4x 100% Indica Master Kush Clones + 1x Purp Strain Bagseed - 1st Informed Grow


Well-Known Member

The Clones are still perky and not sagging, will upload some pics in a few, also, since the last watering, each plant has grown by AT LEAST an inch, some by 2. The humidity in the cloning bin is about 80-85% @ 80-86 degrees and regular misting & fresh air 2-4 times a day.


Well-Known Member
Watering tonight, serious update on the way!!! They've begun to wilt just a LITTLE BIT, which means they're thirsty, which is how I want em. Keep em thirsty, keep em searching for water by growing them roots out!!

The cloning bin unfortunately has been fluctuating it's humidity levels, and even dropped to about 50% @ one point. It's a cause for concern since i'm not doing anything differently...

Truth B Known

Active Member
i think you're right about waiting till they wilt to water... i been just watering 2 times a week, 2 cups to each plant.. but i think i'm gonna start stretching it now that they are in the big growth part of flowering..


Well-Known Member
OK SO...

Lost the net for a few times, long complicated pain in the ass story. BUT, i'm BACK now. And it's still on.

C1, C2, C4 are all doing GREAT, but C3 is wilting substantially...i'm working to figure out exactly what's causing it. And it seems that S1 has joined C3 in his protest against standing tall...the leaves, fan leaves and chutes are all beginning to sag and wilt. I was HEART BROKEN yesterday when I found C3 like that. So I arranged to have her moved for 3 hrs of pure sunlight. And after those 3 hours, she was happy and out again. BUT this morning I was damn near floored to find her wilted even worse then yesterday. It's a watering day tonight, so i'm hoping another batch of pure non-fertilized water will do the trick. I've been adding nutes every OTHER watering, but i'm considering moving to every 3rd watering....
HOWEVER, it's interesting to note, that the others are all doing great, it's just C3 and S1 that are doing very poorly. It's unfortunate.

Anyway, off to research I go.

Sorry about the missed update, happened the day the net went out and I couldn't. I recorded the data, but didn't take any pics last watering, so any pics I would upload would be from today, and thats kind of spoiling tonight update. (don't wanna spoil your dinner :-P)

Also, the leaves on the bottom of C1, C2, C3, & C4 are....::sighs:: I'm not 100%, I suspect the beginnings of fungus or possible rot, since occasionally, when I water, the VERY BOTTOM leaves on the plant become submerged in soil. And i'll find them later that day, or sometimes, I don't find them at all...but the bottom line is that leaves that are having this happen to them are beginning to show a poor look, and a rotting of the edges that spreads upward. I typically cut off the affected area. and no more. But i'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't just clip off the bottom leaves. They get VERY little light, so they can't be taking in that much photosynth, and the mold they're growing (MAYBE??) isn't worth what they're able to take in. The Negative/Positive ratio isn't proper in this equation.

I've never asked for help before in my thread, mostly cause I had it all on lock, but I wouldn't mind a hand with these 2 problems...please post here or PM me if you have any thoughts. Thanks!!

Pics of C3, S1, and the rotting leaves to come in a couple minutes.

And as always, even if you don't post in my thread, thanks for reading ;-)


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen Peroxide huh? I dunno...need to look into it a little further, I haven't heard much in the way of successful positive results from it...


Well-Known Member
I'de cut the lower parts that get saturated when you water. I usually trim the lowest part of my plants because it's useless anyways, get rid of it so your plant can focus on upper plant growth. I don't trim much though, I try not to stress them too much.
H202 might be too extreme, I have some also & only used it once because I was worried it would kill by beneficial bacteria in the soil. I'de maybe use it if you confirmed you had a full blown fungi outbreak. I wouldn't stress about it too much, just keep an eye on em. The girls are looking good.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Yeah, C3 has become VERY wilty still. But I put her where the sun shines into the room, the extra light should help her stand up strait, it's helped so far, i'm worried that she isn't getting enough light in her spot, but she has 5 CFL's on her...it's shit compared to a MH, but i'm prob a week away from my HPS, so i'm gonna say fuuuuck my CFL's and do MH for another 2 weeks of veg. S1 needs to veg a little longer anyway. Worst case scenario if S1 isn't ready in 2 weeks (as she's only 8 inches tall and all bush. A VERY INDICA strain) then i'll setup like 8 CFL's for her in my closet and finish vegging her in there until I can stick her under the HPS.

