the plate and explain these things for us Heisman? Thanks ...

True...It seems to like this is the election of 'change'. Everybody's been preaching it: Obama, Edwards, Hilary and even Huckabee has been jumping on it a lot lately. I'm sure the rest of them have to, I just haven't been paying much attention. The fact of the matter is Ron Paul(also Kucinich and Gravel to a lesser degree) is the only candidate that will bring real change...That's all the American people want. Too bad the majority are too dumb to realize they could have it.


Well-Known Member
Obama is the right man for the job. but his name and color will definently be a negative in this campaign. Predjudice is not dead yet, just look at some of the idiots that post on this site. To me, black, white or purple, it doesn't matter if they are qualified and have a great agenda. He is qualified and his agenda is good, not perfect, but a whole lot better than the one he'd be replacing.
Oh medicine sage, tell me where this "right man for the job" idea comes from. From what I have read, Obama has not been a leader of anything. Not a governor or a CEO. That leadership thing is important. Otherwise you get into a John Kennedy issue. A brilliant mind that made some serious stumbles.

I think Obama needs to set his sights on the Illinois governors' mansion first. That Illinois cesspool needs real help. If he makes it there, head to the White House, with God's speed.


New Member
Oh medicine sage, tell me where this "right man for the job" idea comes from. From what I have read, Obama has not been a leader of anything. Not a governor or a CEO. That leadership thing is important. Otherwise you get into a John Kennedy issue. A brilliant mind that made some serious stumbles.

I think Obama needs to set his sights on the Illinois governors' mansion first. That Illinois cesspool needs real help. If he makes it there, head to the White House, with God's speed.
Mama's going to buy you some chitlings, No mama's going to buy you a Mockingbird. A Mockingbird? Doesn't a Mockingbird Mock others? Basically, Mocking adds nothing to the debate, just makes fun of others. Is this really you? Take your medicine and calm down.


New Member
Mama's going to buy you some chitlings, No mama's going to buy you a Mockingbird. A Mockingbird? Doesn't a Mockingbird Mock others? Basically, Mocking adds nothing to the debate, just makes fun of others. Is this really you? Take your medicine and calm down.
what the fuck are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
Who cares if he says hes Christian. His growing up in countries that hate the US, being educated in extremist muslim schools, his possibly crazy muslim extremist father...we don't need this for our country...he even tries to hide the fact that his middle name is this point all hope is lost- you want a questionable unqualified foreign-educated black guy as president? Or the murderous Hillary Clinton who is doing this for her and her only? One way or the other this country is in for another 4-8 years of injustice and heartache.


New Member
Remember, Alot of Americans are stupid...they dont look at it like that..They believe whatever lies they say..its freedom and peace or keep going to war and looks like dumb mother fuckers want war..


New Member
Barak on the issues:
On the Issues

To find out more about specific issues, use the links below. You will find Senator Obama's positions, actions, and links to legislation

Tax Reform

Our federal tax code has become increasingly complex and unfair. Tax rates should be as low as we can afford them to be; and everyone should pay their fair share. Reform options should focus on creating a system that is simple, progressive, easy to comply with and devoid of abusive shelters. When examining reform options, Senator Obama believes that we should ensure any changes to the tax code reflect the needs and everyday worries facing ordinary Americans, while also promoting America’s competitiveness in the world economy.
Good Government, Responsible Spending

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Senator Obama worked closely with Senator Coburn, to draft and ultimately pass the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act. President Bush signed this measure into law in September of 2006. This important bill will...

Senator Obama believes that America must commit to a new national energy policy focused on improvements in technology, investments in renewable fuels such as wind and solar power, and greater efforts in conservation, efficiency, and waste reduction. Shifting from our current investment and consumption practices to this new direction will be one of the great leadership challenges in the coming decade.

