2 week old plants with a few questions



and how are the leaves doing?, are u feeding them anything yet?

Yeah, they're outside 24/7, I havn't fed them anything but water yet. I think the soil I'm using has some nutes in it, just kind of a low dosage.

I'm planning the transplant this week sometime into the 5 gallon pots.

The leaves towards the bottom have a little bit of burn on the tips from the sun, but it doesn't look like anything too serious.

I noticed the stems getting thick and strong as hell! I think by the end of July they should be like 18"!

So I'm thinking by harvest they'll be around 3'ish? lol... Idk, first grow, we'll see..


Day 38

OK, so been watering every day or every other day depending on how the soil looks. The plants have been going good, no problems so far.

I noticed the bottom few leaves on each of the plants are getting crispy and the edges are browning and flaking, that's normal right, the first few sets of leaves dying as the plant gets older? Is that anything to worry about?

Also, one other thing I was wondering about. Someone was telling me their friends grow has already started to flower... that can't be correct information this early for an outdoor crop right? When should I expect flowering to begin? I was thinking towards the end of August-ish... is that right? That would give me another 2 full months to grow these suckers as big as I can get em!

Anyway, here's some more pics from just a few minutes ago;




So what's the best nutes to give em at this stage? Around day 40.

Damn I hope a few of these come out female! Got 6 going right now, 4 are really decent, but the other 2 are sort of small, I just transplanted both of them into larger pots today, so we'll see if that makes any difference. They've both got great root systems and the transplant went perfect, so hopefully they start growin' now!

I give it a 50%/50% I'll end up with atleast 3 females, right? Law of probability?

3 ladies, at around 3'-4'ish at harvest... any idea what that should end up producing? Ballpark? 5-7oz's per plant... 15-21oz's at the end? Sound about right?

First month went great, this next month is all about veging, get these babies up as big as I can before they start flowering!

Any tips or advice is always welcome!

More pics soon, I've got 2 sets of 5 finger leaves on 4 plants.


Day 41

More pics, update on some growth, not much has changed, the stems have gotten a lot stronger towards the bottom and thicker towards the top.

3 of the 6 I've got going right now are showing really great growth, 1 of the other 3 is pretty decent, strong root system and medium in height compared to the rest, and I've got 2 stragglers that wont seem to start growing... I'll give it another week or two before I start to panic...




OK, so flowering starts in another month and a half-ish, I was wondering what are the best possible nutes I could give them to make the buds as big/dense/dank as possible?? This is very important, I wan't really potent weed, as much as possible!

All opinions are welcome, if you reply, just post a small description of the product and maybe where it's available to purchase.



Shit, I'm making a prediction completely based on looks right now.

1 - Pure Sativa
2 - 80% Sativa 20% Indica
3 - 50%/50%

as for the other three, they're a bit smaller and undeveloped, so I can't really tell, but I labeled the seeds that I got the batch from, I tend to ask the dealer what type of weed it is when I buy it so I remember. One says Grand Daddy Purple, but it doesn't look like an Indica strain... sooo Idk...

And the last two are lagging like fuuuck...

Been in about a month and a half...


Day 50

One of these motherfuckers refuses to grow! :-?

The rest of them are showing growth everyday.

It's a race between the two orange pots and the one green pot for height.




i'm not really an outdoor grower m8, but i'd advise you to stop spraying them.
i only ever foliar feed when,
a. they are cuttings in a propogator and have no other means of carrying food into the plant due to no roots.
b. if i need to spray with some anti fungal mist or similiar.

once the plants have roots then they are getting all the water they need from the growing medium. this will be the cause of the sunburn. and just like sunburn on your skin, it's not good for a leaf structure, it's not majorly life threatening, but it's also not good, especially while a plant is young.
if you damage the vascular system in the leaf then it can't do it's job properly.

some pics for comparison, one is day 25, the other is day 54

with regards to nutes, i like the biobizz range, grow and bloom.
i also use Cannabiogen's Delta 9 metabolic stimulator in my flowering

hope that helps dude.


lmfao good GOD! Are those pics from seed to day 25, then to day 54??

