1000 watt HPS bagseed closet grow!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Out of 20+ seeds germinated and planted only 8-9 plants are alive n healthy... i found a lot of seedlings dying appeared to be from heat/dryness but this ocean forest stuff sure drys quick i have to spray down daily for best moisture..


Well-Known Member
Good looking start man! Wish I had a big ass 1k..lol..

You really wanna get those two in the same pot separated ASAP tho... if you wait much longer their roots will be so grown together when you do tryn separate you'll destroy half their root systems and shock the heck outta them; not cool when they're just starting to fruit... mj roots are fiberous, they're prolly touching now.. also spraying the crust of the soil is sort of counter productive... it'll make the main roots float up top where your keeping it most readily moist... if your gonna water doit thoroughly, and if u can wait till its "bone" dry 1.5 ish inches down... you want your roots searching downward for water, it'll promote a top notch plumbing system..lol. bigger better roots = bigger better fruits :)


Well-Known Member
I separate them as soon as they are green!
I would transplant them now, like others are saying.. but hey by all means do what u do.
I did the deed fellas...

Good looking start man! Wish I had a big ass 1k..lol..

You really wanna get those two in the same pot separated ASAP tho... if you wait much longer their roots will be so grown together when you do tryn separate you'll destroy half their root systems and shock the heck outta them; not cool when they're just starting to fruit... mj roots are fiberous, they're prolly touching now.. also spraying the crust of the soil is sort of counter productive... it'll make the main roots float up top where your keeping it most readily moist... if your gonna water doit thoroughly, and if u can wait till its "bone" dry 1.5 ish inches down... you want your roots searching downward for water, it'll promote a top notch plumbing system..lol. bigger better roots = bigger better fruits :)
thanks for the tips mane!


Well-Known Member
Update: Best plant I had died today :( but all else is good have the 2 good ones and 10 sprouts Total of 12 goin....PICS


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: I TOPPED the 1 in the ceramic pot @4:20 am 9/19... I cut at the 6th node and the thing basically popped off perfect dint even cut it off really ( like it wanted to b topped lmao )... looks good I'm still going to flower it under the HPS but was going to add cfls jus to speed shizz up!


A little different strategy to think about:

Why not put them under cfl's for the first two weeks since you don't get pistils for the first couple weeks anyway. That way it gives your plants time to grow, and like others said, save electricity. Then put them under 12/12. That way you will should have signs of pistils in about another week. So, in three weeks you would have larger plants, less stretch (since you can put the cfl's 3 inches away - I use 42w), pistils, likely a larger yield, less stress on the plants, and saved some $$. Two weeks in veg really isn't that long and your plants will be happy little bushes going into flower. But, to each his own.

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Well-Known Member
Got the cfls today... I copped 4x 23watt and 2x 32watt which is about 6000 lumens in the area is that sufficient ??


Looks good :eyesmoke:. You might want to tilt that one lamp over too so it is close to the plants - especially since they don't have any hoods. The bulbs don't get very hot so you can have the bulbs quite close (3 inches is a good distance - if possible). Also, next time you are at walmart, look in the tools section for worklights. They have these silver dome ones for under $7, and slightly larger ones (that will hold 2 bulbs with the Y-splitter) for under $10 - i just bought some within the last 2 weeks. They have clamps too that make positioning them sooo much easier. I'm the type who buys things one piece at a time, and those area good investment that really focus the light right on the plant and provide great results. Great job rolling with the punches on this grow, keep up the good work!