Since 2002, and now, as a U.S. Senator, Senator Obama has continued to critique the Administration's mishandling of this war, and believes that while our troops have done an outstanding job in Iraq, there can be no military solution to what is inherently a political conflict between Iraq's warring factions. The only hope to end this burgeoning civil war is for Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds to come together and resolve their differences, and that's why Senator Obama agrees with the Iraq Study Group's conclusion that we must begin a phased redeployment of American troops to signal to the government and people of Iraq that ours is not an open-ended commitment.

With the nation facing unprecedented threats, it is essential that our military continues to be the best in the world. The Pentagon must adapt to face 21st century threats such as global terrorists and loose nuclear weapons in the former Soviet states. Senator Obama is working to ensure that the nation's defense capabilities are strong, agile, and prepared and that our troops are provided with the equipment they need.

As we transition to an increasingly global economy, many Americans are at risk of being left behind through no fault of their own. Among those most affected by these changes are senior citizens, many of whom are on fixed incomes. We need to modernize our social safety net to help senior citizens meet these new challenges, but we also must preserve those elements, such as Social Security and Medicare, that have enabled us to fulfill our moral commitment to our parents and grandparents.

Senator Obama is a strong proponent of tougher measures to fight crime and provide more resources to local law enforcement officers. He is particularly concerned about the growing problem of methamphetamine, which is ravaging many communities in Illinois.

As a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in the 109th Congress, Senator Obama worked to ensure our nation's environmental laws and policies balance America's needs for a healthy, sustainable environment with economic growth. He will continue to push for sound environmental policies with his colleagues in the 110th Congress.
Homeland Security

Senator Obama believes that greater attention needs to be paid to the nation’s homeland security. To that end, he has supported efforts to distribute more funds to cities like Chicago most at risk of a terrorist attack. He has also introduced legislation to strengthen chemical plant and drinking water security and to enhance disaster preparedness.

Senator Obama shares the growing public concern about illegal immigration in the United States. The challenge facing President Bush and Congress is how to effectively stop the flow of illegal immigrants across our borders, better manage immigration flows going forward, and deal with illegal aliens who are already living and working in this country.

As a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, Senator Obama is committed to providing every American with the opportunity to receive a quality education, from pre-kindergarten to college or vocational school to job retraining programs.
Health Care

Promoting affordable, accessible, and high-quality health care was a priority for Barack Obama in the Illinois State Senate and is a priority for him in the United States Senate. He believes firmly that health care should be a right for everyone, not a privilege for the few.

As a member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, Senator Obama is committed to helping the heroes who defend our nation today and the veterans who fought in years past.
Ethics and Lobbying Reform

Throughout his political career, Barack Obama has fought for open and honest government. As an Illinois State Senator, he helped pass the state’s first major ethics reform bill in 25 years. And as a U.S. Senator, he has spearheaded the effort to clean up Washington in the wake of numerous scandals.

Is this what you were looking for, it was an easy cut and paste, you could have looked your self if you were interested and saved all this bandwidth


New Member
Barak on the issues:
On the Issues

To find out more about specific issues, use the links below. You will find Senator Obama's positions, actions, and links to legislation

Tax Reform

Our federal tax code has become increasingly complex and unfair. Tax rates should be as low as we can afford them to be; and everyone should pay their fair share. Reform options should focus on creating a system that is simple, progressive, easy to comply with and devoid of abusive shelters. When examining reform options, Senator Obama believes that we should ensure any changes to the tax code reflect the needs and everyday worries facing ordinary Americans, while also promoting America’s competitiveness in the world economy.
Good Government, Responsible Spending

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Senator Obama worked closely with Senator Coburn, to draft and ultimately pass the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act. President Bush signed this measure into law in September of 2006. This important bill will...

Senator Obama believes that America must commit to a new national energy policy focused on improvements in technology, investments in renewable fuels such as wind and solar power, and greater efforts in conservation, efficiency, and waste reduction. Shifting from our current investment and consumption practices to this new direction will be one of the great leadership challenges in the coming decade.