If they are, I should definitely be giving em nutrients and bigger pots. I thought they were a little slow, but if that's the case, DAMN!

Thanks for the info, +rep. :D


they are from when the seed popped out of the soil and gave me a 2" stalk, give or take a day.
they have been rapid growers i must admit, but all not varieties are like that m8, so i wouldn't worry.
plus with mine being indoors, (they were only out that day as it was 42C in the house during the mini heatwave we had.), they are getting a lot more light than yours, hence the growth.


they are from when the seed popped out of the soil and gave me a 2" stalk, give or take a day.
they have been rapid growers i must admit, but all not varieties are like that m8, so i wouldn't worry.
plus with mine being indoors, (they were only out that day as it was 42C in the house during the mini heatwave we had.), they are getting a lot more light than yours, hence the growth.

Oh ok, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks again.

This is my first ever attempt at growing, so I'll be satisfied with anything really. I like gaining the experience, so next time I'll know what to do perfectly.

I've seen some guys on here who've been growing for like 10-15 years and their stuff comes out AMAZING! :shock:


Day 62

So more growth since the last update.

The plants are a decent foot, foot and a half tall, the three strong ones anyway. The other three are coming along, all of them are under a foot. The tallest one in the smallest pot, the one in the square pot with the red tape around it has excellent leaves, they've gotta be the best, healthiest out of the batch!

I'm really hoping atleast half of these turn out ladies!

OK, so I did have another set of questions..

- there's about another month, maybe a little less before the light changes, according to my calculations :shock: lol, so based on their height so far, can an experienced grower give me some sort of idea they'll be at their max height? It's been a little over 2 months so far, if that helps at all...

- that damn sunburn! That seems to be my biggest issue so far.. Should I just throw em in the shade? Will that slow their growth at all or do you think that would probably help? Temps lately have been between 80F90F, relatively low humidity.

- still not too late for a transplant, right?! That shit's going down today!

Anyway, here's some more pics of the progress!

Thanks for looking. :joint:




Transplant earlier today, the three biggest plants went into 5 gallon pots, and the three smaller ones went into the 8" pots that the big plants were in.

All new soil, same brand, plenty of leg room! :D

So here's a couple pics I snapped of the roots;



Well-Known Member


Yeah, it could really be anything. I havn't given them anything but water since I started. They might be low on some nutrients, I'm not entirely sure if I should give them anything at all or just let em go naturally, one more month to go for veg, every nutrient I've seen says start giving them nutrients in the second week. I think they should do ok without anything, but if anyone can diagnose the problem for sure, I'm ALL EARS!

I just figured it was sunburn since they've been in direct sunlight and it's been on the hot side the past few weeks.

Anyway, as I said, I transplanted them yesterday, finally! Here's the first group of pics! The 5 gallon buckets should do great!

There's also a couple random shots of some flowers I decided to plant at the same time just for the fuck of it... Looks like they should be blooming anytime.




Day 70

(sorry no pics)

But the plants are looking pretty good.

I'm estimating flowering will begin in the next 2 to 3 weeks, around August 17-24, right?

What nutrients should I start off with for the flowering? I see Tiger Bloom everywhere, so I was thinking about looking into that...

Anyone have anything good to say about a good flowering nutrient they use? Or any tips or techniques to increase yeild and potency in the flowering stage??

I'll post some more pics up this week, the smaller ones have been doing really well, one is almost as tall as the bigger ones, but stretched a bit, another one is pretty bushy for it's size, and the last small one has been slowly taking shape.

The bigger ones just keep getting stronger and thicker by the day.

Next time I'm going to give my plants nutrients during the veg stage, and probably plant a bit earlier in the season, I started this grow late May..


Day 73

Just some pics...

I ordered some Tiger Bloom today, should be here in about 3-5 days! :D

One other thing... In a lot of the pictures I've seen, the branches get stronger as the plant ages, but on my plants they just look like the leaves, they don't look like they're getting any stronger or longer, the only thing that seems to be growing is the main stem, is that an age issue, are they too young to start branching off?

