1st Real Grow Deisel Ryder, Vertigo, and Pandora


Well-Known Member
yeah post up, i dont know whats what in my tent right now.... major fail when i dropped the seedling tray. theres a few diesel ryders in there, one for sure in the party cup


Well-Known Member
"im been waiting till the plant tell me their thirtsy by wilting"
I dont know if anyone has covered this yet but thats a bad way to tell. I know of a guide by a friend of mine on here on this, heres some of it.
"Underwatering - not only is the plant now stressed due to a low supply of adequate moisture, but carbohydrate production has been greatly compromised (screwed up). Step up the watering frequency, and if need be, organic growers may need to soak the pot from the bottom up until moisture levels reach an even consistency throughout the medium especially with mixes that are heavy in peat. If severe, a little surfactant (liquid Ivory dish soap) added to the drench will help return the organics back to a normal moisture retentive state. If the pot feels light to the lift - it’s time to water. Don’t wait until the soil pulls away from the sides of the pot or leaves droop before you water."


Well-Known Member
Looks good, nice start...
I don't see a need for any advice here other than don't feed nutrients much more at all until you see the plants ask, they'll show signs of fading from this healthy green to paler green. The worst thing is overdoing it or trying to push too hard your first time.

Wow, I haven't given grow advice in over a year since I could no longer do my own or even smoke and had to clear everything out of the house because of the law. Here's my last indoor plants from around that time. After you have this first grow under your belt you can later try for something like this with that single 1kw lamp, just let some keep vegging longer under a second light while you harvest the first round of small ones. This is only 5-6 plants vegged to 5' or so before flowering on a single 1k vertical open bulb, yield was over 2lbs. I upped that later to 3lbs per 1k by doing a 2kw open bulb stack, vertical scrog cylinder. You can search on here for other vertical grows like mine, i didn't document mine at the time there was no real way to show much the way it was all a solid wall...

All was just soil and no co2 or climate control or anything, not even a vent fan just kept opening and closing the door manually each day and had a single floor fan blowing up on the bulbs. Except it was critical mass strain, so that naturally puts out well. It makes me sad I can't do any of this anymore or even smoke, so I avoid looking at other peoples grows. Smoke one for me... I had to give it all away and I pee test weekly now.


I guess those aren't the best pics that was early on, and the grow that only yielded 2lbs. And later in flower I ended up with a spaghetti web of string all over to hold the branches up as they all started to fall down and break under their weight. It started to look pretty ugly and disorganized. I'd go straight to vertical cylinder scrog if you try a route like this, skip the mess of string and broken branches.

But don't try this your first grow... Too hard and you probably want a harvest in a decent time frame first. If you do decide to go big like this use big rubbermaid bins of soil to grow in, my 6lb grow used 28 gallon rubbermaid bins of FFOF per plant, smaller root mass limits big plants like this, the 6 gallon buckets you see in these pics weren't nearly enough to get max output and the best looking bud and they went dry more than just daily and I had to water way too often and lost yield because of all that.


Weed Modifier
Wow...looking great man! so far so good :) especially this being your first?..... you sound like you know what your doing and its showing in your girls! I'd rep yah but gotta wait til im off suspension...lol what can i say i spread too much positive vibes and they cut me off :) haha ...Keep em Green bro!


Well-Known Member
"im been waiting till the plant tell me their thirtsy by wilting"...If the pot feels light to the lift - it’s time to water. Don’t wait until the soil pulls away from the sides of the pot or leaves droop before you water."
this is a tough area.

i have sometimes gone by the "wilting" technique.

i have sometimes gone by the "lifting the pot" technique.

i have sometimes gone by the "soil pulls away from the sides" technique.

they all seem to work, although i never kept track of which works best. probably "lifting the pot", but that is tough for a newbie. however, it is easy and quick to get a feel for the right weight. and sometimes that method can be deceiving.

the method i have been using as of late is "stick a pinky into the soil as deep as you can". you won't be able to see anything, so you have to trust your pinky. does it feel cold and moist? you're ok. does it feel only slightly cold and moist? you're ok, for now. does it feel dry and dusty and did the soil split easy? water it.

edit: another way to gauge watering is to simply look at them. dark brown? good. light brown? water (but check first). this is probably the most deceiving technique though.

end point: you are doing just fine.


New Member
hey bro good advice i thinnk op got discouraged and went to bed lol but hey everyone he left his thread un attended so lets talk and toke here
thread squatting

"im been waiting till the plant tell me their thirtsy by wilting"
I dont know if anyone has covered this yet but thats a bad way to tell. I know of a guide by a friend of mine on here on this, heres some of it.
"Underwatering - not only is the plant now stressed due to a low supply of adequate moisture, but carbohydrate production has been greatly compromised (screwed up). Step up the watering frequency, and if need be, organic growers may need to soak the pot from the bottom up until moisture levels reach an even consistency throughout the medium especially with mixes that are heavy in peat. If severe, a little surfactant (liquid Ivory dish soap) added to the drench will help return the organics back to a normal moisture retentive state. If the pot feels light to the lift - it’s time to water. Don’t wait until the soil pulls away from the sides of the pot or leaves droop before you water."


