2012 - Is there really going to be a life changing event? Or is this just all talk??


Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts everyone?

I love watching the History and Discovery channels.. and I like their "Apocalypse" shows and how they talk about all these "theories" and how the 'Mian Calender" is coming to a vital stage in the year of 2012.. and that there's going to actually be some kind of severe world wide hysteria... and everyones going to die.

Some scientists have a theory, about how 2012 could be the end of all human existence.. and then other scientists have theories on how 2012 will change the world as we know it.. and then some other theories.. like one scientist believes that in 2012.. the Lord.. our savior will be reborn.. and will come back to Earth.. and punish all non believers.. and save those who do believe in him.

I don't know what to believe.. but.. whats strange.. is I have noticed that.. it seems like each summer.. as the years go by.. it seems like each summer seems to have a higher tempature average.. and seems to go up by a few degrees.. with each passing summer.

I've also hear about how, in the year 2012... scientists are warning about how the Sun is going to have these massive, never seen before, solar storms.. and severely strong solar outbursts. They say, some of them anyhow.. say that these solar winds.. or solar storms.. are going to be so explosive.. and so powerful.. that they could indeed hit the earth with so much power behind them.. that they could possibly and likely take out the Nations Power Grid. Which would mean, we wouldn't have any kind of electrical power. It would be gone..

but again, I'm not sure about all this 2012 hype.

I mean, everyone remember the year 2000?? Remember how everyone was freaking out about it? Because scientist were saying that in the year 2000, the Earth would die.. or whatever.. or the Earth would come to an abrupt end. Some theories were even claiming that there was going to be a massive human extinction because they thought that there was going to be a huge astroid that was going to hit the Earth in the year 2000. Also, remember how everyone was worried about the computer information systems and databases??... and how the date on the computers couldn't do the year 2000??..

Well, again.. nothing happened then.. and I don't really think that anything will happen in 2012 either. But that's just my opinion.. people tend to exaggerate and make these theories seem more obstructive and more hysterical than they really are.. or would be if they were too happen.

I dunno what to think anymore.. about the whole Apocalypse theory. I mean sure.. it will probably happen.. its just a matter of when. I highly doubt anything of that magnitude will happen.. at least not in my life time. I'm 28 years old.. and I don't expect to see this "Apocalypse" happen during my generation.

I dunno.. I've always enjoyed science though. Anything that has to do with biology or and science.. I'm naturally interested in it. Always have been.. ever since I was just a little guy.. I've liked science.

anyhow, anyone else have any opinions or theories about the subject?

feel free to share how you feel about all this.



Well-Known Member
its bullshit, they said in 2000 it will happen, they said in 2006 it will happen, did anything happen? no, nothing will happen in 2012, remeber the years we speak of are just an estimate of anno domini which is in itself questionable.


Well-Known Member
history and discovery are spreading pseudo-science now . . .

the world is nowhere near ending . . . . but many idiots will do something stupid on that day to fuck up their /own/ lives.


Well-Known Member
Every 28,000 years , all the planets line up like an eclipse. When this happens the Earth's gravity is at it's weakest. It's not like on that day a bunch of shit will happen...it's already been happening for hundreds of years. It just means that right now and leading up to then, you will see more earthquakes,flooding etc.....but don't cancel your plans for 2013...everything will be okay. The calenders you hear about that end in 2012...thats just because after the Aliens return,:o we won't need Earth calenders anymore. See ya


Well-Known Member
its bullshit, they said in 2000 it will happen, they said in 2006 it will happen, did anything happen? no, nothing will happen in 2012, remeber the years we speak of are just an estimate of anno domini which is in itself questionable.
Valid point. Nicely put too.

However, how are we to know for a fact.. and how can we be 100% positive.. that the Earth won't end. I think it will end.. its not a matter of "if" it will end.. its just a matter of when.. IMO.

But, then again, that's what the whole debate it about... how/when will the Earth come to an end.?

But, I have to agree with you.. I seriously and highly doubt it will happen in my generations life time...

BUT!!!! then again!!!... like I said previously.. how are we to know for sure.. 100% positive.. that it won't happen in our generations life time???

We can't say that for sure.. because we don't know.

anyhow, that's MO. about the whole "Apocalypse" theory.

It's happened in the past.. and I do believe that it will def. happen again.. but like I said.. we just don't know when it will happen again.


Well-Known Member
the Y2K bug was def. just a big sham. the reason they did this was to sell us on the idea that if we didn't "update our government computer systems" everything would crash. so they pretty much sold us a super powerful new computer system that can pretty much see everything we do online. predator. read up on it.

as for 2012. something will happen. i know it. i think it will be a spiritual evolution/revolution. people will stop believing in the love of power and start believing in the power of love.


Well-Known Member
Valid point. Nicely put too.

However, how are we to know for a fact.. and how can we be 100% positive.. that the Earth won't end. I think it will end.. its not a matter of "if" it will end.. its just a matter of when.. IMO.

But, then again, that's what the whole debate it about... how/when will the Earth come to an end.?

But, I have to agree with you.. I seriously and highly doubt it will happen in my generations life time...

BUT!!!! then again!!!... like I said previously.. how are we to know for sure.. 100% positive.. that it won't happen in our generations life time???

We can't say that for sure.. because we don't know.

anyhow, that's MO. about the whole "Apocalypse" theory.

It's happened in the past.. and I do believe that it will def. happen again.. but like I said.. we just don't know when it will happen again.
one day humanity will die, i have no idea of when or how but its inevitable. when it does happen it wont mean shit, we are just a species who inhabit this planet, our history isnt very long and looking at how irrationally we can behave i honestly think that this planet would be better off without us.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's very likely humanity will die in the future at this point . . . .

the world isn't going to end in our lifetime, and that's all that really matters.


