A Look Inside My Head (Image Heavy)


Active Member
420weedman - Thanks a ton, man!

Grade - I have posted a lot of these on another forum, but not the one you mentioned. I occasionally post on Conceptart.org

potpimp - Upload some! Yeah if you've got art, post it on here and share it, I thrive off the inspiration I get from looking at other people's art and I'm sure other people do too XP

tDot - Thank you very much!


Active Member
Smoketolivelife - All the symbols except the one that looks like a "P" on the bottom and the "T" shaped one on the top right are characters in the Tibetan language

onlypurpz - Thank you very much!

mattboy25 - Thanks!

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Wow, very well done. That was a good 30 minutes I spent analyzing those. + rep to you

Smoketolivelife - All the symbols except the one that looks like a "P" on the bottom and the "T" shaped one on the top right are characters in the Tibetan language
Yeah, I noticed the one that looks like a 3 from the Chakra system. I think it is the top one


Well-Known Member
Alot of very nice art there. I love sketching and pencil drawing when i'm high, but i'm not that good at it. I'm more of an ideas man, working on a diagramed evolution book at the moment but I do struggle a little with the artwork.
You should draw the black and white pictures for thoses Games Workshop books, those guys pay well.


Well-Known Member
hey man....i shall post you a pic of some sort.....drawing is good when your blazed....my mate and i spend like hours just doodling.....having a joint....doodling some more have a fat joint.....doodle a bit more then pass out :P....ill wang some up on that foraging post....i like the way your brain works, very odd :P.....i see you got a touch of influence from jose pasillas and brandon boyd? your stuffs pretty sick! keep up the awesome drawing man