250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*


Well-Known Member
gonna get bigger lot tom:o!!! lol gonna miss ya in the 250w club haha
ive been thinkign about getting a bigger one too or use 2 250w who the fck knows..your girls are looking good too right on man:weed:!:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of my clone/ early veg box with my veggies and purple sprouts. The lighting can be 3 cfl's, 1 t8, and a 2 bulb t5 fixture. Right now I am only using one CFL and the 2 bulb t5 fixture. Here is a pic of the new t5 fixture and a box overview:

Here are the purple sprouts (2/4) in peat pucks. They germinated in less than 24 hours and I planted them all on the 29th.

Here is the veggie dwc bubbler. From left to right it is holding eggplant, habanero peppers, a mosquito plant clone, and jalapeno peppers. All four were put in the system on the 22nd. That makes them 9 days old.


Habanero Pepper

Jalapeno Pepper

Top view

Root pics, they are still in the same order. EP, HP, MC, and JP. The mosquito clone still hasn't rooted. It has been dipped in rooting powder though so it should strike soon.

More pics coming of the 250 watt MH veg garden in a little bit gotta toke up a little bongsmilie Let me know what you guys think



Well-Known Member
Everything looks good Tom... the only suggestion I have for you is to get the bottom of that DWC tub lightproof. You don't want any light getting to your root system.

You can use duct tape to cover it up, two to three layers should suffice.


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, I have been meaning to do that actually. I have some green spray paint lying around I just don't know if that would be a good color for a rez. It is like a darker forest green color so I was a little worried that it would make the rez temps sky rocket. Maybe I will just get some cheapo white spray paint to cover the whole thing. You think one layer would be enough to keep the roots dark or am I going to have to do multiple layers?


Well-Known Member
After just painting my clone/mother cabinet I will tell you that you will for sure need more than one coat.

Duct tape would be the better and easier solution IMHO.

But you do what you think is best... I know I would.


Well-Known Member
Alright so here is the 250 watt veg room. The first few pics will be of the mini poor mans ebb and flow system. I have a purple sprout that was germinated with the purple sprouts in the last set of pics. The system is made out of a 3 liter bottle and uses two pieces of airline tubing and an air pump. I used the directions found on a thread on this site linked here: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/234489-worlds-simplest-ebb-flow.html
Basically it uses the pressure from the air pump to force the water up into the top half of the bottle that I cut off and flipped upside down. That makes a tight seal so when the air pump is on it floods the top part and when the pump is off it drains back to the bottom. It will make more sense with my pics or the link I posted. On with the pics!!

Here are some pics of the church plant and purple plant vegging under the MH. The Church is 11 weeks 5 days old and the purple plant is 10 weeks 5 days old. They are both starting to get in gear and grow a noticeable bit each day now. I am liking the growth on the church especially, I need to raise the light everyday to avoid from her growing into the glass. The bigger plant with thinner leaves is the church and the smaller thicker leaved plant is the purple plant.

The Church

Purple Plant

Both plants, purple on the left and church on the right

Also, the digital 400 watt cool tube kit was shipped today. Hopefully everything here makes it here okay



Well-Known Member
Hey Tom,

In an earlier post you said that you were using the FF Trio of nutes and following the feeding schedule. Do you water with straight water on alternate feedings?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I feed the plants once with nutes and then water for two waterings straight water. Why do you ask?


Well-Known Member
400 watt digital cool tube kit came today. Everything arrived alright and is now providing my plants with much brighter light. I will be taking some pics later, just gotta enjoy the upgrade a little bit over a toke


Well-Known Member
I'm using FFOF along with their trio of liquid nutes and I think I over fertilized. I dropped down to 1/2 strength nute water and the straight water on the alternate feeding.

Another thing I've been thinking about is 1/2 strength nute water every watering. My problem is I always forget which watering I'm on and then over fertilize them. This is like the 3rd or 4th time I've done it.

Yeah I feed the plants once with nutes and then water for two waterings straight water. Why do you ask?


Well-Known Member
Well guys here is the new 400 watt setup. I didn't get many pics cause I'm pretty beat. I mounted the digital ballast on the outside of the back wall to the cab. That should keep temps down a little even though this ballast is staying cool as hell.

Here is a pic of the ballast attached on the back:

Here are pics of the inside of the cab. I added two other purple seedlings in there so there is three purple seedlings (one is in the diy ebb and flow the other two in green pots), one older purple female, and a church female. The church is the big one in the back and the bigger purple plant is in front of her.

All I need to do today is attach 6 inch ducting from the carbon filter to the cooltube and switch the lights back from 18/6 to 12/12. The temps are great right now without the c/f attached, 75°F at the top of the white pots and 79°F directly below the bulb which doesn't really matter because I have the bulb backed off quite a few inches.

Also, on the next feeding they will be fed this per gallon of water:
1 tablespoon Big Bloom
1.5 teaspoons of Tiger Bloom
0.5 teaspoon of Purple Maxx
and 1 teaspoon of Botanicare's Sweet Grape
The ppms came out to 463. I filter my 120 ppm tap water through a brita filter and that brings it down to 60 ppms so there is about 400 ppms of nutes in the water



Well-Known Member
Looks like we have setup in the way our ventilation flows. Green is my carbon filter, red is the duct, yellow is the hood and blue is the fan which is only a 4". I've often thought about going from a 250w to a 400w but right now my temps are only running 5 degrees above ambient and I'm not sure how much that would jump. Real interested in seeing how your temps do with the filter attached.




Well-Known Member
Well my passive intake duct is attached to an a/c vent that is on 75°F. The temps are actually a little too low and I might have to turn the a/c up to 76 or 77°F. My passive intake is a 4 inch dryer duct and it attaches to the white louver on the bottom right hand corner of my box. I plan to attach the duct on the outside of the box to the window once it gets colder and I remove the a/c unit.


Well-Known Member

Now we are going to see some monsters.

Hey Tom, About powering those fans, sure a cell phone charger might work but I get a dc converter to run them. They are cheap. like 10, 15 bucks and cheap as hell to run.

I better hone my skills if I intend to keep up with you. :hump:



Well-Known Member

Now we are going to see some monsters.

Hey Tom, About powering those fans, sure a cell phone charger might work but I get a dc converter to run them. They are cheap. like 10, 15 bucks and cheap as hell to run.

I better hone my skills if I intend to keep up with you. :hump:

Lol I think it is the other way around my friend, there is no way I can come close to the grow you got going now. You got some beauties going. Thanks for the info on the comp fans dude :-P