A new beginning in Rockwool! Afghani and White Widow



Yeah the root growth is great across all the plants. So i'm not worried there. The CO2 i heard is really helpful in the later stages during flowering. Should be ok as it is now.


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Well there it is. This system is extremely sturdy, high quality and well built....money well spent :)

Well this MH beasty is EXTREMELY bright, it's like fireworks compared to a match (match being CFLs). I'm happy to say that the installation and assembly went without a hitch, i hooked up the exhaust fan nicely to my closet's door and it's looking very stealth.

Today's an extremely warm day....inside it is at least 74F today....so I'm glad to see temperatures inside the closet maxing out at 84-85F. During colder days they should be in mid 70s.

The plants are looking good, the 2nd bigger one is slighly yellowish...or maybe i'm overly worried. The 3 smaller burned ones still look burned....i don't know if it's getting better or worse. The other seedlings are doing fine....lets see what happens. Did i say digital ballasts are awesome? Thought i did.... ;)


Ok I was recommended spraying some Epsom salt solution on my babies to help remedy this yellowing and necrosis of the leaves. Because 4 of my plants are displaying clear signs of magnesium deficiency (my fault of course for burning them last week).

Also, read an interesting article that this is caused by sometimes over-nuting the plant with a potassium high nutrient and that in turn locks out magnesium which causes these symptoms. Anyhow, Epsom salt is something like a second coming for plants and says to double growth rate and flowering.....going to give a gentle foliar spray tonight. (hehe for $2/4 lbs.....I think this is good to do generally).


Ok foliar fed the plants Epsom salt last night, a weak solution of 1 EC and 5.8 pH water.

One of my plants is droopy....don't know why. In general the plants in rw look less green then in soil. I wonder if I've been underfeeding them nutes. I've started giving 1 EC a week ago to all of them, i fed them with just plain water on wednesday and wondering if maybe that's why. Need some help :(




Well I've not been resting even on the weekend. I went out and bought some planks and have everything ready to begin construction of a custom grow tent.

It will measure 4.6' x 4.6' x 6.6'. Have already made some drawings, should be great. I'm not going to put a door in it, instead I'll make a poly or tarp drop down and seal it with Velcro. All I need now are a couple of 4" intake fans. Already have everything else....tired of growing in a closet....and don't want to smell up my clothes. I'll post pics of progress. Hopefully i haven't killed my plants at home and they will be alive when I come back tonight.


Heh every time i come home I expect the plants to be dead....sorry get a little carried away.

So they're doing much better it seems. It is still a mystery why 3 of them only display the yellowishness and little brown spots on the leaves, while the others are absolutely ok.

Also....could this be b/c of too much light? I'm running 24/7 right now. This is recommended for fast growth by Ed Rosenthal and NGT. Feedback welcome!

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Yep. Nute deficiency...

Last night applied a 1.4 EC solution to plants 1, A & B. 1.6 to all the rest. Looking much better this morning, the leaves perked up and are very upright. Building their new home in the mean time. Will post progress pics.


Well here are some updated pics....is it me or do they look bigger now? :D

The last pic is my new plant house. Thanks to NGT, he stopped me from spending hundreds of dollars and instead I built my own (of course this is if you don't mind a few days of work and shopping at Lowe's or HD).

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Sector 5 Moderator
Oh man those are beautiful!! Grow on little girls!! I'm finding out that a lot of people that supply our hobby are only out to sell us a bill of goods; we don't need a bunch of this crap. I'm absolutely embarrassed to say how much I've spent trying to grow one damn plant to maturity and at this point I don't have much to show for it except a bunch of "stuff" and some dying plants. (picturing princess Leah's hologram: "Help me NGT; you're our only hope".


Oh man those are beautiful!! Grow on little girls!! I'm finding out that a lot of people that supply our hobby are only out to sell us a bill of goods; we don't need a bunch of this crap. I'm absolutely embarrassed to say how much I've spent trying to grow one damn plant to maturity and at this point I don't have much to show for it except a bunch of "stuff" and some dying plants. (picturing princess Leah's hologram: "Help me NGT; you're our only hope".
Thanks PP,

Yeah definitely this hobby has everything to take over you and become VERY addictive. But I'm enjoying every moment of it, except when I panic when I think my plants are dying. I'm guilty of overspending, too. I bought that crap SH for 270$ which does nothing ATM. I'm planning to at least use its manifold for when I build a top drip system. At least I'm using up my MG soil and nutrients I bought for that plant.


Sector 5 Moderator
I bought a 5" PVC fence post with end caps and some drippers, tubing, 4 bubble stones, huge water pump and double air pump to make a drip system but I've been so depressed over keeping anything alive I haven't had the ambition to build it. Maybe I can take some pix of what I have and start a new thread and get some feedback on how I should put this thing together.


Well well well, it looks as if the hard labor is beginning to pay off. I watered them this friday and decided to give all of them 1.6 EC. I was in for a pleasant surprise this morning. The bigger plants got bigger, but the smaller ones simply exploded in growth, I was amazed, last night they were considerably smaller. The leaves are huge, the stems long, they dwarfed my soil plant. Anyway here you are:



Sector 5 Moderator
OMG, those are freaking beautiful!! Is the one in soil the same strain and planted at the same time?


OMG, those are freaking beautiful!! Is the one in soil the same strain and planted at the same time?
Lol yes the one in the pot is exactly the same strain and planted as the same time as my biggest ones were. Now you see the difference between soil and hydro. The soil one still looks nice and is the SKUNKIEST smelling of them all. The only crappy part is that now I'll have to wait to flower them all at the same time. :( oh well


Thanks shame.

So here are a few pics of my newly finished grow room. Please give feedback as you see fit.

Well the project was a success! The plants have 4 times as much space and the temperatures are now only 73-74F as opposed to 80-82 with a closed door in my 3x3' closet. The only thing I need to get now is an oscillating fan.

I'll be very honest for a second however. The amount of work it took was a little more then I bargained for. I spent a good 25 hours constructing all of this not including at least 3 hours shopping at home depot b/c the people there are so.....very......helpful *cough**assholes**cough*. The don't know where their stuff is and NOT ONE wants to help. Each employee tries to run away from you. There was 1 exception where a guy who was standing at the entrance to the store was very helpful and knew where everything was (he looked like Santa Claus that's probably why). The cost of getting an auto stapler, a manual saw, materials, etc.....>100$.

Of course this was VERY much fun and it allowed me to create a tailored room as opposed to getting a size that's too small or too big. I did make the height of the grow room a little too high (7.5') which is overkill. I would say that 6' is more then enough. The biggest tip i could give to newbie builders is that if I were to do this again, i'd definitely go with PVC pipes. They're light, sturdy, cheap, no drilling of any kind, just buy the appropriate joints, measure, cut and you're set.

For those who are strapped on time, I'd go with the biggest grow tent HTG supply offers for 209$, it's a great deal. Sure you'll spend ~100$ more on it, but it'll be professional and you'll spend no time building it. Because now I'm a little worried that when I have to move for example, disassembling my grow room will be somewhat of a challenge. Well night...peace....i'm tired! Thanks for recommending this project NGT.


