All 4 bills pass out of the house


Well-Known Member
That is why I have really long hair, wear pot shirts, and usually have a joint hanging out of my mouth. Just doing my part to clear up the confusion.


Active Member
So, for all of the people who just went to a doctor who only does MJ cards and just checked out your paper work, how will this effect them right now? Is their card now void? Or is it next time they try and renew? How will you know if they decide you don't count anymore? Most doctors I see have a strict not signing of the paper work rule. My own doctor told me to see one of the pot doctors because she thought I could benefit, but wouldn't sign it herself.


Active Member
and what are the concerns about police having access to the list? They still need a search warrant.
No they don't. It says in the bill specifically that they do not need a search warrant, only probable cause, which is a low hurdle to clear.

And even if they get one off of smell or something, if your plant count is fine...what is there to worry about?
Getting pulled over, cop lying and saying he smelled mj (this gives probable cause), looked up in the system, come up as a patient, blood test, THC drugged driving conviction (Court of Appeals ruled recently that any quantity of detectable THC constitutes drugged driving).
Which is trash, I think we should fight so that people who are prescribed rx would have to on an excessable list as well.
Or even diabetics,(not trying to be mean) who go into diabetic shock and drive of the road.
I no that it is a recomendation, not a prescription thats federal.
Man leave us alone, we leave everyone else alone.


Well-Known Member
So, for all of the people who just went to a doctor who only does MJ cards and just checked out your paper work, how will this effect them right now? Is their card now void? Or is it next time they try and renew? How will you know if they decide you don't count anymore? Most doctors I see have a strict not signing of the paper work rule. My own doctor told me to see one of the pot doctors because she thought I could benefit, but wouldn't sign it herself.
I believe they took out that part of the bill that said the physician cannot solely do mmj certs.

What I am concerned with is the Photo requirements. How are we suppose to acquire the proper photo and if we dont will we be denied? Is the doctor writing the recommendation responsible or is the patient responsible for the photo. Sounds like the tried to clear up the cluster fuck at LARA by extending the cards to 2 years but then takes a step back with the photos witch I am sure will be causing all sorts of issues.


Well-Known Member
I didn;t see anything about the cost going up but I am willing to bet the cost to get certified will go up because the Doctors are required to keep records now and I assume some of them will offer taking the photo for the card for an extra charge.


Well-Known Member
They don't need a warrant. but they can't just run your plate for kicks either. The purpose is to eliminate unwarranted arrest..not to create more arrests. Though, some will disagree.
For those who don't believe THEY know everything they want to know about you unless you live completely off the radar, only use cash, no banks, no DL, no job, no cell phone, no landline, no internet blah blah blah, and will only come after you with valid warrent; Watch American Weed; I just watched a team of men and dogs bust into a doublewide under the say so of an annoyn tipper it was a meth lab somewhere in CO.... they found I believe 20 plants over the 2 patients state limit and trust me, it was no major op.... watch it, they don't even try to hide what thugs they are. Warning not for those who anger easily.


Well-Known Member
They can access the database without a warrant. as far as i saw, it says nothing about entering your home without one. correct me if im wrong

bob harris

Well-Known Member
They can access the database without a warrant. as far as i saw, it says nothing about entering your home without one. correct me if im wrong
Need a warrant to enter. the idea is so that they can dismiss a "smell" complaint if it's coming from a registered patient's home. Also so they can see if the 4 oz's in your trunk is ok..stuff like that. Could it be mis used..sure. All the doomsday preppers will argue that it will be used all the time.