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  1. steverthebeaver81

    Multi Strain Medicinal Perpetual Grow

    Well, I'm moved into my new veg room. Can't upload pics from my phone directly though, so they are coming. As for my bloom, everything is lookin nice. I'm lookin at harvesting my kona, jack herer and one of my godzillas in the next week or so. Can't wait either, they sure are STINKY!
  2. steverthebeaver81

    What do you plan on for outside this year? Goin greenhouse or not? In pots or the ground?

    What do you plan on for outside this year? Goin greenhouse or not? In pots or the ground?
  3. steverthebeaver81

    Attention Gamers.

    i too havent gamed since ps2 and gran turismo and a few others were my favs too. I bought a wii and a few games and while its good "family" fun, and a good time here and there, i kinda wish i had invested in a ps3 myself.
  4. steverthebeaver81

    blowing fuses

    do tell him that youll be running somethin like that, cuz they may hook it up aand then when you have breakers blow, they come back and tell you that you didnt tell them it was HID lights, a/c's, heaters AND fans, more power needs to be drawn in and not tandemed together....... well, thats what...
  5. steverthebeaver81

    potato slices work GREAT for fungus gnats!

    i usually use a pyrethrum or neem oil spray, or combination, and mosquito dunks i break up in the top laYER OF MY Soil.
  6. steverthebeaver81

    Small grow-space question. :]

    your gonna need a bigger space...... just saying.
  7. steverthebeaver81

    Cloning Question: Please Read!

    Very informative. Thank you very much everybody.
  8. steverthebeaver81

    The Musings of Serapis

    i have a rubbermaid roughneck that i use as a cloner and it doesnt leak at all and ive got holes drilled in the sides for air tubes even. can you take a pic of it maybe all apart and then all together? I just hate seein people spend that kind of cheddar on somethin that shouldnt be that much...
  9. steverthebeaver81

    Cloning Question: Please Read!

    Im not doin it its kind of more like a hypothetical. I read somewhere that it stretches out the genetic code and that will cause it to lower its resistance to stresses causing it to more likely herm, and ive also heard about clones taking on the memory of stresses from mothers as well. But like...
  10. steverthebeaver81

    Having trouble with clones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    check your water. your other water might have been badass but not so much where your at. I live with 75 ppm water at my house but when i set up my grow elsewhere, my water supply was at 275 ppms or somethin. that might help.
  11. steverthebeaver81

    ready to flush yet? day 81 from 12/12

    I actually have a question that might be the same question.... If you flush it, say with the 3-times amount method, can you chop the next day, or should you wait a couple? And opposingly, ANOTHER method of flushing is to just water with straight water over the last few weeks? or couple.
  12. steverthebeaver81

    Ventilation suggestions needed!!!

    ^ what they said...
  13. steverthebeaver81

    Cloning Question: Please Read!

    Ok, so here is my question. Lets say you get a seed, say from a seedbank, or amazing grower, whatever. Its a reliable and awesome seed. Now you plant this seed, and its a female. You cut clones off of it, and keep one of the clones for the mother, and bloom the original. Beautiful plant, no...
  14. steverthebeaver81

    Multi Strain Medicinal Perpetual Grow

    The temps are gettin lower. Down to 83 as a max now, humidity is stayin in a good range. I flushed my S.A.G.E., and tonight ill be doin the same to my Jack Herer and then to my Kona.
  15. steverthebeaver81

    Flowering Period Light and Dark Times

    theres a few threads on it in here and they always turn into a large heated arguement. There are many good reasons for and many good reasons against, my main problem is the inconsistent times of day you could go in and look at them and assess things. Lights on would be at a different time every...
  16. steverthebeaver81

    Brown Dots on older leaves, and drooping off and on, PICS, Please Help

    and add somethin to the soil to actually get it to breath a little. ocean forest has a little bit of perlite, but you can add more, or coco coir, or hydroton, or even growing rocks. I plant mine with a small layer of soil in the bottom of the planter, then like a 2-inch layer of hydroton or...
  17. steverthebeaver81

    Brown Dots on older leaves, and drooping off and on, PICS, Please Help

    sounds like your doin fine on the watering, maybe just do it one day sooner, that will help prevent the drooping. As for flushing, yes do it again and with 3 time as much water as your container will hold. 6.5 is fine. I didnt mean to change that. sorry. then apply feeding at 1/4 strength, then...
  18. steverthebeaver81

    Brown Dots on older leaves, and drooping off and on, PICS, Please Help

    Just flush wit 3 times the amount of water as to what your container would hold, ie, if your growin in 1 gal pots, thats 3 gal pH adjusted water, and dont listen about your humidity. your good. This guy dont know, except about the repotting.