New Member
hey bro the man hasnt kidnapped u yet and brainwashed u yet
i wish they would wash my brain it is dirty
glad u stopped to help

Looks good, nice start...
I don't see a need for any advice here other than don't feed nutrients much more at all until you see the plants ask, they'll show signs of fading from this healthy green to paler green. The worst thing is overdoing it or trying to push too hard your first time.

Wow, I haven't given grow advice in over a year since I could no longer do my own or even smoke and had to clear everything out of the house because of the law. Here's my last indoor plants from around that time. After you have this first grow under your belt you can later try for something like this with that single 1kw lamp, just let some keep vegging longer under a second light while you harvest the first round of small ones. This is only 5-6 plants vegged to 5' or so before flowering on a single 1k vertical open bulb, yield was over 2lbs. I upped that later to 3lbs per 1k by doing a 2kw open bulb stack, vertical scrog cylinder. You can search on here for other vertical grows like mine, i didn't document mine at the time there was no real way to show much the way it was all a solid wall...

All was just soil and no co2 or climate control or anything, not even a vent fan just kept opening and closing the door manually each day and had a single floor fan blowing up on the bulbs. Except it was critical mass strain, so that naturally puts out well. It makes me sad I can't do any of this anymore or even smoke, so I avoid looking at other peoples grows. Smoke one for me... I had to give it all away and I pee test weekly now.

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I guess those aren't the best pics that was early on, and the grow that only yielded 2lbs. And later in flower I ended up with a spaghetti web of string all over to hold the branches up as they all started to fall down and break under their weight. It started to look pretty ugly and disorganized. I'd go straight to vertical cylinder scrog if you try a route like this, skip the mess of string and broken branches.

But don't try this your first grow... Too hard and you probably want a harvest in a decent time frame first. If you do decide to go big like this use big rubbermaid bins of soil to grow in, my 6lb grow used 28 gallon rubbermaid bins of FFOF per plant, smaller root mass limits big plants like this, the 6 gallon buckets you see in these pics weren't nearly enough to get max output and the best looking bud and they went dry more than just daily and I had to water way too often and lost yield because of all that.


Well-Known Member
y wood a person wait to water thier plants till they see signs of wilting? i mean,does a person wait till thier dehydrated to the point of almost dying before u get yurself a drink of water


Well-Known Member
Root rot. Fungus gnats. Slowed growth. Yield loss.

If your plants are never allowed to run dry, soil is always kept moist or worse yet wet then soon enough you'll know how nasty all that is.

I always let mine go a bit dry at least once a week, more or less depending. That doesn't mean bone dry near death laying on their side, but just enough that they wilt and you can be sure roots always have a cycle of oxygen to them all over, and never are always wet on the bottom or whatever.


Active Member
In my opinion, leting them dry off .... is the worst thing you could do . The bacteria in the soil dies off when the soil is dry, the nutes tend to cristalize and so on .... plus, each time they dry and wilt, they are stunted untill they recover ... so where is the advantage ?

What i do, is i lift the pots, and if it feels light , but not too light, i like the top 1 inch dry, i watter it using 1 cap of h2o2(3%) for every 10 liters of water . i never overwatered them so far ( with this tehnique ) and they simply love it. no stunting no nothing + the bacteria in the soil loves it ! specialy if you use organics.

and also, considering your growing autos (fast growers) each 3-4 hrs of stunt every time they wilt cut's off your growing speed, and perhaps bud (since they grow by age rather then light cycle ...)

Just my 2 cents ( sorry for tormenting your eyes with my horible english lolz )

Peace !


Well-Known Member
hey gues, i guess i should clarify, the plants are alreya standing with leaves pointing somewhat up. when they dont anymore, i water. i have a moisture meter that i dont really trust so i do the finger trick, pointer finger as deep as i can and if its moist at all i dont water, honestly in the 2 weeks in the big pots, ive only watered 4 times. i also heard that making your plants want water for a litle while can stress the plant in a good way, promoting a root explosion when they get water again

i really appreciate everyones advise and opinions.


Weed Modifier
Awesome man really looking sweet! I like the color :)
is that one in the cup being held up there by three of the other pots...? ha


Well-Known Member
yeah a tripod of sorts. im really glad im not having any problems so far (knock on wood). i really appreciate anyone taking the time to look my thread over and give advise. and stoked about all the nice comments thanks all