150 HPS Cabinet Single Plant


Well-Known Member
Hey supchaca, nice grow bro. About the stretch; if your letting her get to 20'' she's going to get ALOT bigger than 30'' bro that's for damn sure, specially if it has Sativa heavy traits. Sativas tend to me taller than Indicas overall. If you want her to get to 30'' max then I would suggest put her to flower at 15'' or less if not you WILL surpass your max height friend, you can count on that.
Well I like the sound of that cuz I hate waiting! Maybe 15" will be the new number :) this is the first time I've ever had a height restriction. Thanks for the input guys. I've also added a humidifier I had sitting around, it was way low at 20% so why not use something I don't even got to leave the house for!


Well-Known Member
Added a pic to show how much room is left, I have 16" of chain to lift, and like I said I dont mind snapping branches. I dont want to get the light any closer, but I can probably spare an inch or 2 there as well.



Well-Known Member
Got a couple pics before the lights went on. Theres like 6 tops on her. I think Im going to do hydro next round, or possibly straight 12/12 from clone in smaller containers with maybe 4 plants, no topping. Jus thinking out loud. I hate waiting for veg!


Well-Known Member
I felt left out of the video band wagon, so here it is! I dont know how to make it thumbnail the video in this reply, but the link is there.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply! Temps are usually upper 70's. Its a good time of year, if it were in summer my house gets alot warmer and I'd be looking at 90's in the cab and a bigger fan! My tops stretched out alot the last 3 days so I figured I better flip the cycle before it goes crazy.


Well-Known Member
Day 4 of 12/12 hit a heavy first dose of FF Big Bloom. Big stretch up top after it recovered from the topping. Couple notes: Since setting up this cab Ive made an effort to turn lights off around the house when I find them on. Happy to say my electric bill didnt increase. Also of note, I dont have a fan blowing on the plant. Its a bitch finding small fans at the wrong time of year. The only air movement it gets is from the 50cfm bathroom fan up top. Its looking adequate to me so far.


Well-Known Member
Video - http://youtu.be/CtW7b8_zYvU
I wanted to see the airflow in my cabinet with the doors shut. Its only venting up top through a 50cfm bathroom fan and no others. Fresh air pulls in from the bottom through all the small holes you can see in the beginning. Got a little shake to the leaves, perfect!


Well-Known Member
She started showing sex around 5 days of 12/12, I just didnt get any pics of them. I have a lot of ideas about things I want to do with my next grow. Im doing some hefty research on LED and induction lights. Id like to have a nice powered box with the ability to vent it with just PC fans. This bathroom fan Im currently running is definitely not stealthy.

I like jigfreshs vertical closet, I might do something like that. Then theres maturesmokers little perpetual cab that is tempting too. The bottom line, I want more plants with less veg time. I want to make something with a little bigger foot print thats shorter.



Well-Known Member
She looks great grower!

Love my 15O hPs an 145 CMH lil cab lights.
For a few hundred $ I get all the bud I can smoke!


Well-Known Member
Check out my filters yo! I was going to use this guys method of making a filter which ended up not being feasible to me. https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/101248-best-diy-ez-walmart-carbon.html
You could use any kind of plastic cup really as long as you drilled alot of holes in it. $5 carbon from walmart pet section, .33 panty hose and you're off and running! I put a thin layer of carbon, bout a half inch. My plants arent smelling yet, I was going to wait till they did to put this in but I was bored this morning and did it now. Running it now to see if it increases my temps at all. Plant is 20" so its grown 6" in the 10 days since 12/12


Well-Known Member
awesome cab, how does it get airflow through the bottom though? Do you have a hole on the bottom part to allow air to flow through? Anywho like I said awesome cab, subbed and cant wait too see the end result


Well-Known Member
In the first pics you can see the holes I drilled in the bottom around the tub, there's like 6 for intake


Well-Known Member
Its passive I think you call it? The bathroom fan up above is exhausting the air, it just pulls in from below through the holes.