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  1. V

    Most in common with the pro marijuana movement? Gun Rights, Gay Rights or Pro Life?

    With the Gun Rights movement just like with Marijuana its about the passion for a product and the fear of the government taking away the rights to have that beloved product they so love so much. Just like how so many potheads are so defensive about their marijuana and worship it. Many gun owners...
  2. V

    Where would you rather get your marijuana from.......................?

    From here? (the first) Or from here? (the second) Who would you trust for your weed? Who would you rather see run the marijuana industry? The first or the second? I know which one id pick. Next time you go to...
  3. V

    For those who love Marijuana an want it legalized. HAVE YOU VOTED OR JOINED NORML YET

    Do you want marijuana legalized or not? Would you rather buy your marijuana in a nice clean safe legit store that has all the varieties of strains and edibals like what Washington and Colorado is about to allow? Or would you rather rely on gangs and drug cartels? Do you want to pay hundreds to...
  4. V

    Marijuana supporters. Why are we being shunned from both major parties?

    Everyone has a party to look up to and vote for when their interest is under attack. Immigrants have the Democrats Gun owners have the Republicans Gay people have the Democrats Business owners have the Republicans Environmentalists have the Democrats Religious evangelical Christians have the...
  5. V

    Should medical marijuana patients form a voting bloc and become single issue voters..

    Its always a struggle to get medical marijuana legalized in any state. No matter what the poll numbers for medical marijuana are, the politicians refuse to vote in favor of it. If they do, theres a new trend making it impossible to pass a medical marijuana law that allows homegrow. Every medical...
  6. V

    Does the Marijuana Legalization Movement need a new strategy...?

    For the past few years the spokespeople for legalizing marijuana keep using arguments about arrests for simple possession, tax revenue and that it will kill the cartels as an attempt to win over the public. But now theres this new organization (Project Sam) which stands for "Smart Approaches to...
  7. V

    Why cant we legalize marijuana on the merits alone? Without any red herrings!

    The bottom line is that marijuana smokers want marijuana legal. They love marijuana. They want a legal market for them to buy their marijuana and not have to rely on dangerous criminals off the black market. They dont want to be treated like criminals. They want to have the right to grow and use...
  8. V

    How do I DELETE one of my threads????

    right below my message theres a button that says edit post and if drag the mouse over it it says "edit/delete".... which should mean I have the choice to edit or delete the thread. I click on it and I cant find the delete button anywhere! How do I delete my thread???
  9. V

    How will the legalization of pot affect usage rates among kids in CO and WA?

    do you think it will go up or down or remain stable? Supporters of I-502 and Amendment 64 promised to all the soccer moms that legalizing marijuana will help prevent kids from getting access to marijuana cause it will be heavily regulated and only sold to adults over 21. They said under...
  10. V

    Where do you get marijuana seeds?

    hi im new to this forum. Im just wondering where u all r from, do u grow marijuana, and where do u get the seeds to grow it. Im in NY and I dont know where to get seeds. I just want to grow it for my own use. Im thinking about moving to Colorado just to have the right to smoke marijuana.