America's conservative backlash.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
When does this impartial person come out? I don't see any listening to ideas. You are generalizing and if a good idea came up here I doubt you would entertain it.
i entertain a great many ideas, but ones which are just batshit crazy or based on nebulous Hope "n" Change hand waving are rejected.

All these examples of liberal behavior you acted out to me last week. That is horseshit, why is it any different?
i was hardly present here last week.

be specific with your charges.


Well-Known Member
i entertain a great many ideas, but ones which are just batshit crazy or based on nebulous Hope "n" Change hand waving are rejected.

i was hardly present here last week.

be specific with your charges.
Remember, you and I spoke about disability. You put a strobe light up. Said I was bs. etc. all this even after you saw a pill bottle. I don't wanna go back there but you asked. You tried to give me a seizure.


New Member
you do realize that history started before january 2009 and has been documented so that we can all see what a demonstrably stupid statement you just made, right?

i mean, you are aware of the existence of history books and the like, right?

Buried in a New York Times story about the economy was this arresting statistic: Median family income for black Americans has declined a whopping 10.9 percent during the Obama administration.

under Ronald Reagan's policies, median African American household incomes increased by 84 percent (compared with 68 percent for whites) Black poverty is up, employment is down and wealth is down.

Hell even Tavis Smiley recognizes Obama has been bad for the black community.
Your a very ignorant boy Bucktard.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Buried in a New York Times story about the economy was this arresting statistic: Median family income for black Americans has declined a whopping 10.9 percent during the Obama administration.

under Ronald Reagan's policies, median African American household incomes increased by 84 percent (compared with 68 percent for whites) Black poverty is up, employment is down and wealth is down.

Hell even Tavis Smiley recognizes Obama has been bad for the black community.
Your a very ignorant boy Bucktard.
BarryO is teaching his followers to wait for the free shit, and now the Obamacrack is wearing off and they don't want to work and it shows on the pay check..An idiot can figure that out..


Well-Known Member
under Ronald Reagan's policies, median African American household incomes increased by 84 percent (compared with 68 percent for whites) Black poverty is up, employment is down and wealth is down.

`Ole Ronnie would TOTALLY back you...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Remember, you and I spoke about disability. You put a strobe light up. Said I was bs. etc. all this even after you saw a pill bottle. I don't wanna go back there but you asked. You tried to give me a seizure.
ha ha ha ha i remember now. that was because you were being petulant and self flaggellating.

you demanded to be put on the cross, cuz your hair shirt just wasnt mortifying your flesh sufficiently, thus, flashing gifs.

just a lil sample of the whiny weak-ass bullshit your were bringing into that now closed thread:

"You would change your mind in 48 hours with my income I guarantee.....milk would be a huge issue still, what about a cavity? You talk big and cheap and "schlep around cash" more than anyone. What would you do? You would refuse disability? Would you pay somehow no matter what?" ~you

I am getting sick of these fucking problems in the rich community. You don't know shit about inflation, or the fundamental aspects of human cooperation. If the meek do inherit your spherical estate we know where to find you real problems...I wouldn't suggest it happen but you gotta learn somehow." ~you

I need a program and am highly skilled. Ever needed something? Ever have your quality of life permanently compromised?~youDo something for someone else. ~you in reply to your own statement seen immediately above... (lulz)

And programs remember? Disability is a need I have not a settle, or welfare, or my entitlement. This is the time and place when you can agree with a govt program without being abandoned. This is the reason I make 150. ~you, let the pity-party commence!

Read the thread, perhaps context will do you some good for once. Nonsense because you say so, same old schtick. You assign a dollar value to things I do not and it makes you an inferior human being by my standard. But put us together in life and I will embarrass you. Odd combo.....shameless and embarrassed...what are you speaking of. Nobody cares. ~You

and then you just got WIERD.

so yeah i dont feel bad at all for throwing around some flashies.


Well-Known Member
CheezyO the clan man...