Since 2002, and now, as a U.S. Senator, Senator Obama has continued to critique the Administration's mishandling of this war, and believes that while our troops have done an outstanding job in Iraq, there can be no military solution to what is inherently a political conflict between Iraq's warring factions. The only hope to end this burgeoning civil war is for Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds to come together and resolve their differences, and that's why Senator Obama agrees with the Iraq Study Group's conclusion that we must begin a phased redeployment of American troops to signal to the government and people of Iraq that ours is not an open-ended commitment.

With the nation facing unprecedented threats, it is essential that our military continues to be the best in the world. The Pentagon must adapt to face 21st century threats such as global terrorists and loose nuclear weapons in the former Soviet states. Senator Obama is working to ensure that the nation's defense capabilities are strong, agile, and prepared and that our troops are provided with the equipment they need.

As we transition to an increasingly global economy, many Americans are at risk of being left behind through no fault of their own. Among those most affected by these changes are senior citizens, many of whom are on fixed incomes. We need to modernize our social safety net to help senior citizens meet these new challenges, but we also must preserve those elements, such as Social Security and Medicare, that have enabled us to fulfill our moral commitment to our parents and grandparents.

Senator Obama is a strong proponent of tougher measures to fight crime and provide more resources to local law enforcement officers. He is particularly concerned about the growing problem of methamphetamine, which is ravaging many communities in Illinois.

As a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in the 109th Congress, Senator Obama worked to ensure our nation's environmental laws and policies balance America's needs for a healthy, sustainable environment with economic growth. He will continue to push for sound environmental policies with his colleagues in the 110th Congress.
Homeland Security

Senator Obama believes that greater attention needs to be paid to the nation’s homeland security. To that end, he has supported efforts to distribute more funds to cities like Chicago most at risk of a terrorist attack. He has also introduced legislation to strengthen chemical plant and drinking water security and to enhance disaster preparedness.

Senator Obama shares the growing public concern about illegal immigration in the United States. The challenge facing President Bush and Congress is how to effectively stop the flow of illegal immigrants across our borders, better manage immigration flows going forward, and deal with illegal aliens who are already living and working in this country.

As a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, Senator Obama is committed to providing every American with the opportunity to receive a quality education, from pre-kindergarten to college or vocational school to job retraining programs.
Health Care

Promoting affordable, accessible, and high-quality health care was a priority for Barack Obama in the Illinois State Senate and is a priority for him in the United States Senate. He believes firmly that health care should be a right for everyone, not a privilege for the few.

As a member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, Senator Obama is committed to helping the heroes who defend our nation today and the veterans who fought in years past.
Ethics and Lobbying Reform

Throughout his political career, Barack Obama has fought for open and honest government. As an Illinois State Senator, he helped pass the state’s first major ethics reform bill in 25 years. And as a U.S. Senator, he has spearheaded the effort to clean up Washington in the wake of numerous scandals.

Is this what you were looking for, it was an easy cut and paste, you could have looked your self if you were interested and saved all this bandwidth
Dude hes not going to win ..stop trying to persuade people


New Member
you would go by the polls that dont even count...
What planet are you from. A few hundred thousand internet wonks do not influence a general election, sure they may contribute 10-25 bucks each to his campaign, but the MSM is influencing this election, not the Net. Wake the fuck up. Just because a few of your friends like Ron Paul doesn't mean he has a chance. I have stated many times that I like his agenda (With a few exceptions) But being a realist, I also know he has about 1 in a thousand chance of ever being President, and even if he achieved that momentous platform, they would assasinate him very fast. Do you remember the Kennedy brothers, of course not, I do. Don't believe me? Ask the venerable warthog Vi if Paul has a chinamans chance. As much as I disagreee with him, if he were to be honest (a tough one, I know) he'd tell you the same thing, Paul will not be president, not now, not ever.