A new beginning in Rockwool! Afghani and White Widow



Small update. Right girl is going berserk and already hit the rope, not much flowers on her though, she's a late bloomer it seems.

NGT see the slight leaf margin roll on one of the pics? It's not as bad as the curling last time, i flushed yesterday for the entire day, but it seems it's still there slightly. Oh well, f it. I nuted this morning with 1.8 ec bloom and 4.5 tsp boost. They seem to love it otherwise.



Well-Known Member
hey man....looking sweet...that rolling or curling....I have a very slight but similar circumstances.....I have been told everything from overwater, to temp (too low), and K deficiency from nute look-up.......I'll be interested to see what peole say to you?

Another comment....when I look at your pics and those of many others, and compare those to mine, I have a sense that yours/others alomst have a "waxy" apperance to the leaves....and mine do not? I do not mean to say this is a prob....in your/others or mine....I just wonder...maybe its strain realted? just cuirous. your grow looking might fine! :mrgreen:
This is the curling i'm talking about!


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like they are "lovin" on each other.........."Wrap your tender arms around my bushiness"...lol
Great work Fox!


hey man....looking sweet...that rolling or curling....I have a very slight but similar circumstances.....I have been told everything from overwater, to temp (too low), and K deficiency from nute look-up.......I'll be interested to see what peole say to you?

Another comment....when I look at your pics and those of many others, and compare those to mine, I have a sense that yours/others alomst have a "waxy" apperance to the leaves....and mine do not? I do not mean to say this is a prob....in your/others or mine....I just wonder...maybe its strain realted? just cuirous. your grow looking might fine! :mrgreen:
Well my curling is due to closeness of the light source. It's less than 1 foot right now b/c of how tall the plant has gotten. Also, my fan was turned to a low setting and pointing in a weird direction. I pointed it to blow exactly between the tops and the light and turned up the fan speed. They're looking mighty fine this morning. Grew again, the one on the right is trying to escape the confines, it slapped me in the face this morning. They're eating an amazing amount of nutes right now. In 48 hours, my nutes went down from 2 EC to 1.4. The curling I have is not b/c of overwatering (can't overwater rockwool) nor too much nutes (leaves are perfectly green). It can be due to salt formation in the rockwool medium (solution is to flush) or if the leaves are curling up (as a few of mine did a few days ago) it's too much heat and most likely b/c the light source is too close (mine is a 600W HPS). I'm not worried now, they got a couple of weeks left! The waxy appearance I think is due to different strains. PS Thanks for the compliments...if anyone has any questions, PM me or rw expert NGT (nongreenthumb), i'll be glad to help.


Well-Known Member
thanks man...very instricutive. its interesting in the last couple of days my BigBud have started to develop that waxy appearance.

The other curling thing, thanks. good info to pass along. I have never tried rockwool so learned something new....thanks a million! :blsmoke:
Well my curling is due to closeness of the light source. It's less than 1 foot right now b/c of how tall the plant has gotten. Also, my fan was turned to a low setting and pointing in a weird direction. I pointed it to blow exactly between the tops and the light and turned up the fan speed. They're looking mighty fine this morning. Grew again, the one on the right is trying to escape the confines, it slapped me in the face this morning. They're eating an amazing amount of nutes right now. In 48 hours, my nutes went down from 2 EC to 1.4. The curling I have is not b/c of overwatering (can't overwater rockwool) nor too much nutes (leaves are perfectly green). It can be due to salt formation in the rockwool medium (solution is to flush) or if the leaves are curling up (as a few of mine did a few days ago) it's too much heat and most likely b/c the light source is too close (mine is a 600W HPS). I'm not worried now, they got a couple of weeks left! The waxy appearance I think is due to different strains. PS Thanks for the compliments...if anyone has any questions, PM me or rw expert NGT (nongreenthumb), i'll be glad to help.


thanks man...very instricutive. its interesting in the last couple of days my BigBud have started to develop that waxy appearance.

The other curling thing, thanks. good info to pass along. I have never tried rockwool so learned something new....thanks a million! :blsmoke:
Np. I think rockwool is the way to go. Very simple, very cheap and i'll be very impressed to see something better. Cannabis is known to grow exceptionally well in RW. In fact most commercial growers in NL grow in rockwool/top-drip systems. I was sceptical at first, tried dwc....failed....and was recommended this and I don't think I could be more impressed. 3, 3 foot tall plants in the grow room right now and covered in buds.

The curling is gone btw...i kept the room nice and chilly past few days.


I have read somewhere that you should NOT put rock wool into soil? why is that?

Lol that 's correct. You ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT to put rockwool into soil b/c that's crazy :)

Rockwool is its very own independent grow medium which is made out of rock fibers. Here's a good site for an intro:


Soil is its own medium and you either grow in soil (the old traditional way) or in rockwool (the awesome way professionals do it).

I don't know if I said something to make you think i'm putting rockwool in soil, probably the slabs? The slab is just one long piece of rockwool into which you transfer your RW cubes when the plants show roots.

Here are some new pics btw. Haven't posted in a while...




Tis the season to be jolly falalalala lala la la. :leaf:

I DID IT!!! I HARVESTED MY FIRST CROP!! BIG SHOUT OUT TO NGT FOR CORRECTING ME IN TIME AND TUTORING ME! Without him, i'd long have killed the crop and would have nothing for Christmas!!

I present to you the final pictures. Right before I cut them and after. These are by no means perfect and 1 plant wasn't too mature (was the biggest one too) but I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks end of next week, so had to do it and the smell has gotten a bit too strong for me even with my 2 r2d2's, i'll probably get a carbon scrubber next time. Everything else has worked perfectly! Without further ado.....my first grow!



Well-Known Member
looking pretty freakin awesome....that looks like a great haul.....what LDB said though? sems to me they may benefit from additional space and air circulation?


Yep, I was just totally tired last night (and a toke later) didn't feel like prepping another box. I think i'll move some to another box today.

Now the fan is covered. The box is in the converted "dry" room now and there's a fan on top that's blowing air straight at the plants. The humidity is like 20% so that's great. They were very sticky this morning. Merry christmas everyone!