And I was already considering that Orezo...but the advice is enough to convince me. I'll clip off anything on the bottom touching the soil. (except on C3, where anything long enough to touch the bottom, is touching the bottom) And most likely, i'll have to rearrange the lights AGAIN to provide C3 with more light.

On another note, C3-1, C4-1, C4-2, and S1-1 are all doing well, a slight yellowing of the tips, and they look great, I moved a little soil to check on roots and some root production. In another few days to a week at most, they'll grow out of the peat pellet and be ready for planting. But since I don't have room for em, i'll just have to sort it out. I'll prob give a master Kush clone or 2 away. Keeping 1 or 2 clones for myself. And the purp one too.

Anyway, godda check my light.


Active Member
hey bro just found your thread. looking good. As far as the h202 goes (and im no botanist) my understanding is that it helps the root system take up o2 when in a wet or saturated state. additionally, i used it along with diatomaceous earth to help get rid of fungus gnats. I was chuckling a bit at the beginning of your thread regarding the lack of response to posts. had the same feelings u did too. my journal is my first as well. subbed for sure. good luck to ya. glad to see everything is better after the "hiccup" you had...


Well-Known Member
Thanks man!! I appreciate the feedback! And yeah, C1, C2, and C4 are all doing brilliant, but C3 and S1 are having some wilting issues now. My "partner" just told me he's gonna pull the plug on the grow, and told me I have 1 month to move them to another location. :-P Which is fine for me, cause in 1 month i'll have talked him into letting them finish. Hopefully my next grow will be taking place in my OWN place, with no meddlesome room mate!!

But C3 is beginning to come back, the leaves are beginning to pick back up from the top, downward. I'll keep everyone updated. And picture and data updates tonight for sure!!


Active Member
i hear ya "partners" can be the best and worst for grows...lol. i will stay posted for sure. i love the detailed updates. check my grow when u get a chance. i appreciate feedback, good, bad or otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Alright, well...I just spent the last hour and a half tending my garden. Got pics of the damaged leaves, the wilting, the plants themselves as part of the regular updates, pics of the individual clones, the setup, the clone box and of course recorded all the standard data from a watering day. I simply need to type up the data, and upload the pics. I'm gonna walk my dog, then come back and upload everything.
Thanks for reading everyone!! Pics should be uploaded soon!! But in the meantime, if your new to my grow journal thread, take a moment to get caught up, it's only 8 pages, and some of its just chat, so you can prob just skim through the pics. :-P

Anyway, now to roll and joint and smoke it while walking my dog :-D


Well-Known Member
Grow Day: 38
Date: 4/17/2011

General Info;
Humidity: 40%
Soil Consistancy: Wet
Temp Lo/Hi: 78.3/91.0F
Lights: 17 - 26W CFL Bulbs, 4x 5000K6640, 13x 6500K @ 27,440 Lumens
Water; ph: 6.4 Type: RO Amount: C- 40oz / S- 28oz
Current Cycle: 24/0 - Veg
Overall Notes; C3, and S1 are very wilted. C2 is a little wilted. Treated ALL plants with a good watering with nutes, and increased the light being cast upon C3.

Specific Plant Info;
Condition: Great
Damage?: Moldy or rotted bottom leaves, cut them all off, no signifcant leaf loss.
Grow Speed: Fast
Height: 14¾ in
Width: 18 in
Notes: Looking great, no wilting like the rest (except C4) are experiencing. As with the rest, trimmed leaves from bottom.

Picture 019.jpg068.jpgPicture 018.jpgPicture 020.jpgPicture 014.jpgPicture 016.jpgPicture 013.jpg069.jpgPicture 017.jpgPicture 021.jpgPicture 015.jpg

Condition: Good
Damage?: Some wilting and mold on bottom leaves
Grow Speed: Average
Height: 12½ in
Width: 14 in
Notes: Same as the other, I cut the bottom leaves off. A tiny bit of wilting, but nothing serious.

Picture 025.jpgPicture 027.jpgPicture 029.jpgPicture 023.jpgPicture 028.jpgPicture 026.jpgPicture 030.jpgPicture 024.jpg

Condition: Fair
Damage?: Severe Wilting and same leaf rot, leaves cut off.
Grow Speed: Slowing
Height: 13½ in
Width: 12 in
Notes: SEVERE wilting, and the same leave rotting. Leaves cut, and watered with nutrients to treat wilting.

