2nd Day of Flowering, Is This a Male?

I've got 3 plants growing, 2 are full of branches and 1 has very few branches, I would guess it is male. Let me know because if its male I'll rip it out, its crowding the middle plant. Definetly should've flowered sooner, my plants shot right up ! the 2nd pic is of my biggest plaplant which is full of stems and leaves, praying its a female



bud bootlegger
it looks like a male just in its structure, but i can't see anything in your pix telling me its a male... you need to get a nicer close up shot of up in between where the branches meet the main stem... this is where you'll see the preflowers at


bud bootlegger
look where i told you to look.. a male will be a round ball looking thing, and a female will be two white hair thingys''


Well-Known Member
its hard to tell by those pics, but its probably still too soon to tell anyway.. try using macro mode(on your camera) and take a close up shoot at the node and repost


Active Member
It's too early too tell. Give it another week or so.

Look in this spot for hairs... See the two hairs there?



I agree, it is definitely too early to know. DO NOT HACK. I have found that for force flowering, males usually take a week to show, females just soon after in my experience. Although one may look more "maley", that doesn't mean it will be, it could just be slightly diff genotype. I've had plants I thought were gonna be female that ended male, and vice versa. You don't really need to worry too much on cramping them for a week, let it live to see for sure before pulling.
Right now it is in the 12 hr dark mode, been doing 11-11 and keeping lights on at night to keep temp up in grow space. I'll take some close ups tonight in macro mode. Only thing is I started flowering because plants were getting so tall, I am not sure if it has pre flowers yet, do you guys have any pics of pre-flowers? I am def a fresh newbie on this but its def a fun thing to watch them grow, I don't have any mylar in my grow space, should I get some and line the walls, will this help to project the light and increase bud yield?


Mylar will increse light, and can allow for bigger buds, i dont have any pics, but there r plenty of ogher posts that do. Google or search these forums for male and female sex organs of the plant. The females will have these two white hairs coming from inbetween a node, while in the same place a male will show pollen sack which look like tiny grape bushings but still green.


Active Member
Right now it is in the 12 hr dark mode, been doing 11-11 and keeping lights on at night to keep temp up in grow space. I'll take some close ups tonight in macro mode. Only thing is I started flowering because plants were getting so tall, I am not sure if it has pre flowers yet, do you guys have any pics of pre-flowers? I am def a fresh newbie on this but its def a fun thing to watch them grow, I don't have any mylar in my grow space, should I get some and line the walls, will this help to project the light and increase bud yield?
Here's a pic of a female preflower.... Notice the pistil just emerging from the calyx
if you took that picture, your camera is insane...i'll post a couple pics with my fuji fine pix, macro isnt the greatest but let me know what you think. 1 plant now seems to have white hairs showing the other 2 no, almost like a little green nub poppin out, im praying hairs come out because 1 of them is my biggest plant, the 1 with hairs is a smaller plant



Active Member
if you took that picture, your camera is insane...i'll post a couple pics with my fuji fine pix, macro isnt the greatest but let me know what you think. 1 plant now seems to have white hairs showing the other 2 no, almost like a little green nub poppin out, im praying hairs come out because 1 of them is my biggest plant, the 1 with hairs is a smaller plant

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Haha yeah, I took it. And I cant tell for sure on the first pic, but I definitely see hairs on the 2nd one.

Green Growbot

Active Member
Whats weird about the first pics he posted seem kinda strange to me... That thing is a monster to not be showing signs of sex yet. It almost looks like preflowers on the 2nd picture but i think its just a double calyx. the new pics DO show some pistils. I dont think there is any chance of of it being a male. How long did you veg that thing for?
First indoor here i have one plant and im hoping it will be a girl........ anyone had similar looking preflowers on their plants? i feel like a kid at Christmas waiting to see whats in my present!SAM_1187.jpgSAM_1185.jpg
I vegged them for a while, about month and a half, the 1st plant was planted week and a half before the others. My biggest one showed something different tonight after its 12 hrs of dark I snapped some pics and let me know if its a male...my smallest plant is definitely is a female, hairs popping out all over. Sucks if this monster is a male

Green Growbot

Active Member
I dont see ANYTHING that suggests its just a male, or female for that matter. That thorn looking thing is a calyx. All pot plants that I have ever seen have them. That dosent mean anything, its nothing to do with sexing. Just give it a couple days. I know your worried about spreading pollen but its not gonna do it before it even barely shows its sexuality. Its fine FOR NOW. Your just being worried, at least according to these pics anyways.
thanks man. I know about the thorn but what I was referring too (sorry my camera sucks) the little sack next to the thorn, it shows better in the second pic, its sitting directly next to the calyx. I know im stressing it, just know that now is when they show their sex. I'll update if anything changes

Green Growbot

Active Member
Wait... am i to understand that while you are vegging there is 12 hours of dark? Thats WAY to much dark period. You need at least 18 hours of light and 6 of dark. Personally this time I did 24/0. It was on all the time and it seemed to make a difference, thats why, im almost certain that it isnt really showing its sex yet. What bulbs are you using for vegging? It MAY be male but you will know for sure here in a few days. You can keep the male, you just need to keep him away from the female. If you wanna cross breed them (if they are different strains) I would get advice from someone else. I dont know enough about doing that too correctly help you.


Active Member
I'm about to finish my second grow...but I have seen my share of male plants (unfortunately LOL), and those most recent pics look to be the early signs of a boy. You have lots of time before you need to worry about your 'confirmed' girl getting pollinated. Give it another few days and you will know for sure, but I'm gonna say you got balls growing on there bearhoney...SORRY! If you have the desire - and space away from your girl - to grow the boy out to collect pollen, you can make yourself some seeds for future grows. I've done that, and it will save a bunch of money for me on seed buying. Let me know if you want a walk thru the process on 'knocking up' your girl later on...

Green Growbot

Active Member
Speak o the devil, I tell em to ask someone with experience doin that stuff and here you come to the rescue.

@bear... Mandi knows her stuff, like she said, she can help you w/ pollinating. She claims to only be on her second grow but if you ask me, I think both grows were really entire fields she knows so much.