Active Member
the Y2K bug was def. just a big sham. the reason they did this was to sell us on the idea that if we didn't "update our government computer systems" everything would crash. so they pretty much sold us a super powerful new computer system that can pretty much see everything we do online. predator. read up on it.

as for 2012. something will happen. i know it. i think it will be a spiritual evolution/revolution. people will stop believing in the love of power and start believing in the power of love.
Man I totally agree with you on whats going to happen in 2012. I've had this big gut feeling that you just know somethings gonna happen for a while, but its hard to say its 2012.
I used to read all into those conspiracy theories and get myself so pissed off. They drain you out. I was just sick of hearing about all this shit that nobody can really do anything about, plus I'm Canadian. So I said fuck it, If the world is ending in 2012 I'm going to want to be happy for my remaining years, I'm not to worried.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ive done lots of research into this and i cant deny that it consumes my every waking thought.. Its a scary potential reality... Will the world end... No. Will all humanity die... No. Will our world change as we know it.... Perhaps..

The one thing that does strike me as some what startling and scary is that civilization back then as a whole understood more then we do now about outer space and astrological alignments.. Our earth does experience polar shifts every so often, this has been proven.. Perhaps it happens every great year, im not really sure..

Either way i do plan to buy a 2 year food/water supply for me and my mom... I also plan to get far far away from the city because well.. If all hell does break loose i want to be far away from the majority of civilization.. Buy enough food to last long enough for most of the population starve to death..

Whether 2012 happens or not, id rather be prepared then sorry.. Id rather say oh shit i cant believe i spent 5k on supplies then say shit i cant believe i didnt..

Also i hate saying it but i do believe the earth will end as we know it in my lifetime.. I really hate saying that but honestly if man does not get rid of our want to dominate fellow man then we will all pay the consequences eventually.. Its scary to think we have Nuclear Weapons and our oppressing global elite..


Active Member
I totally had to say something about all this..
Humans are a very smart species of living creatures.. we adapt to impossible shit .. even space (there's humans there 24/7).. it won't be long before Virgin builds a commercial space shuttle (actually already did) and builds a hotel on the moon and offers employment there .. and people will go on the moon to stay.. my point is that our evolution will bring us away from our planet thus humanity will never have a chance to die completely.. and about 2012... I have read tons of material about this subject and in two words it's hyper-debatable.. it all consists out of code that a multitude of different people started to "decode" and got some result, that they compared with another lunatic that had the same answer, and made them believe that they are correct about something, then started a little propaganda here and there without realizing it.. same exact story as with y2k.. you would maybe find this surprising but when alot of people talk about end-of-world and emergency situations they start thinking about buying lots of "supplies" and "emergency-kits" ... why not reinforce the walls in the basement? why not buy alot of extra non perishable food and stuff it in the basement ? IT DRIVES THE ECONOMY.. SO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE PRIVATE BUSINESSES ARE FINANCING THIS PROPAGANDA UNDER THE TABLE so you buy more shit.. moneeey .. :D


Well-Known Member
Either way i do plan to buy a 2 year food/water supply for me and my mom... I also plan to get far far away from the city because well.. If all hell does break loose i want to be far away from the majority of civilization.. Buy enough food to last long enough for most of the population starve to death..
This is how most people will die if shit does happen...

They'll go out and buy all this store bought crap instead of learning how to manage on their own in the wilderness... and then be stuck with 3 tons of shit, with nothing to move it (roads/highways will be filled with criminals and looters) and thus, nothing to do except sit where their supplies are and kick themselves in the ass for not reading a few edible plant guides and wilderness survival books.


I'm headed to a spot between New Orleans, Louisiana and Anchorage, Alaska bongsmilie... where there are 4 cabins, powered by a completely off the grid system and more land than you could walk in a lifetime, and not to mention a +/- 1500ft gravel runway.

If it does go down, I'd welcome you all to come by if you ever stumble upon it... just remember to wave your wings as you pass over so I know you're friendly... if ya don't, I'm shooting at ya! :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, It wasn't just the Mayans who came up with this date. I believe a civilization in Asia came up with 2012, and even Nostrodomus knew of this date. I don't think 2012 will spell the end for humanity. Rather a beginning of an end. As for the equinox, this has happened before. But never at the same time the suns solar activity is at its strongest. But anyways, theres like 4 other threads full of people arguing rather or not the world will end in 2012. I'de imagine this thread will end up the same........


Active Member
I read alot of conspiracy documentaries and shit, and i can say they are interesting but questionable at best. Theres no real way of proving or knowing if something will happen. i feel like something is more likely to happen than not on 2012, seeing as civilizations on opposite sides of the world came up with the same date. I dont know what will happen, but i think thats what intrigues so many people, the mystery of what those ancient civillizations were onto. the myans were a super advanced civilization for their time, and they painted and sculpted crazy looking gods who they say descended from lights in the sky; anyone thinking aliens. Its a plausable conclusion when you take all things into consideration. think about it.


Well-Known Member
i have all the answers and will tell you the truth of it all for the low, low price of $49.99 plus s&h:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, It wasn't just the Mayans who came up with this date. I believe a civilization in Asia came up with 2012, and even Nostrodomus knew of this date. I don't think 2012 will spell the end for humanity. Rather a beginning of an end. As for the equinox, this has happened before. But never at the same time the suns solar activity is at its strongest. But anyways, theres like 4 other threads full of people arguing rather or not the world will end in 2012. I'de imagine this thread will end up the same........
I think the main thing is the effect the North and South pole switching will have . Thats what I understand happens ever 28,000 years when the planets all are lined up..I can't wait!..lol