The Occurance of Racism

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
Some people would say that the system of institutionalized racism doesn't exist in the United States anymore. I beg to differ, racism these days is subtle but definitely alive. Even if it isn't blatant, its not difficult to notice if you observe the media as well as the body language of others.

Personally I think I have experienced racism/prejudice a handful of times. Usually in the form of exclusion from certain social groups. This sort of treatment has never made me feel like less of a person or victim. If anyone doesn't like me because of the color of my skin, I can take their ignorant attitude in stride. My father always told me there are only two kinds of people in this world regardless of skin color. Assholes and non-assholes.

Based on my experiences with prejudice. I can't tolerate any argument with the premise that racism has been abolished. I believe even if minorities have the same rights as the majority, that doesn't necessarily mean our society will provide them with the same opportunities or will do them justice.

When I was a sophomore in high school I was invited to a party where the majority of the people were white. When it was time for the underage drinking to commence. The person throwing the party put a good friend of mine (who was white) up to making me leave because his dad didn't allow niggers in his house. This didn't phase me. I simply shook my friends hand stood up and made my away from the negative vibes around me.

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Well-Known Member
Some people would say that the system of institutionalized racism doesn't exist in the United States anymore. I beg to differ, racism these days is subtle but definitely alive. Even if it isn't blatant, its not difficult to notice if you observe the media as well as the body language of others.

Personally I think I have experienced racism/prejudice a handful of times. Usually in the form of exclusion from certain social groups. This sort of treatment has never made me feel like less of a person or victim. If anyone doesn't like me because of the color of my skin, I can take their ignorant attitude in stride. My father always told me there are only two kinds of people in this world regardless of skin color. Assholes and non-assholes.

Based on my experiences with prejudice. I can't tolerate any argument with the premise that racism has been abolished. I believe even if minorities have the same rights as the majority, that doesn't necessarily mean our society will provide them with the same opportunities or will do them justice.

When I was a sophomore in high school I was invited to a party where the majority of the people were white. When it was time for the underage drinking to commence. The person throwing the party put a good friend of mine (who was white) up to making me leave because his dad didn't allow niggers in his house. This didn't phase me. I simply shook my friends hand stood up and made my away from the negative vibes around me.

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and the most relevent reply from that link .... The examples you gave are not institutionalized racism but individual acts of racism. If there's institutionalized racism left these days, it's probably found in practices like redlining or some educational testing.