150 HPS Cabinet Single Plant


Well-Known Member
oh ok, Im basing my grow cabinet off your design, only bigger and with different lights. how much (if at all) did thoose filters change the temp at all?


Well-Known Member
They didn't change at all, unfortunately I don't know if they are working or not since I have no odor yet :) if I did still have odor I would add more carbon to the cups, which will start to impede the airflow at some point and most likely cause heat problems. If I have to I'll cut a 3rd hole and add yet another filter, but I'm hopeful that won't be necessary


Well-Known Member
oh, would that little gap in it where the chord comes through and pushes the filter up a little make the filter not work as well?


Well-Known Member
Because the way the cup is upside down the panty hose kind of droop into the hole slightly, which kind of seals around the wires. You could either run the wires elsewhere, or modify the hole or cup to give the wire more of a channel


Well-Known Member
Shes up to 22" tall now. Stretched 8" since going 12/12. Buds could be a tad more developed than they are but not terrible.


Well-Known Member
lol i thought about it after I said it and was like well its not really that big... but it just came out :) Oh yeah I can see the trics forming now too!
Nice... wish i had gone with less plants so that it would be easier to manage.. Your plant looks so perfect...

I crushed mine with the net...lol


Well-Known Member
My next grow will be with a blackstar 240 in this cabinet (maybe) I plan to do maybe 6 plants in 1.5gal containers with no veg time.


Well-Known Member
nice, you gona do autos?
I'm going to go from clone. Hopefully the shop will have a variety of small clones. Lately they're all over a foot tall there, which is nice except when you want a short sog! I trimmed off a couple dozen fan leaves today to get a little more light on the bud sites. She's getting thirstier now, had a quart a day 3 days in a row.


Well-Known Member
Pics every 3 days is a bit much, but here I am again! :) I did get some decent macros so I felt they were worthy.