400 watt HPS Stealth Box, 12/12 from Seed


Active Member
Hello everyone!

I talked a lot before in my other threads about my elaborate stealth box. It is finally up and running!

Set Up: My box is 4' Long, 4' Tall, and 32" wide. I have 2 PC fans that I am using for intake and outtake. The intake is in the lower corner, and the outtake is in the upper left. I have tubs connected on the outside of the box that run underneath my bed. I could not afford the cool tube, so I have to keep the door on the box open during the day. Eventually I am going to get the cool tube, and then I will attach a carbon filter to the outtake tube.

Grow Method: I am growing 12/12 from seed. I want to do this because I want single cola plants. This way I will be able to have a lot more plants in my stealth box, and I can harvest faster and more often. Also, in the case of a bunch of males, I can start new plants while the others are finishing flowering.

Grow Medium: I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest, with Fox Farms Light Warrior at a 7 parts ocean forest, 3 parts light warrior ratio.

Lighting: I am using a 400 watt HPS.

Nutrients: I am using Fox Farms Big Bloom and Fox Farms Tiger Bloom. Right now I am running my nutrient schedule as follows. Week 1, nothing. Week 2, ill add in the big bloom at 1/4 strength. Week 3 I will add 2/4 strength of big bloom, and so on until at week 5 I am at full strength. When they show sex, I will add in the tiger bloom.

Seeds: Right now I am using random bag seeds that I have collected throughout my days.

I will upload pictures in a little while. What do you guys think? I would love to hear any advice, whether I am doing something wrong and am on the right path, give it to me. The only thing I am wondering about right now is my nutrient schedule.


Active Member
-Day 13-

Today is the last day of the 1/4 strength big bloom. Tomorrow I will water with 2/4 strength. One of my plants already has nutrient burn. It's okay because I have 20 plants but will only be able to fit 10-12 once they get bigger, I am just waiting for sex to show before repotting. I took a picture of another plant that I think may have nutrient burn, but I am not sure. Let me know what you guys think.



Active Member
Just taking some more pictures. I used bagseed but I can see a difference in the plants. So I am certain I have some sativa's and indica's. It will be interesting to see how they each react to the 12/12 from seed. That other picture is my tallest one, stretching a bit, but it's alright.



Active Member
-Day 15-

Last night before bed time I checked and it looked like one of my babies may be a male. I waited til this morning so I could tell for sure and im 95% sure i've got a male. I will upload some pics of it in the next hour or so when I go buy some batteries to confirm it. This will be my first official sexing of a marijuana plant.


Active Member
-Day 15-

Last night before bed time I checked and it looked like one of my babies may be a male. I waited til this morning so I could tell for sure and im 95% sure i've got a male. I will upload some pics of it in the next hour or so when I go buy some batteries to confirm it. This will be my first official sexing of a marijuana plant.
Confirmed Male. It's a sad day. I also killed my nutrient burned one because it wasn't coming back. Now I am down to 18/20. COME ON FEMALES!


Active Member
-Day 17-

I woke up to water today and discovered something beautiful: Two females! and... another male, who got the axe. Going smoothly so far. I will update with more pictures in a couple days. I am going out of town for 2 nights so hopefully I will come back and see some more sex!


Active Member
-Day 19-

Hey I just got back and came back to goodness! I now have 5 girls, and 11 unkown. That's the good news, I guess I have a little bad news also. It looks like they have been overwatered a bit. That's okay though, I was gone and had someone else water for me. Can anyone confirm overwatering? The one in the pictures is my best one, most hairs, but looks the worst, most droopy. I am not gonna water tomorrow and they should be back to normal. A bunch of the look like they are very ligt green in their lower half. Some even yellowish with the girst two sprout leaves dying. What's it look like to you guys?



Active Member
few questions..you planning on transplanting soon? I wish I had your space....Get your light closer, It can be a lot closer... ~2ft....I want to do the same thing with CFLs in a 3ftx2ftdeepx3ft high box....definitely scribed


Active Member
few questions..you planning on transplanting soon? I wish I had your space....Get your light closer, It can be a lot closer... ~2ft....I want to do the same thing with CFLs in a 3ftx2ftdeepx3ft high box....definitely scribed
Yea, as soon as I have all my plants sexed, I am going to transplant the best ones into larger pots, I am at 5/16 now so a couple more days. I'll try getting the light a little closer in the next few days, I dont really have anything to get it closer and I've literally got a 2 dollar budget at the moment. Haha. Do you think my babies are a little over watered though?


Active Member
-Day 20-

8/16 remaining are girls :) Almost time to repot them. Gonna wait on at least 2 more females to show up, then the big ol transplant. I am going to use clay pots because my lady friends says they are much better than plastic ones. She's pretty smart so I guess I'll take her word for it. I'm going to try and lower my light a little today if I can find anything in my house to do so. I am slo not oging to water them today, the droopy one in the picture sprung back up so it was definately overwatering. I'll let em dry out today and give them a nice bath tomorrow. Hopefully I'll see more girls today and the transplanting can be done first thing tomorrow.


Active Member
-Day 21-

Still no sign of new sexing. Yesterday I found out that I had been underwatering my babies. I am gonna do a little experiment with this grow since this is my first one that will be successfully completed, hopefully. I am going to not get as big of pots as planned. I am going to get six inch pots. Since I am not going to have huge plants, cause they are 12/12 from seed, I am hoping that smaller pots will be fine. This will make it so I can have more plants, and use less soil etc. Overall, more cost effective, the only downfall will be that I have to water a little more often. I cannot turn my light yet since the roofing wood is too thin to screw anything into, and I dont have any chains to hang my light lower, so it will have to stay like it is for now. Once I am done transplanting later tonight, I will post more pictures.


Active Member
Well I re-potted 8 of them. I also am gonna try something else. I have 4 bigger gallon sized pots from my first attempt at growing and if I get 4 more females, I am going to place them in the bigger pots. I am going to see if there is a huge difference in size in the two different types. Here are my babies, the girls are in the green pots. The other 7 are still unknown. (Found another male today)



Active Member
ya thats for sure underwatering,i do it my self some times too,just take it easy next time and let your babies soak it up but dont let too much run off occur. if your really worried about it but a soil moisture meter from walmart or off ebay for like 3$