A quality $5 Opiate Buzz


Oracle of Hallucinogens
State of mind can drastically influence an opiate trip, so how can you say they're predictable..
My sister took 1/2 a Tylenol-3 (only 15mg codiene iirc) they gave her at the hospital for something minor (I forget).. Anyways, she dropped like a fly and had to be ambulanced to the hospital.. She was apparently pretty close to cardiac arrest..
Opiates are unpredictable on so many levels..
State of mind can influence the trip? I've taken them mad, happy, depressed, stressed, never had any difference besides when taken happy they tend to have more euphoria. And that's after taking a lot! Well over $3,000 in a month.

I don't mean to be rude, as I am sorry that happened to your sister, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but personally I think it's bullshit that you're counting a severe allergic reaction as unpredictable. I mean fuck, if someone is allergic to peanut butter and they don't know and eat it and die, you can't say peanut butter is unpredictable.. you can just say it's unfortunate that it happened and now you know what to avoid.

But please, I have had some people get pretty angry at some of my posts, I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm trying to present another side of a story. Smoke on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the anecdote but psychology books don't agree.. I remember this question from a drug psychology text:

Under which situation is death most likely for an early-stage heroine user?
a) Normal dose in their own home
b) Moderately larger dose in their own home
c) Normal dose in a friend's home
d) Moderately smaller dose in a friend's home
e) Moderately larger dose in a friend's home

The answer is actually d) and it has to do with mis-judged expectation of percieved safety/familiarity..


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Thanks for the anecdote but psychology books don't agree.. I remember this question from a drug psychology text:

Under which situation is death most likely for an early-stage heroine user?
a) Normal dose in their own home
b) Moderately larger dose in their own home
c) Normal dose in a friend's home
d) Moderately smaller dose in a friend's home
e) Moderately larger dose in a friend's home

The answer is actually d) and it has to do with mis-judged expectation of percieved safety/familiarity..
Never read anything about opiates or opoides or the treatment of their use being detramental or having unpredicted in my Physicials Desk Reference... but what the fuck do doctors know? As a matter of fact, I have never heard of one person making this warning in the experiences in erowid, nor in the basic drug description, nor its effects. After doing them straight with no breaks for over a month along with mixing many of them together, I have never had the reaction that you described. Maybe you should get another source? What the fuck does a psychology book know about the dosage of a drug that it takes to kill a certain tolerant person, of a certain sex, of a certain weight? Not shit.

And please, what is "A moderately small dose of heroin". Like I said before, if you're tolerant to let's say diacetylmorphine (Heroin) and you're shooting 60mg at a time and then you stop for about a week, and you shoot up 60mg again, you just took a dosage (approximately) 4 times what you should've, as you tolerance from heroin use falls extremely quick when not used. Hell the former junkie might die (not likely)... but is this unpredictable? No, not at all; one is expected to know how the substance works including the time it takes for one's tolerance to diminish.


Well-Known Member
Those terms are worded relatively because their supposed to be interpreted relative to the users normal habits/dosage..
Also, heroin (diacetylmorphine) is a far different beast when injected because it doesn't convert to morphine (which reaches the brain more slowly).. Intravenous use is what that question pertained to..
Tolerant ppl are one thing regarding opiates taken orally, but I'm thinking ppl looking into supermarket poppy-seeds aren't exactly Dr House..
Here is an anecdotal account of a more minor case of what happened to my sister..


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Those terms are worded relatively because their supposed to be interpreted relative to the users normal habits/dosage..
Also, heroin (diacetylmorphine) is a far different beast when injected because it doesn't convert to morphine (which reaches the brain more slowly)..
You just proved you have no idea what you are talking about...

Diacetylmorphine has a half life of 5 minutes until it does just that... BREAKS DOWN INTO MORPHINE VIA YOUR BRAIN! (Heroin is only diacetyl for up to 10 minutes when IV'ed, then it's all morphine)

Do some homework, I don't feel like convincing you more, as you're hard headed.