The colored folks are free here in america, they can do what ever they want...Maybe you can use that burning cross to give the colored folks a pep talk, and then when you get it working for you, you can share your knowledge with Buck and the two of you can be super hero's..


Well-Known Member
CheezyO the clan man...

The colored folks are free here in america, they can do what ever they want...Maybe you can use that burning cross to give the colored folks a pep talk, and then when you get it working for you, you can share your knowledge with Buck and the two of you can be super hero's..
Shit. . .How old are you. . . who says colored anymore. . . What color are you referring to. . . All of them. . .


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha ha i remember now. that was because you were being petulant and self flaggellating.

you demanded to be put on the cross, cuz your hair shirt just wasnt mortifying your flesh sufficiently, thus, flashing gifs.

just a lil sample of the whiny weak-ass bullshit your were bringing into that now closed thread:

"You would change your mind in 48 hours with my income I guarantee.....milk would be a huge issue still, what about a cavity? You talk big and cheap and "schlep around cash" more than anyone. What would you do? You would refuse disability? Would you pay somehow no matter what?" ~you

I am getting sick of these fucking problems in the rich community. You don't know shit about inflation, or the fundamental aspects of human cooperation. If the meek do inherit your spherical estate we know where to find you real problems...I wouldn't suggest it happen but you gotta learn somehow." ~you

I need a program and am highly skilled. Ever needed something? Ever have your quality of life permanently compromised?~youDo something for someone else. ~you in reply to your own statement seen immediately above... (lulz)
And programs remember? Disability is a need I have not a settle, or welfare, or my entitlement. This is the time and place when you can agree with a govt program without being abandoned. This is the reason I make 150. ~you, let the pity-party commence!
Read the thread, perhaps context will do you some good for once. Nonsense because you say so, same old schtick. You assign a dollar value to things I do not and it makes you an inferior human being by my standard. But put us together in life and I will embarrass you. Odd combo.....shameless and embarrassed...what are you speaking of. Nobody cares. ~Youand then you just got WIERD.

so yeah i dont feel bad at all for throwing around some flashies.
I wouldn't expect you to. Stay classy.


Well-Known Member
See, this is why progs are so utterly detestable.
In a video posted to YouTube in 2012 titled “Bishop E.W. Jackson Message to Black Christians,” Jackson says: “It is time to end the slavish devotion to the Democrat party. They have insulted us, used us and manipulated us. They have saturated the black community with ridiculous lies: ‘Unless we support the Democrat party, we will be returned to slavery. We will be robbed of voting rights. The Martin Luther King holiday will be repealed.’ They think we’re stupid and these lies will hold us captive while they violate everything we believe as Christians.”
He continues:
“Shame on us for allowing ourselves to be sold to the highest bidder. We belong to God. Our ancestors were sold against their will centuries ago, but we’re going to the slave market voluntarily today. Yes, it’s just that ugly.”
(Jackson also took swipes at the gay community and compared Planned Parenthood to the Ku Klux Klan.)
The Democrat Plantation theology goes something like this: Democrats use the government to addict and incapacitate blacks by giving them free things — welfare, food stamps and the like. This renders blacks dependent on and beholden to that government and the Democratic Party.
This is not completely dissimilar from Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” comments, although he never mentioned race:


Well-Known Member
See, this is why progs are so utterly detestable.
Star Parker, a Scripps Howard syndicated columnist, failed Republican Congressional candidate and author of the book “Uncle Sam’s Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America’s Poor and What We Can do About It,” argued in an article in 2009 on the conservative Web site Townhall: “A benevolent Uncle Sam welcomed mostly poor black Americans onto the government plantation. Those who accepted the invitation switched mind-sets from ‘How do I take care of myself?’ to ‘What do I have to do to stay on the plantation?’"


Well-Known Member
under Ronald Reagan's policies, median African American household incomes increased by 84 percent
black unemployment under ronald reagan was 21%, compared to 14% under obama.

and despite your idiotic attempt to deal in facts (undoubtedly copied and pasted), black unemployment has always been about twice that of white unemployment, under obama or anyone else.