1st Real Grow Deisel Ryder, Vertigo, and Pandora


Well-Known Member
That sucks about the seedling mix up.Same kind of thing happend to me because I put them in a portable greenhouse on a windy day :/ they all look healthy now though good luck


Well-Known Member
P.s. don't get to close to a broken cfl they are made with mercury witch becomes airborne when smashed, also have some bad experience with breaking those things


Well-Known Member
update tho nobody cares but me havent watered in a day and still feel like i dont need to. going to start nutrition tomorrow with some grow nutes. they all look fine, even the little damaged one is starting to come alive. ANY COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS WELCOME AND APPRECIATED!!!!


Active Member
i highly recomend not using nutes at this stage ..... i didnt use nutes untill day 16 or so, i didnt use any hygrozime and other stuff like that . just plain PHed watter . started with a light foliar feed on day 16, and by day 20 i started using 1/4 strenght nutes, alternating with 1/2 nutes every feed. also i kept them at 24/0 light schedule , untill they showed pistils and then i went 20/4 all the way.

Dont stress them too much, just leave them be, dont watter them too much either ( you want to stimulate the roots to grow. i do that by leting them dry a bit, not bone dry , ypu want the soil to be a bit moist).

thats pretty much all i can say...

Peace !


Well-Known Member
hey thanks man, a couple of the seedlings are turning a hint of yellow, i assumed it was lack of nutrients so was gonna do a 1/8 strength shot but i will hold off, if it gets any worse whats my next course of action?


Well-Known Member
so i freaked out a little when i noticed white dots but it turns out upon closer inspection its fur, like fuzz everywhere. ive seen it on alot of dif plants. its the same fuzz thats on the stem.
installed a badass 300$ exhaust fan today. it will lower the temp and humidity super quick when needed. plants are looking great and i couldnt be happier. here's some pics



Well-Known Member
the exhaust fan will help alot could have been signs of early mod or mildu the exahust fan should help get the stail air flowin in there; get an osilating fan blowin in there will make those babies strong :P keep it up mang lookin good!


Well-Known Member
got one going already on high speed in the corner, is does a 90 degree pass so its perfect. i had a 125 cfm fan but the humidity would spike if i left the tent closed too long. with this big fan, ten inch outlets and over 900 cfm, i dont have a problem venting my 5x5 AND 8x4 with the same fan.
appreciate the comment.


Well-Known Member

check it out
been watering every 3rd day and last watering i gave 1/10 strength grow nutes, full strength hygrozyme and full strength shark bite.

i have no previous grows to compare to but hows it looking?


Active Member
man, they look good, i'm glad you listened to my advice about the nutes, they dont need that much when they are so small, it is the first time for me also, never grown autos before, but from what i see, when small they like it light. i'm 34 days in and i still dont use full strenght nutes, just 3/4 alternating with 2/4.

also when you start nuting them hard, you wanna let some runoff , i busted 2 other photo grows with nute burning and overwatering, that is also when i quit using chemical nutes. i find organics allot easier to controll.

soon they will explode in growth, i love the way vertigo grows, funny nobody else seem to know about this strain :-??


Well-Known Member
i was sold when i saw the pic on attitude and i think it was in their recommendations. i got 5 strains goin in here but i dropped my seedling tray and i dont know whats what anymore, 2 are photoperiod so ill at least narrow them out but, the other 3 strains, 8 plants are autos, including that little seedling in the cup for the autoflower cage match. so i guess i can compare that diesel ryder to the group to pick them out, but the pandora and vertigo are unknown yet to me. thanks for the advise again and for checkin in


Well-Known Member
hey guys im 18 days in and i couldnt be happier with what i see and SMELL. even the little one who i almost tossed is pulling through and im gonna give her a chance. im been waiting till the plant tell me their thirtsy by wilting before watering and when i do its been full dose of sharkbite and hygrozyme, and 1/4 strength grow nutes. theres no burn and no yellow tips, they love me!!!. 400w MH is on 19/5 and as soon as they start showing flower im gonna move the autos into my flower tent with 2 600w super hps eye hortilux bulbs. how am i doing so far? it cant possibly be this easy. best thing i learned so far was KISS



Well-Known Member
quick update, see my first pistols on one of the plants, im reallt excited to see it but i hope the other waita little longer before starting to flower. IMAG0309.jpgIMAG0310.jpgIMAG0306.jpgIMAG0308.jpgIMAG0307.jpg


Well-Known Member
oh and the first picture is one i topped and is coming in with 2 main stems now:) im leaving the rest alone but i wanted to try out some of the different techniques used in growing, as u can see the little one in the party cup is being lst'd but other than those 2 its as normal as i can make it


Well-Known Member
Everything looks up to par my dude im liking the setup you got, two tents and two hortilux super hps' I'm jealous haha I git some diesel ryders going at about week 2 ill post some to compare if you'd like