2nd Day of Flowering, Is This a Male?

Since there's already a guess that sex thread, I figured I would piggie back onto this one. As I'm as newb as they come, I wanted to ask before taking it out. I'm 98% sure it's male, but as I said there's some doubt.
They dont look too bad but somewhere along the lines you stressed them, as shown in pics 4 and 5. Did you have a lighting time accident? Such as accidentally switching them to 12/12 for a day or 2 and then back to veg?
stressed, why do you say that? I didn't have any accidents with lighting, if anything maybe an hr extra of darkness once or twice. I thought they looked dank, let me know...I could be making mistakes and not even know it, plants def look dank close up
what do you guys think? the hairs started turning orange close to a week ago. Is this normal? this shit smells like crazy kush bud when I rub it between my fingers ! using Tiger bloom nutes right now, just threw in some panda film and going to be adding Big Bloom nutes next week.

Green Growbot

Active Member
what do you guys think? the hairs started turning orange close to a week ago. Is this normal? this shit smells like crazy kush bud when I rub it between my fingers ! using Tiger bloom nutes right now, just threw in some panda film and going to be adding Big Bloom nutes next week.

i really hope you got my e-mails dude it took forever to write all that. it does seem weird that they are changing because i still say a good 4 weeks or more. i really think that you have either made a lighting mistake and left her too long when vegging a day or 2 and then went back to vegging. when that happens it takes as long as 6 weeks or more to get them to return to their vegging phase. if i remember right the earlier pictures that you posted show the plants in what looks like a basement right? maybe you just had a couple dark stormy days and the plant interpreted as moving to the flowering photo period. could that be a possibility?
the other thought that i have is just a guess but it could be that you may have had a problem with your planting medium. the plant looks real healthy but when the you have things go wrong in the soil (like overly hot or cold temps) it can manifest as a BUNCH of weird stuff. such as causing the plants to appear that they have different types of deficiencies, heat burn, all kinds of stuff when really all your levels are fine. Maybe you have a one in a million deal that caused something like that to happen. ???
make sure you dont forget about the e-mail please.