400 watt HPS Stealth Box, 12/12 from Seed


Active Member
ya thats for sure underwatering,i do it my self some times too,just take it easy next time and let your babies soak it up but dont let too much run off occur. if your really worried about it but a soil moisture meter from walmart or off ebay for like 3$
haha I was at first but now I think i've gotten it under control, was just confused on the little cups and how much they drank at first. Now I gotta figure out how often to do it with the new pots.


Active Member
-Day 22-

Grave news today. I found another female (good), and a couple more males. I then got ahold of a very good camera and started taking photos. After looking at the photos I was looking at my favorite plant, and I saw... HERMES! Yep, my best looking one is a hermie. I took lots of pictures. I hope you all enjoy them. Also, I am going to kill the hermie tomorrow, I think I am going to dry the hairs and tiny bud there and try to smoke it, purely for entertainment and to see if it does anything.



Active Member
Just killed the hermie. It's a shame, it was doing so well. But I am going to dry it and smoke it cause I am out of bud until this goes through and just would like to see if this will actually do anything.


Active Member
-Day 23-

Found another female. So as it stands right now, I have 7 repotted females, 2 other females, and 3 unknowns. I am leaving on thursday and wont be back until sunday night. What I plan on doing is transplant the other 2 females and hope the others show sex by tonight. I am going to saturate the pots tomorrow before I leave and I hope that will give them enough water until sunday night. Do you think 4 days is too much for those pots to hold for water? I watered them yesterday and they are still a bit heavy, so I am going to wait until tomorrow and hope they are still holding water, and if so, then I should be fine if I give them a good soak.


Active Member
Ya didn't have to kill it :( Coulda just cut off the male parts, but since its a SOG it was probably better to kill it
Oh really? I didn't even think about that. But yea I assume they would probably keep growing back or something, I just dont want any balls in there, it's gonna be a feminist party!!!


Active Member
I am leaving tomorrow morning to go on a trip. I found more females and males. As it stands right now, I have 8 females in the green sized pots, 2 females in the large pots, and 1 unknown in a green sized pot. I am going to super water them all tomorrow right before I leave and hope that it will last for 4 days with no watering. Hopefully the last unknown will be a female when I get back, so far it looks like it's growing like the other females did, and not so much like a male. I hope they are looking gorgeous when I come back, I will definitely get some pictures up as soon as I am back. See everyone later!


Active Member
Hey man a cool way to water is from the bottom when youre going to be away.just sit your pots in a bowl or on a plate and fill the plate up with water.that should hold your babies till you get back


Active Member
Hey man a cool way to water is from the bottom when youre going to be away.just sit your pots in a bowl or on a plate and fill the plate up with water.that should hold your babies till you get back
Yea I kind of tried something similar. All the pots have trays that they sit in, and what I did is watered them until those trays were overflowing. But I had a buddy checking them and apparently they needed water by the third day.


Active Member
-Day 28-

Man they got HUGE since I last saw them! The last unknown is now.... *drumroll* Female! So I now have 11 females, 9 in small green pots, and 2 in big grey pots. I am going to grow these in the containers they are in until harvest. Today with their watering I cut back to 2 tbsp big bloom, and 2 tbsp tiger bloom. If they react fine to that ill up it to full strength on both. Later today I will upload some pictures. I am excited as to how far these babies are coming. For right now I predict about half of the plants will be harvested in 4-5 weeks. The rest, the slower ones, will probably come down in 5-7 weeks. One of the plants has curled up yellow leaves at the bottom, and a lot of them, the bottom leaves are pretty yellow. I am going to look around, but I am pretty sure you cut them off when they turn yellow correct? Let me know what you guys think as always! Pics to come later!


Active Member
I am a tad bit concerned. I am seeing that the bottom leaves of all the plants are turning yellow. Not the first beginning leaves, the 2nd, and even third sets. One plant the leaves are all curled up all the way and yellow. Another has green leaves with half yellow and it is splotchy. I am trying to find out what this could be and I hear it could be one of a couple things. A plant virus, overwatering, nitrogen deficiency, or nutrient burn. I am unsure about overwatering because it has been doing it even since I underwatered them the one time. It could be nutrient burn since I have been feeding them since week 2. The nitro def could be another possibility. I will update with pictures later, but anyone know anything off the top of their heads?


Active Member
-Day 22-

I am going to let them continue to dry out and see if they were overwatered at all. I am also going to flush the next two waterings to see if nutrient burn was a part in the yellowing. Here are some pics from yesterday, they are so beautiful!



Active Member
-day 22-

i am going to let them continue to dry out and see if they were overwatered at all. I am also going to flush the next two waterings to see if nutrient burn was a part in the yellowing. Here are some pics from yesterday, they are so beautiful!
*** totally meant day 29 ***


Well-Known Member
I am about 6 days ahead of you in a bubbleponics system but i let my plant veg for 5 weeks but i have small plants Bubblelicious
but i was wondering how big plants would get if i flowered some from seed and what i would get from them compared to mine. gl i will be watchng.


Active Member
I am about 6 days ahead of you in a bubbleponics system but i let my plant veg for 5 weeks but i have small plants Bubblelicious
but i was wondering how big plants would get if i flowered some from seed and what i would get from them compared to mine. gl i will be watchng.
Well, letting mine stretch and not moving the light, I am guessing they will end up at around 2-3 feet tall, and not super bushy. I think I am going to get anywhere from 15-30 grams per plant. These are rough estimates, but this is my best logical guess.