Picture 061.jpgPicture 034.jpgPicture 063.jpgPicture 060.jpgPicture 035.jpgPicture 064.jpgPicture 036.jpgPicture 037.jpgPicture 033.jpgPicture 032.jpgPicture 062.jpg


Condition: Great
Damage?: None (Tiny leaf rot, cut off, all better)
Grow Speed: Fast
Height: 12½ in
Width: 12 in
Notes: No wilting and barely any leaf problems. The model plant, dispite her problems early on in life.

Picture 043.jpgPicture 044.jpgPicture 045.jpgPicture 039.jpgPicture 042.jpgPicture 046.jpgPicture 040.jpgPicture 041.jpgPicture 047.jpg

Condition: Fair
Damage?: Severe wilting, same as C3. Leaf rot as well, clipped bottom leaves off.
Grow Speed: Slowing
Height: 6 in
Width: 13 in
Notes: Very wilted, clipped bottom leaves off.

Picture 051.jpgPicture 053.jpgPicture 055.jpgPicture 056.jpgPicture 050.jpgPicture 049.jpgPicture 057.jpgPicture 058.jpgPicture 054.jpgPicture 052.jpg

All Clones:
Picture 099.jpgPicture 101.jpgPicture 100.jpg

Condition: Good
Roots SHOWing?: No Formed?: Yes
Planted?: No
Notes: No longer needs misting, roots have begun to have formed.

Picture 072.jpgPicture 068.jpgPicture 071.jpgPicture 069.jpgPicture 067.jpgPicture 070.jpgPicture 066.jpg

Condition: Good
Roots SHOWing?: No Formed?: Yes
Planted?: No
Notes: No longer needs misting, roots have begun to have formed.

Picture 078.jpgPicture 074.jpgPicture 079.jpgPicture 075.jpgPicture 076.jpgPicture 077.jpgPicture 080.jpg

Condition: Good
Roots SHOWing?: No Formed?: Yes
Planted?: No
Notes: No longer needs misting, roots have begun to have formed.

Picture 086.jpgPicture 087.jpgPicture 082.jpgPicture 083.jpgPicture 085.jpgPicture 084.jpg

Condition: Good
Roots SHOWing?: No Formed?: Yes
Planted?: No
Notes: No longer needs misting, roots have begun to have formed.

Picture 097.jpgPicture 098.jpgPicture 093.jpgPicture 089.jpgPicture 090.jpgPicture 092.jpgPicture 095.jpgPicture 091.jpgPicture 094.jpgPicture 096.jpg

And as for the leaf problem i've been having, here's some pics of that. I took some close ups of them. If anyone has an experience with this problem, or has seen this happen to their plants, let me know how you handled it. The tray you see is all the leaves I clipped off in order to prevent any further spreading. These were the leaves in which would end up under the soil when I water. I do my best to pull them out and clean them off, but they sit on the wet soil and begin to rot. Since clipping them, there are very few if any leaves which touch the soil.
Picture 007.jpgPicture 002.jpgPicture 008.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 009.jpgPicture 006.jpgPicture 004.jpgPicture 001.jpgPicture 003.jpg

Also, tonight (at the time of my post), I decided to give them a 4 hour dark cycle real quick. It's getting SO hot here, with temps in the mid 90's today. The room has been in the low 90's all day long. Despite many fans and the door open to the rest of the house. The heat just isn't being managed. So I turned out the lights so I could open up the window freely and let some (now) cool air blow in. I've duck taped the screen edges to prevent bugs from sneaking in through the sides. I'll turn the lights back on in about an hour. And let them continue to get their tans. ;-)
And I think that's it for now. I'll snap some more shots of everything now that it's back to 100% in an hr or 2 once the lights are back on in there.
Now to smoke a bowl and watch the fuckin grass grow. ^_^


Well-Known Member
wow dude nice update :bigjoint: idk about the lower leafs, i get leafs like that also. have you checked your runoff lately?


Well-Known Member
Not lately, it's not easy for me to collect. They're in the grow bags, and they're sitting on some plastic sheeting, cause they're in a room with carpet, so it runs out the bottom onto the plastic.and isn't so easy to collect. But i've tested the soil pH and it's fairly normal all around. But I i'll keep that in mind to do collect some run off next watering day.

AND, thanks for the quick reply. It's nice to have someone appreciate your work :-P