2nd grow need help!!


Active Member
Hello folks, this is my 2nd grow and had a question by the way i wanted to say thank you to everyone that has helped you guys are really good help and i appricate it anyways.... i took a look at my plant today and noticed green petals/flowers growing up on top of the soil and dont know if its a bad thing or somthing i shouldnt worry about. I just transplanted it into a 10 gallon pot so i know it dosent mean it need to be transplanted again soo im curious what are these petals/flowering growing upwards on top of the soil????


Well-Known Member
you took a pic of the "petal" growth before you replanted right?
without a pic its a guess but it sounds like you have some other kind of growth going on there as well. toss some sand on top of your soil if it happens again, make sure theres at least an inch on top of the highest part of the growth and that should take care of your unwanted growth.


Active Member
well i cant add anymore soil/sand to the top its already full with soil to the top but ill post some pics tommorrow to show u what im dealing with


Well-Known Member
Where'd your soil mix come from, sounds like something else is sprouting...

You could;
1.pull them out by hand... eventually the foliage will block light and they won't sprout.
2. Cover them with perlite (sand, or mix)
3. Cover them with fabric/plastic

Every now and then i get a little sprout, the room is not airtight.........


Active Member
Im using coca choir soil and idk if this helps but when i pull them it looks like a root with a petal and i have a crap load of them growing i mean there everywhere

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
It's unlikely to be cannabis. Whatever it is, it will be competing for resources with your plant. A lot of plants/trees/etc., release pollen & spores this time of year so it could be anything.