A quality $5 Opiate Buzz


Well-Known Member
I have tried this technique twice now, and it has produced an amazing long-lasting (6-8 hours) opiate high on both occasions.

STEP 1: Purchase 1 pound of raw poppy seeds from your local health food store. Its about $5 a pound.

STEP 2: Use a funnel to insert ALL of the seeds into a 24+oz bottle.

STEP 3: Fill the bottle with COLD WATER until all the seeds are soaked and the water level is about 1-2 inches higher than the top of the seeds.(Add a 1/4 cup of lemon/lime juice, the acid helps break down the opium.

Step 4: Shake like your life depends on your ability to do so. Shake your soaked seeds off and on for about an hour. The more shaking the better.

STEP 5: Place a T-shirt or clean cloth over the end of the bottle to strain out all the poppy seeds.

STEP 6: Drink all of the tea cold (the warmer the nastier it taste) and wait for the buzz. Do not operate vehicles after drinking the tea.

Hope you all enjoy this wonderful way to experience opiates.


Well-Known Member
And no, just the ones you buy in bulk used for baking. The more stems and leaf matter in the seeds the better, it mean that they are less processed and have not lost as much of the already minute amounts of opium matter.


Well-Known Member
this really works ? i gotta try this ! so it would be like taking a few vicodin EX tabs or what ?


Well-Known Member
is the yield dependent on the water being cold? and if so then should one take steps to keep the water/juice/seed mixture cold? i.e ice, insulated container?


Well-Known Member
This does work if you're in a jam and need something to hold back w/d. In fact I know some people who have switched to Seed and Pod Tea exclusively and they maintain evry well.


Active Member
I've heard if you use some kind of alcohol and let it evaporate you get a crude opium. I would imagine this would be better because it's easier to gauge how much you're taking (hard to tell the opium content of the seeds if you just make a tea). I've tried the tea before though with I think 300G of seeds. It worked nicely, but I would like to try the extraction method sometime in the future..


Well-Known Member
you can get poppy seeds at any health food store or super market. they are everywhere now. they have entire health food sections in most food stores now. or you can buy them in bulk online. good luck


Well-Known Member
huh....well....im hafta try this, so i can find the poppy seeds at health food stores? i mean are they different then mcormicks or durkee's poppy seeds for cookin that you get in smaller proportions?


Well-Known Member
Good call there bud,my wife makes a tea very simular to the tea you described,it helps her stomache stop hurting,she had accute pancreitis & the pain has never fully went away & the tea helps her alot.


Active Member
I have tried this technique twice now, and it has produced an amazing long-lasting (6-8 hours) opiate high on both occasions.

STEP 1: Purchase 1 pound of raw poppy seeds from your local health food store. Its about $5 a pound.

STEP 2: Use a funnel to insert ALL of the seeds into a 24+oz bottle.

STEP 3: Fill the bottle with COLD WATER until all the seeds are soaked and the water level is about 1-2 inches higher than the top of the seeds.(Add a 1/4 cup of lemon/lime juice, the acid helps break down the opium.

Step 4: Shake like your life depends on your ability to do so. Shake your soaked seeds off and on for about an hour. The more shaking the better.

STEP 5: Place a T-shirt or clean cloth over the end of the bottle to strain out all the poppy seeds.

STEP 6: Drink all of the tea cold (the warmer the nastier it taste) and wait for the buzz. Do not operate vehicles after drinking the tea.

Hope you all enjoy this wonderful way to experience opiates.
my friend went to reasors and they had 3 diff types of poppy seeds and you said it didnt matter and he said they didnt sell by pounds. he said he bought a bag that was a oz and was $1 each and he bought 9 bags for $9 and he did all the steps and he said it didnt do shit? what poppy seeds did you use?


Active Member
Good call there bud,my wife makes a tea very simular to the tea you described,it helps her stomache stop hurting,she had accute pancreitis & the pain has never fully went away & the tea helps her alot.

lol are you talking to me? im confused? i didnt describe a tea?


Well-Known Member
I used roughly a quarter pound of poppy seeds with the method provided. It works will discuss later on. gotta go out HAPPY NEW YEAR