So here:

"Heroin is usually reported as being two to three times as potent as morphine But this gives the wrong idea about heroin because it does not actually get the user high. Heroin acts as a transport chemical, delivering more morphine to the brain because it crosses the blood-brain barrier more quickly than morphine. Once in the brain, it is morphine that heroin breaks down into that gets the user high."

Please read before you argue this post.. I've been studying drugs a long time man...


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Read post #81 in regard to your sister's allergic reaction.. I do believe I already wrote what you posted.

Injecting codeine will lead to that result in people who are not allergic to it, as it will create histamine in your body (essentially like an allergic reaction) and can lead to codeine-induced pulmonary edema.

^ Not saying your sister injected codeine, I just figured I'd add a little interesting tid-bit about that piece of shit opiate that you're basing your information off of.


Well-Known Member
When taken orally, heroin undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism via deacetylation, making it a prodrug for the systemic delivery of morphine. When the drug is injected, however, it avoids this first-pass effect, very rapidly crossing the blood-brain barrier due to the presence of the acetyl groups, which render it much more lipid-soluble than morphine itself.


Well-Known Member
The only reason I mentioned my sister is that she consumed only about 7-8mg codeine orally, and just about died.. She's an exception, but far from unique.. I imagine you'd yield quite a bit more than that in various opiates from this recipe..


Well-Known Member
As a former heroin user for a few years and a current poppy tea drinker and opium smoker I can tell you personally(notice the personally, Im not saying this pertains to everyone) I have never had a different reaction when I,ve been in different moods. Before I started growing poppies and was a heroin user my habit was 1,200usd per week and I used about 20 blows a day(blows are 10 dollar bags bought in Chicago). the reason its 1200 a week and not 1400 is cause you get a discount if you buy 12 at a time(called a jab). Anyways when I would be out and on my way to the city I would be very depressed and as soon as I took it I felt normal. When Id be sitting at home and just be depressed cause you know I was a heroin addict I would not have a different reaction when I used. I have had friends die on it but it was for two different reason. Reason 1: they got either stronger heroin then they normally got at their spot(In chicago on the west and southside they have dope spots that are open 24/7 just pull up in your car and order). Most people me included get use to the same basic strength of heroin at their perspective spots. So if one day you need to blows to get high but your doing say 20% heroin and the next day you go to the same spot and they are selling purer shit say 85% and you do the same 2 blows. Well you can imagine. And as fucked up as this sounds the dealers up there will do that shit on purpose. Killing someone of their dope is good marketing. Why? Cause it shows its potent. I was in trouble when the fentanyl laced heroin came around so lucky I missed that but that is number two why alot of people die from heroin. They dont know what the hell they're buying. You think your getting heroin and you get some shit thats 10 times more potent than 100% pure heroin there are going to be some problems. But going back to the first reason when this shit was around it was all over WGN news which is great advertisment for the dealers and even though people were dying left and right and the new was reporting pretty close proximities of where the dole was sold guess what was happening? The heroin users were flocking to those areas. Everyone has the whole "it cant happen to me" mind set.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
a lot of good info there 2cimdma.. We had a big problem (in the States I mean) when designer fentanyl first hit the market and people were labeling it as heroin! What American Gangster is based off of no?


New Member
yep, 2cimdma, there was a mad rush for the black tar that hit austin in the mid-nineties because people were dropping like flies. A friend's 8 year old daughter found another friend of mine dead on the shitter on xmas day. Yeah, i've seen enough of the "it can't happen to me"/i need some of that shit mentality to last me a long time.

IMHO opiates cause the opposite reaction to the psychedelics; they make you feel like you are king of the world and nothing is wrong or out of order. Trips though will sometimes force you to deal with the grim realities of your circumstances.

sorry for the downer opening, but if you want the reality of the current problems of with street drugs that's it. FUCKED UP!!!!



Oracle of Hallucinogens
IMHO opiates cause the opposite reaction to the psychedelics; they make you feel like you are king of the world and nothing is wrong or out of order. Trips though will sometimes force you to deal with the grim realities of your circumstances.
True that.