A Good Time?


Well-Known Member
It has been about 55 degrees for about 2 weeks now consecutively.. I have some sprouts that just popped out of the soil! I want to keep most of my tiny operation indoors but i absolutely love the taste and results of outdoors... my question is now that it has been this warm out for a couple weeks would it be safe to plant my sprouts outdoors in about a week? i mean of course if its still been as warm as it has. At night it gets down to the low 30's - high 30's. would this be very harmful to my plants health or will it be ok? if its gonna be a problem i just as well rather wait... obviously im not trying to kill my ladies with the cooler night-time temps.:peace:bongsmilie:peace:
i would hold off. i think 55 is even kinda cold, when it gets to a constant high 60s or 70 then i would put it out side. but that's just me.... did your seeds come from Canada or a cold region strain?
most plants thrive around 70 - 80 degrees. i'm thinking about putting my potted plants outside when it gets hotter, it's about 60 in my house and i think that's too cold. i think you should just keep doing what ur doing 'till the ground has time to warm up and stay warm through the night. you don't want to shock the roots with real cold soil and frosting/freezing temps at night. also make sure ur plants are getting light during the day so when u do put the plants outside they don't have to get used to a new light cycle, that could hermie a plant from what i hear. good luck!