1 Pound Skunk # 1 - outdoor.


Active Member
Sure- I have experimented with a number of different densities of shade cloth, the best we have found is th 70/30 or 80/20. BUT in a cooler and wetter climate I woulduse a polyurethane skin such as you would find on a polytunnel. The shade cloth will keep out some rain as long it was angled properly. "A" frame is what I would do, if not a lean-to against something facing the sunrise.
So my pick would be either 70/30 shade cloth or Polly skin using the "A" frame type build which will allow you to anchor it as well for high winds :)
I also find useing the 70/30 my buds will mature earlier out doors if fully enclosed, so I like to take off the roof late season, unless I want some early bud !
great thats just the advice i was looking for thanks a bunch buddy!
look forward to seeing the final stages of your beaut ;) :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yes, I went to tend to them this morning and to get few photos.....

And there is just cut stumps :(


Active Member
Yes, I went to tend to them this morning and to get few photos.....

And there is just cut stumps :(
Sad day indeed my friend...frickin' bandits:fire:...I am sorry for your loss Brother..I know it doesn't help...I swear I would give you one of my two ls right now


Active Member
oh thats brutal dude! sooo sad some people have no dignity, they could have just taken clones or couple buds if they were that desperate...

sorry to hear that bro, dont give up :)
thats stupid that they cut the bottoms.........its gunna be hard for them to grow especially considering they arent even half flowerd yet....id say either a dumass person found them or ur spot was hot and hookz found em n cut them down


Well-Known Member
They would have need at least 2 dudes to carry out, + I have 2 F#@kin big dogs, so they were quiet.

And the would have need a truck to stick it in...

All good changing sides of the world, so I will have another summer come JUNE :)

And yes , who ever it was took imature buds, and suck shit to them if they manicure it all, the smoke and bud will still sux :)


Active Member
thats stupid that they cut the bottoms.........its gunna be hard for them to grow especially considering they arent even half flowerd yet....id say either a dumass person found them or ur spot was hot and hookz found em n cut them down
SCUM robbed the cradle...plant molestors:cuss:
you can't root a 7 foot tree! half through flower!


Active Member
Man I really feel for him...I hate being stolen from...it's so cowardly...I'd rather be robbed or for someone to TRY to take from me in person...I can respect that a little more!


Well-Known Member
DOnt know really who !

But funny thing is if they asked I probably would of helped dig it out :) I too hate thief's, if i had seen them I would of probably be in lock up now as i am a proud hunter. I really am not to bothered as I would of had to get rid of them anyways.... im moving.


Active Member
Your a better person then I ...I would have taken them to the dungeon and kept alive w/bread & water...blowing whiffs of the finest skunk in the land..."oh did you wanna hit this"? TOO BAD!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i dont know what to say thats totally fucked. obviously dumb asses, who takes a half flowered tree.

your amazingly positive id have been in flames with rage. karma will out


Well-Known Member
shitty to hear about your misfortune..
I feel for you Eza,
I had someone steal my 30 plant outdoor last summer 2 weeks from harvest !!
Man I wish I had caught them..
I knew it wasn't police because they left the bottom of the plants and just took all 30 of my top colas.. (fuckers, all my hard work gone down the drain).
I still got over 5 lbs of small buds, but it wasn't anything close to what I should or would have harvested !!