Another Barack Obama thread


Well-Known Member
Obama is the right man for the job. but his name and color will definently be a negative in this campaign. Predjudice is not dead yet, just look at some of the idiots that post on this site. To me, black, white or purple, it doesn't matter if they are qualified and have a great agenda. He is qualified and his agenda is good, not perfect, but a whole lot better than the one he'd be replacing.

Speaking of his agenda, what exactly is his agenda? I havent been able to figure that out yet.


New Member
...And? How will barring blacks from running from office fix this?....And America can't be too racist if a black man is the favorite to win the democratic nomination.
because you and most americans are dumb to believe he will do good for this country.. ron paul is the only one who wants peace..and mike gravel. fuck everyone else... you seem like you really care about this guy....almost too much..


Well-Known Member
id tell you if i was racist.. jus because i dont want him as president doesnt mean i hate black people..he doesnt count as every black person in the world just because hes running for president. stop assuming
uh You didn't say him. You categorized all blacks in your statement
'we dont need a muslim black running our country, that would lead to assassination, then the whole white vs blacks all over again. look at our history'
Key words: we don't need a muslim black running our country...Sounds racist to me.


New Member
uh You didn't say him. You categorized all blacks in your statement
'we dont need a muslim black running our country, that would lead to assassination, then the whole white vs blacks all over again. look at our history'
Key words: we don't need a muslim black running our country...Sounds racist to me.
take it as you want..


Well-Known Member
because you and most americans are dumb to believe he will do good for this country.. ron paul is the only one who wants peace..and mike gravel. fuck everyone else... you seem like you really care about this guy....almost too much..
U dumbass Paul is my guys. Followed by Kucinich and Gravel. I don't give a fuck about Obama. I just don't think his color should be a factor in whether ppl do or don't vote for him.


Well-Known Member
Hey Smoke if you like Paul and Gravel(As do I) then you got to admit Obama would be better than 90% of the Republican field. If any Repub gets elected besides Paul, things will be the same as they have been the last 7 years. So who would you vote for if the choices are Obama or Giuliani?


New Member
Hey Smoke if you like Paul and Gravel(As do I) then you got to admit Obama would be better than 90% of the Republican field. If any Repub gets elected besides Paul, things will be the same as they have been the last 7 years. So who would you vote for if the choices are Obama or Giuliani?
Exactly my point. If Ron Paul is not the candidate, then any democrat would be preferable to any repuke, case closed. Example: McCain "troops in Iraq for a hundred years" what an idiot. I used to have respect for McCain, the POW thing, My brother was a POW in Nam and I know what he went through. I'll still respect him for that but everything else is suspect.


New Member
Hey Smoke if you like Paul and Gravel(As do I) then you got to admit Obama would be better than 90% of the Republican field. If any Repub gets elected besides Paul, things will be the same as they have been the last 7 years. So who would you vote for if the choices are Obama or Giuliani?
well you made a point there...i dont look at it like that though..i just want ron paul to win.. i dont really want anyone else to win..i think he would do good for our country..and make it alot peaceful.


New Member
Look, Paul is a long shot. All you guys betting on paul should have an alternative plan. I realize the Dems are not fielding an overly impressive bunch, but the worst Democrat is better than any repuke except Paul, even hillary, cough-cough.


New Member
Look, Paul is a long shot. All you guys betting on paul should have an alternative plan. I realize the Dems are not fielding an overly impressive bunch, but the worst Democrat is better than any repuke except Paul, even hillary, cough-cough.
im sticking with ron paul. i dont need an alternative. i believe he will win!!
I jus dont get how Americans dont want a change for makes us look dumb i think. All the others jus want to keep fighting..our people are just dieing. and he seems to be the only one who will make this country alot better

Lamafia ck

New Member
i think if obama gets elected feds gon but bullets in his big head just like they did to J>F>K
or some cracker will


Well-Known Member
Ya. Okayyyy
keep dreaming buddy
Im not going to argue with you man. Ron Paul is who you want to win? Explain why.

Barack Obama is the face of change. I don't knock anyone running for presidency but I do know who I believe will be the best for the position.. and that is Barack Obama.