2 riot vans,2 cars,2 ambulances and a sister in law!


Well-Known Member
my gf is at home bcoz she is pregnant and she rang me and said she just shit her self bcoz po po have knocked on the door.

as soon as she said this i was smokin a joint. my joint kinda dropped out of my mouth whilst i was thinking 'shit, my grow...'

anyway, turns out that all the activity outside the house was a big car crash and they wanted a statement because they thought it was my gf that rang them.

my sister in law who is also po po was there and knew the ppl that were dealing with it. she diverted them away from the house and nothing more went on that was any danger to me.

i told my gf not to let any1 in without a warrant...

scared the crap out of me.

anyway, thought id share the story for abit of a read.


Active Member
crazy scare but glad its safe. i had 4 DT's come to our housr >.< me and my dad lmao stay'ed in bed. it was about a suicide that happen behind our block. crazy shit


Well-Known Member
the cops came in my place to ask some questions about someone they looking for . they were going all around our estate ,i could c them clock my 2 four foot plants at french doors but they said nothing.
on edge about 4 hours later saw police come in square from every direction,is tarted chopping plants down,dont know what was guna do with them,cut 25,arrgh they raided the house across the square.