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  1. Kartel Kriminal

    My Dissertation On Barack Hussein Obama

    Barack Obama is the current president of the United States of America. Many people have criticized the actions of the first black president but I believe he's doing a better job than John McCain could ever do. When President Obama was elected, he stepped into the White House with a lot of work...
  2. Kartel Kriminal

    Gangster Rap Thread

    Lets try this again...Minus all the pussy ass bitch niggaz who wanna post gay ass educational/"lyrical" rap...lmfao..i dont fuck with dat soft shit.
  3. Kartel Kriminal

    Welcome To Kansas Mixtape more here----->
  4. Kartel Kriminal

    The Occurance of Racism

    Some people would say that the system of institutionalized racism doesn't exist in the United States anymore. I beg to differ, racism these days is subtle but definitely alive. Even if it isn't blatant, its not difficult to notice if you observe the media as well as the body language of others...
  5. Kartel Kriminal

    Why was my thread deleted?

    Tell me why mods?
  6. Kartel Kriminal

    Curing Myself Of ADHD

    After years of searching for something that works against ADHD I have now finally found it. I'm almost "cured" out of ADHD. An entire new world opens before me. I'm actually living my life now! The medications I took triggered a "crash". A dysphoric feeling that is sometimes accompagnied by...
  7. Kartel Kriminal

    The Living Definition Of ADHD.

    I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was in 3rd grade. My mother had me transferred to a new elementary school in a different school district because of behavioral problems at my old school. I think she believed these behavioral problems to stem from me attending a minority dominated school. That...
  8. Kartel Kriminal

    The Day I Met Tevin

    I am going to tell you about a friend I had at one point in time named Tevin and how he influenced my life. Tevin was from Tucson, Arizona, where they still gangbang. He came here to Kansas City when his mother was sent to prison. Tevin hated Kansas City. Even though he was born here and moved...
  9. Kartel Kriminal

    The Eagle and the Crow.

    Last night I dreamed I overheard a conversation between an eagle and a crow. The conversation occurred three thousand years ago. The eagle informed the crow of a recent vision. The eagle stated that in the vision he died and awoke in a land with high cliffs, where gentle breezes caressed the...
  10. Kartel Kriminal

    My Thoughts On Religion

    A LETTER TO GOD Forgive me for using of such brutish language. I wish that my thoughts were pure, they are not. I would clean it up, but since you see what is in my heart I would only be fooling myself. Hopefully I will grow and be able to express myself in a more acceptable manner, however...
  11. Kartel Kriminal

    The Boy Who Cried

    Dante wakes up to get ready for school. He puts on a white tee shirt, black Dickie pants, and gray converses. He goes to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He says bye to his mom, grabs his back pack, and walks out the door. When he knows that his mom is too far to see him do it...
  12. Kartel Kriminal

    My Quotes
  13. Kartel Kriminal


    We as humans create images to persuade, challenge, remember and even just to show other people.. Images affect both our emotions and our actions. When we are not comfortable with a certain image we question things or even ourselves. Images we are uncomfortable with have the power to make us...
  14. Kartel Kriminal

    A Wealth Of Information

    The Purpose Of Life How To Make Marijuana Ramen Noodles Dealing With Death And Growing From It...
  15. Kartel Kriminal

    New Wiz Khalifa
  16. Kartel Kriminal

    Sorry 4 The Wait
  17. Kartel Kriminal

    My Weed Movie.

    I'm creating multiple montages and marijuana related videos so that I can make a hour long weed movie. Here is how its coming along so far.
  18. Kartel Kriminal

    Has Racism Been Abolished In The USA?

    This is an editorial by me. Enjoy.
  19. Kartel Kriminal

    Gansta Rap Thread

    Is simplistic in nature but pleasing to the ear. I will be updating this daily. If I gain a following of listeners I will create a internet radio station on my website at Husaluh - Mamaco Philthy Rich - I'm From The...
  20. Kartel Kriminal

    How To Build A Water Pipe
